Class CloseableNamedAttributeProvider.FactoryBuilder<CONF_T extends org.ow2.authzforce.xmlns.pdp.ext.AbstractAttributeProvider>

  • Type Parameters:
    CONF_T - type of configuration (XML-schema-derived) This class follows the Step Factory Pattern to guide clients through the creation of the object in a particular sequence of method calls:

    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public abstract static class CloseableNamedAttributeProvider.FactoryBuilder<CONF_T extends org.ow2.authzforce.xmlns.pdp.ext.AbstractAttributeProvider>
    extends JaxbBoundPdpExtension<CONF_T>
    Builder that creates a dependency-aware AttributeProvider factory from parsing the attribute dependencies (attributes on which the Providers created by this factory will depend on to find their own supported attributes) declared in the XML configuration (possibly dynamic).
    • Constructor Detail

      • FactoryBuilder

        public FactoryBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public abstract CloseableNamedAttributeProvider.DependencyAwareFactory getInstance​(CONF_T configuration,
                                                                                           EnvironmentProperties environmentProperties)
                                                                                    throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates an attribute-dependency-aware AttributeProvider factory by inferring attribute dependencies (required attributes) from conf.
        configuration - configuration, that may define what attributes are required (dependency attributes)
        environmentProperties - global PDP configuration environment properties
        a factory aware of dependencies (required attributes) possibly inferred from input conf
        IllegalArgumentException - invalid {code configuration}