
interface PartiQLPlanner

PartiQLPlanner is responsible for transforming a PartiqlAst.Statement representation of a query into an equivalent PartiqlPhysical.Plan representation of the query.


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object Companion
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class Options(allowedUndefinedVariables: Boolean, typedOpBehavior: TypedOpBehavior)

Options which control PartiQLPlanner behavior.

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data class PlanningDetails(ast: PartiqlAst.Statement?, astNormalized: PartiqlAst.Statement?, logical: PartiqlLogical.Plan?, logicalResolved: PartiqlLogicalResolved.Plan?, physical: PartiqlPhysical.Plan?, physicalTransformed: PartiqlPhysical.Plan?)
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sealed class Result

TODO move Result.Success/Result.Error variant to the PartiQLCompiler


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abstract fun plan(statement: PartiqlAst.Statement): PartiQLPlanner.Result

Transforms the given statement to an equivalent expression tree with each SELECT-FROM-WHERE block expanded into its relational algebra form.