Package org.partiql.lang.graph


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enum DirSpec : Enum<DirSpec>

Specification of an edge direction. The boolean fields at the enum values capture their semantics in a way that is useful for "compiling" them to graph scans.

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data class EdgeSpec(binder: Variable?, label: LabelSpec, dir: DirSpec) : ElemSpec
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sealed class ElemSpec
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abstract class ExternalGraphException(message: String) : RuntimeException
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object ExternalGraphReader

A validator and reader for external graphs represented in Ion in accordance with the graph.isl schema.

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object GpmlTranslator

Translate an AST graph pattern into a "plan spec" to be executed by the graph engine. Currently, the only non-trivial aspect is making sure (in normalizeElemList) that node and edge elements alternate. This (as well as the plan specs) is expected to become more sophisticated as more graph pattern features are supported (esp. quantifiers and alternation).

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interface Graph

This is an "external" interface to a graph data value, providing functionality needed for a pattern-matching processor. The intent is to come up with something that can be implemented by different "platforms" in different ways. There are only minimal assumptions about the underlying implementation of graph nodes and edges: they must provide access to labels and payloads and the == equality must distinguish and equate them properly. In particular, there is no node-edge-node "pointer" navigation. The graph's structure is exposed only through the "scan" functions for getting adjacent nodes and edges satisfying certain criteria.

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object GraphEngine
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class GraphIonException(message: String) : ExternalGraphException
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class GraphReadException(message: String) : ExternalGraphException
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class GraphValidationException(message: String) : ExternalGraphException
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sealed class LabelSpec

Label specifications for selecting graph elements (nodes or edges) based on labels at them.

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data class MatchResult(specs: List<StrideSpec>, result: List<List<Stride>>)

The result of matching specs, a list of stride specs derived from a list of path patterns. The result is a "table" where each "column" is headed by a stride spec from specs and contains matching strides. That is, each row contains strides matching each stride spec.

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data class MatchSpec(strides: List<StrideSpec>)

Translation of a graph match pattern -- a collection of path patterns -- into a "plan" for GraphEngine.

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data class NodeSpec(binder: Variable?, label: LabelSpec) : ElemSpec
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A straightforward implementation of in-memory graphs.

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data class StepSpec(dirSpec: DirSpec, tripleSpec: Triple<LabelSpec, LabelSpec, LabelSpec>)

A step in a graph is a triple of adjacent node, edge, node. A StepSpec describes a set of steps of interest.

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data class Stride(elems: List<Graph.Elem>)

A stride is a sequence like node, edge, node, edge, ..., node that is, strictly alternating nodes and edges, starting and ending with a node. It is used as an intermediate step in computing path matches.

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data class StrideJoin(left: StrideTree, right: StrideTree) : StrideTree
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data class StrideLeaf(stride: StrideSpec) : StrideTree
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data class StrideResult(spec: StrideSpec, result: Set<Stride>)

The result of matching a StrideSpec in a graph. Each Stride in result is one valid match for spec. Keeping spec within the result is for maintaining the association between Variables and graph elements in result that the variables matched.

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data class StrideSpec(elems: List<ElemSpec>)

Translation of a path pattern into a "plan" for GraphEngine.

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sealed class StrideTree

A StrideTree is a plan for computing matches for a stride. Joins needed to compute a stride can be performed in different orders; a StrideTree represents a chosen order.

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typealias Variable = String

A variable in a graph pattern binding a node or an edge.