Package org.partiql.lang.planner.transforms


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object AstToPlan

Translate the PIG AST to an implementation of the PartiQL Plan Representation.

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object PartiQLSchemaInferencer

Vends functions, such as infer, to infer the output StaticType of a PartiQL query.

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class PlannerSession(queryId: String, userId: String, currentCatalog: String?, currentDirectory: List<String>, catalogConfig: Map<String, StructElement>, instant: Instant)

Contains session information for the purposes of planning.


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fun PartiqlPhysical.Expr.isLitTrue(): Boolean

Returns true if the receiver is (lit true).

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fun PartiqlAst.Statement.normalize(): PartiqlAst.Statement

Executes several Visitor Transforms on the AST


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const val PLAN_VERSION_NUMBER: String

This is the semantic version number of the logical and physical plans supported by this version of PartiQL. This deals only with compatibility of trees that have been persisted as s-expressions with their PIG-generated classes. The format is: <major>.<minor>. One or both of these will need to be changed when the following events happen: