Interface SingleNamedAttributeProvider<AV extends AttributeValue>

  • public interface SingleNamedAttributeProvider<AV extends AttributeValue>
    "Named" Attribute Provider, similar to NamedAttributeProvider but provides one and only one named attribute, used for AttributeDesignator/AttributeSelector (ContextSelectorId) evaluation
    • Method Detail

      • getProvidedAttribute getProvidedAttribute()
        Returns the non-null AttributeDesignators provided/supported by this provider.
        the non-null supported AttributeDesignatorType
      • beginMultipleDecisionRequest

        default void beginMultipleDecisionRequest​(EvaluationContext mdpContext)
        When the Multiple Decision Profile is used, the PDP engine calls this method before evaluating the Individual Decision Requests of a given Multiple Decision request. This enables the attribute provider to set attributes and/or variables in the scope of the Multiple Decision Request, therefore reuse the same values in all its Individual Decision Requests. A typical use case is an AttributeProvider providing the current date/time which should be the same for all Individual Decision requests within the same Multiple Decision request in order to be consistent (e.g. AuthzForce built-in StandardEnvironmentAttributeProvider configured with override=true). In this case, the AttributeProvider may set the current date/time once and for all on the mdpContext for a given Multiple Decision request, and reuse it later for each Individual Decision context in get(EvaluationContext, Optional) .
        mdpContext - context of a Multiple Decision request evaluation, will be passed on as mdpContext argument of get(EvaluationContext, Optional) when Individual Decision requests are evaluated.