Package org.partiql.lang


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interface CompilerPipeline

CompilerPipeline is the main interface for compiling PartiQL queries into instances of Expression which can be executed.

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typealias ProcessingStep = (PartiqlAst.Statement, StepContext) -> PartiqlAst.Statement

ProcessingStep functions accept an PartiqlAst.Statement and StepContext as an arguments and processes them in some way and then returns either the original PartiqlAst.Statement or a modified PartiqlAst.Statement.

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open class SqlException(message: String, errorCode: ErrorCode, errorContext: PropertyValueMap, cause: Throwable?) : RuntimeException

General exception class for the interpreter.

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data class StepContext(compileOptions: CompileOptions, functions: @JvmSuppressWildcards Map<String, ExprFunction>, procedures: @JvmSuppressWildcards Map<String, StoredProcedure>)

Contains all information needed for processing steps.