Class ErrorReportingParseRunner<V>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ErrorReportingParseRunner

        public ErrorReportingParseRunner​(Rule rule,
                                         int errorIndex)
        Creates a new ErrorReportingParseRunner instance for the given rule and the given errorIndex.
        rule - the parser rule
        errorIndex - the index of the error to report
      • ErrorReportingParseRunner

        public ErrorReportingParseRunner​(Rule rule,
                                         int errorIndex,
                                         MatchHandler inner)
        Creates a new ErrorReportingParseRunner instance for the given rule and the given errorIndex. The given MatchHandler is used as a delegate for the actual match handling.
        rule - the parser rule
        errorIndex - the index of the error to report
        inner - another MatchHandler to delegate the actual match handling to, can be null
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public ParsingResult<V> run​(InputBuffer inputBuffer)
        Description copied from interface: ParseRunner
        Performs the actual parse and creates a corresponding ParsingResult instance.
        Specified by:
        run in interface ParseRunner<V>
        inputBuffer - the inputBuffer to use
        the ParsingResult for the run
      • match

        public boolean match​(MatcherContext<?> context)
        Description copied from interface: MatchHandler
        Runs the given MatcherContext.
        Specified by:
        match in interface MatchHandler
        context - the MatcherContext
        true if matched