Package org.partiql.lang.errors


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enum ErrorCategory : Enum<ErrorCategory>

Categories for errors. Should map to stages in the Compiler and Evaluator.

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enum ErrorCode : Enum<ErrorCode>

Each ErrorCode contains an immutable set of Property. These are the properties used as keys in PropertyValueMap created at each error location.

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class PartiQLException(message: String) : RuntimeException

Base class for PartiQL Exceptions

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data class Problem(sourceLocation: SourceLocationMeta, details: ProblemDetails)

In general, a Problem is a semantic error or warning encountered during compilation of a query.

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interface ProblemDetails

Info related to the problem's severity and a human-readable message.

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interface ProblemHandler

Handles the encountered problem.

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enum ProblemSeverity : Enum<ProblemSeverity>

Property of ProblemDetails that represents the severity level.

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enum Property : Enum<Property>

Each possible value that can be reported as part of an error has a Property. Property is used as a key in PropertyValueMap.

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enum PropertyType : Enum<PropertyType>

A PropertyType is a top level type for all types of values that appear as properties in error codes. Clients can access the type (as a Class<*>) of a property's value through getType().

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abstract class PropertyValue(type: PropertyType)

A PropertyValue is the top level type for all values that appear as properties in error codes. For each type of value that can be a Property there is a method to allow clients to obtain the correctly typed value.

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class PropertyValueMap(map: EnumMap<Property, PropertyValue>)

A typed map of properties used to capture an contextual information about an error.