Interface SymmetricKeyAlgorithmNegotiator

  • public interface SymmetricKeyAlgorithmNegotiator
    Interface for symmetric key algorithm negotiation.
    • Method Detail

      • negotiate

        SymmetricKeyAlgorithm negotiate​(Policy.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmPolicy policy,
                                        SymmetricKeyAlgorithm override,
                                        java.util.List<java.util.Set<SymmetricKeyAlgorithm>> keyPreferences)
        Negotiate a symmetric encryption algorithm. If the override is non-null, it will be returned instead of performing an actual negotiation. Otherwise, the list of ordered sets containing the preferences of different recipient keys will be used to determine a suitable symmetric encryption algorithm.
        policy - algorithm policy
        override - algorithm override (if not null, return this)
        keyPreferences - list of preferences per key
        negotiated algorithm
      • byPopularity

        static SymmetricKeyAlgorithmNegotiator byPopularity()
        Return an instance that negotiates a SymmetricKeyAlgorithm by selecting the most popular acceptable algorithm from the list of preferences. This negotiator has the best chances to select an algorithm which is understood by all recipients.
        negotiator that selects by popularity