Package org.partiql.lang.eval


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interface Addressed

Facet for a value to indicate that it has an application-defined "address" for this value.

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sealed class Arguments
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abstract class BaseExprValue : ExprValue

Base implementation of ExprValue that provides a bare minimum implementation of a value.

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enum BindingCase : Enum<BindingCase>

Indicates if the lookup of a particular binding should be case-sensitive or not.

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data class BindingName(name: String, bindingCase: BindingCase)

Encapsulates the data necessary to perform a binding lookup.

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interface Bindings<T>

A mapping of name to ExprValue.

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data class CompileOptions

Specifies options that effect the behavior of the PartiQL compiler.

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data class CoverageData(branchConditionCount: CoverageData.ExecutionCount, branchCount: CoverageData.ExecutionCount)

Represents the execution data of a PartiQL Statement as it relates to Code Coverage. This structure specifically represents the aggregation of data of a particular statement. For example, a PartiQL Statement containing a single boolean expression would be represented with a CoverageStructure containing two branches. However, upon execution of the Expression, this structure (CoverageData) will be populated with information related to which branches were taken and their frequency. If the execution of a compiler query results in only a single branch being taken, this class shall reflect that.

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data class CoverageStructure(branches: Map<String, CoverageStructure.Branch>, branchConditions: Map<String, CoverageStructure.BranchCondition>)

Represents the static structure of a compiled Expression. This structure is distinct from the execution data found within CoverageData.

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open class EvaluationException(message: String, errorCode: ErrorCode, errorContext: PropertyValueMap, cause: Throwable?, internal: Boolean) : SqlException

Error for evaluation problems.

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class EvaluationSession

Evaluation Session. Holds user defined constants used during evaluation. Each value has a default value that can be overridden by the client

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interface Expression

An expression that can be evaluated to ExprValue.

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interface ExprFunction

Represents a function that can be invoked from within an EvaluatingCompiler compiled Expression.

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interface ExprValue : Iterable<ExprValue> , Faceted

Representation of a value within the context of an Expression.

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fun interface ExprValueBagOp

Evaluable representation of PartiQL bag operators.

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enum ExprValueType : Enum<ExprValueType>

The core types of ExprValue that exist within the type system of the evaluator. There is a correspondence to IonType, but it isn't quite one-to-one.

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class MapBindings<T>(originalCaseMap: Map<String, T>) : Bindings<T>

A Bindings implementation that is backed by a Map.

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interface Named

Facet for a value to indicate that it either has a name within some context or an ordinal position.

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Provides a total, natural ordering over ExprValue. This ordering is consistent with ExprValue.exprEquals with the exception that NULL and MISSING compare with themselves and have order. PartiQL treats Ion typed nulls as NULL for the purposes of comparisons and Ion annotations are not considered for comparison purposes.

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interface OrderedBindNames

Facet to provide an ordered list of String names that are directly bound to a given ExprValue.

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interface OrdinalBindings

A simple mapping of ordinal index to ExprValue.

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sealed class PartiQLResult

Result of an evaluated PartiQLStatement.

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fun interface PartiQLStatement

A compiled PartiQL statement

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Controls the behavior of ExprValue.iterator in the projection result. For the query Select a,b,c From <<{a:null, c:3}>>;

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data class RequiredArgs(required: List<ExprValue>) : Arguments
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data class RequiredWithOptional(required: List<ExprValue>, opt: ExprValue) : Arguments
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data class RequiredWithVariadic(required: List<ExprValue>, variadic: List<ExprValue>) : Arguments
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interface Scalar

Represents a scalar view over an ExprValue.

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enum StructOrdering : Enum<StructOrdering>

Indicates if a struct is ordered or not.

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data class ThunkOptions

Options for thunk construction.

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enum ThunkReturnTypeAssertions : Enum<ThunkReturnTypeAssertions>

When ENABLED, the compiler adds additional evaluation-time checks to every thunk that verify that the ExprValue instance returned conforms to the expected org.partiql.types.StaticType.

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enum TypedOpBehavior : Enum<TypedOpBehavior>

Indicates how CAST should behave.

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enum TypingMode : Enum<TypingMode>

Indicates how the evaluator is to handle type checking errors and how MISSING values are propagated when encountered while evaluating binary operators and function calls.

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enum UndefinedVariableBehavior : Enum<UndefinedVariableBehavior>

Defines the behavior when a non-existent variable is referenced.

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enum VisitorTransformMode : Enum<VisitorTransformMode>

Controls the behavior of intrinsic AST visitor transforms with EvaluatingCompiler.compile.


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fun ExprValue.asNamed(): Named

Wraps this ExprValue as a Named instance.

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fun ExprValue.booleanValue(): Boolean
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fun ExprValue.bytesValue(): ByteArray
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fun EvaluationSession, args: List<ExprValue>): ExprValue

Invokes the function.

fun EvaluationSession, args: Arguments): ExprValue
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fun ExprValue.cast(targetType: SingleType, typedOpBehavior: TypedOpBehavior, locationMeta: SourceLocationMeta?, defaultTimezoneOffset: ZoneOffset): ExprValue

Casts this ExprValue to the target type.

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operator fun ExprValue.compareTo(other: ExprValue): Int

Provides the comparison predicate--which is not a total ordering.

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fun ExprValue.dateValue(): LocalDate
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fun <T> Bindings<T>.delegate(fallback: Bindings<T>): Bindings<T>

Wraps these Bindings to delegate lookup to another instance when lookup on this one fails.

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fun Sequence<ExprValue>.distinct(): Sequence<ExprValue>
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fun errorContextFrom(metaContainer: MetaContainer?): PropertyValueMap

Returns the SourceLocationMeta as an error context if the SourceLocationMeta.TAG exists in the passed metaContainer. Otherwise, returns an empty map.

fun errorContextFrom(location: SourceLocationMeta?): PropertyValueMap
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fun ExprValue.exprEquals(other: ExprValue): Boolean

Provides the default equality function.

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fun PartiqlAst.Expr.extractColumnAlias(idx: Int): String

Determines an appropriate column name for the given PartiqlAst.Expr.

fun PartiqlAst.Expr.Path.extractColumnAlias(idx: Int): String

Returns the name of the last component if it is a string literal, otherwise returns the column index prefixed with _.

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fun fillErrorContext(errorContext: PropertyValueMap, location: SourceLocationMeta?)
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fun Sequence<ExprValue>.multiplicities(): TreeMap<ExprValue, Int>
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fun ExprValue.namedValue(nameValue: ExprValue): ExprValue

Binds the given name value as a Named facet delegate over this ExprValue.

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fun ExprValue.numberValue(): Number
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fun ExprValue.orderedNamesValue(names: List<String>): ExprValue

Wraps the given ExprValue with a delegate that provides the OrderedBindNames facet.

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fun ExprValue.rangeOver(): Iterable<ExprValue>

Implements the FROM range operation. Specifically, this is distinct from the normal ExprValue.iterator in that types that are notExprValueType.isRangeFrom get treated as a singleton as per PartiQL specification.

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fun ExprValue.stringify(): String

A very simple string representation--to be used for diagnostic purposes only.

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fun ExprValue.stringValue(): String
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fun syntheticColumnName(col: Int): String

Constructs the column name based on the zero-based index of that column.

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fun ExprValue.timestampValue(): Timestamp
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fun ExprValue.timeValue(): Time
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fun PartiqlAst.CaseSensitivity.toBindingCase(): BindingCase

Converts a CaseSensitivity to a BindingCase.

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fun ExprValue.toIonValue(ion: IonSystem): IonValue

This method should only be used in case we want to get result from querying an Ion file or an IonValue

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fun ExprValue.unnamedValue(): ExprValue

Wraps this ExprValue in a delegate that always masks the Named facet.


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val ExprValue.address: ExprValue?
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const val BAG_ANNOTATION: String
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const val DATE_ANNOTATION: String
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val DEFAULT_COMPARATOR: NaturalExprValueComparators
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const val GRAPH_ANNOTATION: String
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const val MISSING_ANNOTATION: String
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val ExprValue?
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val ExprValue.orderedNames: List<String>?
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const val TIME_ANNOTATION: String