Package org.partiql.ast.sql


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abstract class BlockBaseVisitor<R, C> : BlockVisitor<R, C>
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interface BlockVisitor<R, C>
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interface SqlBlock

Representation of some textual corpus; akin to Wadler's "A prettier printer" Document type.

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abstract class SqlDialect : AstBaseVisitor<SqlBlock, SqlBlock>

SqlDialect represents the base behavior for transforming an AstNode tree into a SqlBlock tree.

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abstract class SqlLayout

SqlLayout determines how an SqlBlock tree is transformed in SQL text.


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fun SqlBlock.sql(layout: SqlLayout = SqlLayout.DEFAULT): String

Write this SqlBlock tree as SQL text with the given SqlLayout.

fun AstNode.sql(layout: SqlLayout = SqlLayout.DEFAULT, dialect: SqlDialect = SqlDialect.PARTIQL): String

Pretty-print this AstNode as SQL text with the given SqlLayout