Uses of Class

Packages that use Codec
org.owasp.esapi The ESAPI interfaces and Exception classes model the most important security functions to enterprise web applications. 
org.owasp.esapi.codecs This package contains codecs for application layer encoding/escaping schemes that can be used for both canonicalization and output encoding. 
org.owasp.esapi.reference This package contains reference implementations of the ESAPI interfaces. 

Uses of Codec in org.owasp.esapi

Methods in org.owasp.esapi with parameters of type Codec
 java.lang.String Encoder.encodeForOS(Codec codec, java.lang.String input)
          Encode for an operating system command shell according to the selected codec (appropriate codecs include the WindowsCodec and UnixCodec).
 java.lang.String Encoder.encodeForSQL(Codec codec, java.lang.String input)
          Encode input for use in a SQL query, according to the selected codec (appropriate codecs include the MySQLCodec and OracleCodec).
 ExecuteResult Executor.executeSystemCommand( executable, java.util.List params, workdir, Codec codec, boolean logParams, boolean redirectErrorStream)
          Executes a system command after checking that the executable exists and escaping all the parameters to ensure that injection is impossible.
 void PreparedString.set(int index, java.lang.String value, Codec codec)
          Set the parameter at index with supplied value using the supplied Codec to escape.

Constructors in org.owasp.esapi with parameters of type Codec
PreparedString(java.lang.String template, char parameterCharacter, Codec codec)
          Create a PreparedString with the supplied template, parameter placeholder character, and Codec.
PreparedString(java.lang.String template, Codec codec)
          Create a PreparedString with the supplied template and Codec.

Uses of Codec in org.owasp.esapi.codecs

Subclasses of Codec in org.owasp.esapi.codecs
 class CSSCodec
          Implementation of the Codec interface for backslash encoding used in CSS.
 class HTMLEntityCodec
          Implementation of the Codec interface for HTML entity encoding.
 class JavaScriptCodec
          Implementation of the Codec interface for backslash encoding in JavaScript.
 class MySQLCodec
          Implementation of the Codec interface for MySQL strings.
 class OracleCodec
          Implementation of the Codec interface for Oracle strings.
 class PercentCodec
          Implementation of the Codec interface for percent encoding (aka URL encoding).
 class UnixCodec
          Implementation of the Codec interface for '\' encoding from Unix command shell.
 class VBScriptCodec
          Implementation of the Codec interface for 'quote' encoding from VBScript.
 class WindowsCodec
          Implementation of the Codec interface for '^' encoding from Windows command shell.
 class XMLEntityCodec
          Implementation of the Codec interface for XML entity encoding.

Uses of Codec in org.owasp.esapi.reference

Methods in org.owasp.esapi.reference with parameters of type Codec
 java.lang.String DefaultEncoder.encodeForOS(Codec codec, java.lang.String input)
          Encode for an operating system command shell according to the selected codec (appropriate codecs include the WindowsCodec and UnixCodec).
 java.lang.String DefaultEncoder.encodeForSQL(Codec codec, java.lang.String input)
          Encode input for use in a SQL query, according to the selected codec (appropriate codecs include the MySQLCodec and OracleCodec).
 ExecuteResult DefaultExecutor.executeSystemCommand( executable, java.util.List params, workdir, Codec codec, boolean logParams, boolean redirectErrorStream)
          Executes a system command after checking that the executable exists and escaping all the parameters to ensure that injection is impossible. The reference implementation sets the work directory, escapes the parameters as per the Codec in use, and then executes the command without using concatenation.

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