Package org.partiql.lang.planner


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enum DmlAction : Enum<DmlAction>

Identifies the action to take. TODO This should be represented in the IR grammar -

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data class EvaluatorOptions

Specifies options that effect the behavior of the PartiQL physical plan evaluator.

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sealed class GlobalResolutionResult

Indicates the result of an attempt to resolve a global variable to its supplied unique identifier supplied by the application embedding PartiQL.

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fun interface GlobalVariableResolver

Resolves global variables (usually tables) of the current database.

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fun interface PartiQLPhysicalPass : PartiQLPlannerPass<PartiqlPhysical.Plan>
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interface PartiQLPlanner

PartiQLPlanner is responsible for transforming a PartiqlAst.Statement representation of a query into an equivalent PartiqlPhysical.Plan representation of the query.

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class PartiQLPlannerBuilder

Builder class to instantiate a PartiQLPlanner.

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fun interface PartiQLPlannerPass<T : DomainNode>

PartiQLPlannerPass is a transformation of the plan representation of a PartiQL query.

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data class PlannerEvent(eventName: String, input: Any, output: Any, duration: Duration)

Information about a planner event.

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typealias PlannerEventCallback = (PlannerEvent) -> Unit

Called by PartiQLPlanner after a phase of query planning has completed.

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sealed class PlanningProblemDetails : ProblemDetails

Contains detailed information about errors that may occur during query planning.

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fun interface QueryPlan

A query plan that has been compiled and is ready to be evaluated.

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sealed class QueryResult
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fun interface StaticTypeResolver

Identifies a global variable's type, given its uniqueId.


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fun ProblemHandler.handleUnimplementedFeature(blame: DomainNode, featureName: String)

Convenience function that logs PlanningProblemDetails.UnimplementedFeature to the receiver ProblemHandler handler, putting blame on the specified DomainNode (this is the superclass of all PIG-generated types). "Blame" in this case, means that the line & column number in the metas of blame become the problem's.