Package org.partiql.lang.types


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data class CustomType(name: String, typedOpParameter: TypedOpParameter, aliases: List<String>)

Data class enclosing the custom data type. It has the following properties:

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class FunctionSignature(name: String, requiredParameters: List<StaticType>, returnType: StaticType, unknownArguments: UnknownArguments)

A typed version of function signature.

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object StaticTypeUtils
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data class TypedOpParameter(staticType: StaticType, validationThunk: (ExprValue) -> Boolean?)

Represents a parameter that can be passed to typed operators i.e CAST/IS

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enum UnknownArguments : Enum<UnknownArguments>

Indicates if a given function should allow unknown values to be propagated at evaluation time.

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data class VarargFormalParameter(type: StaticType, arityRange: IntRange)

Represents a variable number of arguments function parameter. Varargs are monomorpic, i.e. all elements are of the same type