Package org.partiql.lang.mappers


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class IonSchemaMapper(staticType: StaticType)

This class transforms a StaticType into an ISL schema with one or more top-level type definitions.

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class StaticTypeMapper(schema: IonSchemaModel.Schema)

This class is responsible for mapping Ion Schema type definition(s) to PartiQL StaticType(s) using an instance of IonSchemaModel.Schema (schema model generated by Ion Schema Library)

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class TypeNotFoundException(name: String, message: String) : RuntimeException

Exception for cases when an expected ISL type definition is not found.


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fun StaticType.getBaseTypeName(): String

Convenience method to get the name of an ISL core type corresponding to given StaticType Note that "missing" and "bag" are not valid ISL 1.0 core types but are added here for completeness