Interface CombiningAlgParameter<T extends Decidable>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - Type of combined element (Policy, Rule...) with which the CombinerParameters are associated

    public interface CombiningAlgParameter<T extends Decidable>
    Represents a set of CombinerParameters to a combining algorithm that may or may not be associated with a policy/rule
    • Method Detail

      • getCombinedElement

        T getCombinedElement()
        Returns the combined element. If null, it means, this CombinerElement (i.e. all its CombinerParameters) is not associated with a particular rule
        the combined element
      • getParameters

        List<ParameterAssignment> getParameters()
        Returns the CombinerParameterEvaluators associated with this element.
        a List of CombinerParameterEvaluators