Package org.partiql.lang.ast


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data class AggregateCallSiteListMeta(aggregateCallSites: List<PartiqlAst.Expr.CallAgg>) : Meta

Contains references to each of the aggregate call-sites in a given Select.

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data class AggregateRegisterIdMeta(registerId: Int) : InternalMeta

Contains the register index allocated to a CallAgg.

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interface HasMetas

An interface that allows the creation of extension functions that operate on objects that contain an instance of MetaContainer.

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open class InternalMeta(tag: String) : Meta

Base class for Meta implementations which are used internally by org.partiql.lang.eval.EvaluatingCompiler during compilation and should never be serialized.

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class IsCountStarMeta : Meta
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class IsGroupAttributeReferenceMeta : Meta

Meta attached to an identifier when replacing the identifier with a reference to a group key variable declaration.

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class IsImplictJoinMeta : Meta

Meta node intended to be attached to an instance of FromSourcedJoin to indicate that no join condition was specified in the original query and therefore this is an implicit join.

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class IsIonLiteralMeta : Meta

Meta node intended to be attached to an instance of PartiqlAst.Expr.Lit to indicate that it was designated as an ionLiteral in the parsed statement.

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object IsListParenthesizedMeta : Meta

The IsListParenthesizedMeta is used to distinguish the two types of syntax's:

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object IsOrderedMeta : Meta

To reduce any extraneous passes over data, this Meta indicates whether the associated BindingsToValues Physical expression should be an ordered list or a bag.

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class IsPathIndexMeta : Meta

This is used by the PartiQLVisitor to determine whether the path step is of type index. This is because it is used to evaluate path expressions in FROM clauses in convertPathToProjectionItem(). This class exists because ANTLR first parses the path (and adds IsPathIndexMeta to any path step that uses indexing: AKA a0), and, upon visiting the path, we check that the path doesn't end with a .* and contains an index. The AST does not differentiate between different path steps, and therefore, this meta exists to aid in determining whether the projection item path is correct. Example:

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class IsSyntheticNameMeta : InternalMeta

Attached to SymbolPrimitive instances that were synthetically calculated based on context because they were not explicitly specified.

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class IsTransformedOrderByAliasMeta : Meta

A Meta to help the OrderBySortSpecVisitorTransform to know when the OrderBy SortSpec has already been transformed. It essentially helps to turn

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class IsValuesExprMeta : Meta

This is used because the IN Predicate requires that the RHS cannot be a SELECT expression or a VALUES expression. Therefore, attaching this to a VALUES expression (which is just a BAG in the AST) allows the PartiQLVisitor to differentiate between bags (specifically for the IN Predicate).

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class LegacyLogicalNotMeta : Meta

A legacy meta that is no longer used.

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interface Meta

The Meta interface is implemented by classes that provide an object mapping view to AST meta nodes. A "meta" is any arbitrary data that is to be associated with an AST node.

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data class SourceLocationMeta(lineNum: Long, charOffset: Long, length: Long) : Meta

Represents a specific location within a source file.

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data class StaticTypeMeta(type: StaticType) : Meta

Represents a static type for an AST element.

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data class UniqueNameMeta(uniqueName: String) : InternalMeta

Represents the unique name given to certain variables--allows alpha rename transforms to avoid capturing variables unintentionally.


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fun MetaContainer.add(meta: Meta): MetaContainer
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fun MetaContainer.find(tagName: String): Meta?
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fun MetaContainer.hasMeta(tagName: String): Boolean
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infix fun Class<*>.to(m: Meta): Pair<Class<*>, Meta>


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val MetaContainer.sourceLocation: SourceLocationMeta?
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