
class Repeat[+T] extends Parser[List[T]]

Parser implementation for repeatedly applying the specified base parser until it fails.

By default the parser allows for any number of successful parser invocations, including empty results. Use of the min, max and take methods allows to apply additional constrains on the expected number of results.

Linear Supertypes
Parser[List[T]], AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Repeat
  2. Parser
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new Repeat(parser: Parser[T], min: Int = 0, max: Int = Int.MaxValue, sep: Option[Parser[Unit]] = None)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def *: Repeat[List[T]]

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser.

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser. It will always succeed, potentially with an empty list as the result.

    Definition Classes
  4. def +: Repeat[List[T]]

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser (at least once).

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser (at least once).

    Definition Classes
  5. def <~[U](p: Parser[U]): Parser[List[T]]

    Applies the specified parser to the input left over by this parser, but only keeps the left result.

    Applies the specified parser to the input left over by this parser, but only keeps the left result.

    a <~ b only succeeds if both parsers succeed.

    Definition Classes
  6. def <~(value: String): Parser[List[T]]

    Attempts to parse the specified literal string from the input left over by this parser, but only keeps the left result.

    Attempts to parse the specified literal string from the input left over by this parser, but only keeps the left result.

    a <~ b only succeeds if both parsers succeed.

    Definition Classes
  7. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. def >>[U](fq: (List[T]) => Parser[U]): Parser[U]

    Operator synonym for flatMap.

    Operator synonym for flatMap.

    Definition Classes
  9. def ?: Parser[Option[List[T]]]

    Returns a parser that optionally parses what this parser parses.

    Returns a parser that optionally parses what this parser parses.

    Definition Classes
  10. def ^^[U](f: (List[T]) => U): Parser[U]

    A synonym for map, allowing the grammar to be declared in a concise way.

    A synonym for map, allowing the grammar to be declared in a concise way.

    Definition Classes
  11. def as[U](v: => U): Parser[U]

    Returns a parser that ignores the result of this parser (if it succeeds) and returns the specified result instead.

    Returns a parser that ignores the result of this parser (if it succeeds) and returns the specified result instead.

    Subclasses may override this method to avoid any expensive result processing.

    Definition Classes
  12. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  13. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  14. def collect[U, V >: List[T]](f: PartialFunction[List[T], U], error: (V) => String = (r:V) => s"Constructor function not defined at $r"): Parser[U]

    Returns a parser that applies a partial function to the result of this parser.

    Returns a parser that applies a partial function to the result of this parser.

    p.collect(f) succeeds if p succeeds and f is defined at the result of p, In that case it returns f applied to the result of p.


    a partial function that will be applied to this parser's result.


    an optional function that takes the same argument as f and produces an error message.

    Definition Classes
  15. def count: Parser[Int]

    Returns a parser that produces the number of characters consumed by this parser while discarding the original result.

    Returns a parser that produces the number of characters consumed by this parser while discarding the original result.

    Definition Classes
  16. def cursor: Parser[SourceFragment]

    Provides a cursor over the input consumed by this parser while discarding the actual result.

    Provides a cursor over the input consumed by this parser while discarding the actual result. Use withCursor if you also need access to the result.

    This is required for parsers that create AST nodes that need to be resolved in a rewrite step and need to report the source location in case of failure. It is also required when passing a result of a first-pass parser to a recursive parser to preserve line positions.

    Definition Classes
  17. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  18. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  19. def evalMap[U](f: (List[T]) => Either[String, U]): Parser[U]

    Returns a parser that applies a function to the result of this parser producing an Either where Left is interpreted as failure.

    Returns a parser that applies a function to the result of this parser producing an Either where Left is interpreted as failure. It is an alternative to ^? for scenarios where the conditional check cannot be easily performed in a pattern match.

    p.evalMap(f) succeeds if p succeeds and f returns a Right when applied to the result of p.

    Definition Classes
  20. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  21. def flatMap[U](f: (List[T]) => Parser[U]): Parser[U]

    Builds a new parser by applying the specified function to the result of this parser and subsequently applying the parser returned by that function to the input left over by this parser.

    Builds a new parser by applying the specified function to the result of this parser and subsequently applying the parser returned by that function to the input left over by this parser.

    Definition Classes
  22. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  23. def handleErrorWith[U >: List[T]](f: (Failure) => Parser[U]): Parser[U]

    Handle any error, potentially recovering from it, by mapping it to a new parser that will be applied at the same starting position than the failing parser.

    Handle any error, potentially recovering from it, by mapping it to a new parser that will be applied at the same starting position than the failing parser.

    This is similar to the orElse or | method, but allows the alternative parser to inspect the error of the preceding one.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    recoverWith to recover from only certain errors.

  24. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  25. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  26. def map[U](f: (List[T]) => U): Parser[U]

    Builds a new parser by applying the specified function to the result of this parser.

    Builds a new parser by applying the specified function to the result of this parser.

    Definition Classes
  27. def max(num: Int): Repeat[T]

    Specifies a maximum number of successful invocations.

    Specifies a maximum number of successful invocations. When this number is reached, this parser will stop invoking the base parser even if it would be able to produce more results.

  28. def min(num: Int): Repeat[T]

    Specifies a minimum number of successful invocations.

    Specifies a minimum number of successful invocations. If the base parser fails before reaching this number of results, this parser will fail.

  29. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  30. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  31. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  32. def orElse[U >: List[T]](p0: => Parser[U]): Parser[U]

    Applies the specified parser when this parser fails.

    Applies the specified parser when this parser fails.

    a orElse b succeeds if either of the parsers succeeds.

    In case both parsers fail, the Failure instance will be from the parser with the most successfully read characters. In the case of multiple failures having the same number of characters, the one with the highest precedence (this parser) will be chosen.

    Implementation note: The parameter is by-name to allow the definition of recursive parsers. In contrast to the former SDK parser combinators this is the only place where a parser with a by-name parameter is used whereas in all other places the additional cost is avoided.

    Definition Classes
  33. def parse(source: SourceCursor): Parsed[List[T]]

    Parses the string content in the specified context and returns the result.

    Parses the string content in the specified context and returns the result.

    This is the only abstract method in Parser that concrete implementations need to implement.

    Definition Classes
  34. def parse(in: String): Parsed[List[T]]

    Parses the specified string and returns the result.

    Parses the specified string and returns the result.

    Definition Classes
  35. def recoverWith[U >: List[T]](pf: PartialFunction[Failure, Parser[U]]): Parser[U]

    Handle certain errors, potentially recovering from it, by mapping them to a new parser that will be applied at the same starting position than the failing parser.

    Handle certain errors, potentially recovering from it, by mapping them to a new parser that will be applied at the same starting position than the failing parser.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    handleErrorWith to handle any/all errors.

  36. def rep(separator: String): Repeat[List[T]]

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser with the specified separator string between those invocations.

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser with the specified separator string between those invocations.

    p.rep(sep).min(1) is equivalent to (p ~ (sep ~> p).rep).concat.

    The returned parser offers an API to specify further constraints like min or max.

    Definition Classes
  37. def rep(separator: Parser[Unit]): Repeat[List[T]]

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser with the specified separator parser between those invocations.

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser with the specified separator parser between those invocations.

    p.rep(sep).min(1) is equivalent to (p ~ (sep ~> p).rep).concat.

    The returned parser offers an API to specify further constraints like min or max.

    Definition Classes
  38. def rep: Repeat[List[T]]

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser.

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser. The returned parser offers an API to specify further constraints like min or max.

    Definition Classes
  39. def repUntil[U](endCondition: Parser[U]): Parser[(List[List[T]], Option[U])]

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser until either this parser fails or the specified end condition is met.

    Returns a parser that repeatedly applies this parser until either this parser fails or the specified end condition is met. The end condition will be applied after each successful invocation of this parser.

    The result of the returned parser is a tuple consisting of the list containing the result of the invocations of this parser plus the result of the end condition. The latter is returned as an Option as it might be empty when the parsing finished because of this parser failing.

    Note that it is more convenient to include the end condition in the repeating parser itself and use the simpler rep method. This combinator is an alternative if you need to know the result of the end condition.

    Definition Classes
  40. def repWith[U >: List[T]](next: (U) => Parser[U]): Parser[List[U]]

    Returns a parser that invokes the specified function repeatedly, passing the result of this parser if it succeeds, to produce new parsers that get applied until one of them fails.

    Returns a parser that invokes the specified function repeatedly, passing the result of this parser if it succeeds, to produce new parsers that get applied until one of them fails.

    The result of the returned parser is a list containing the result of this parser (if it succeeds) plus the results of successful invocations of the parsers returned by the specified function.

    Definition Classes
  41. def source: Parser[String]

    Retrieves the part of the input consumed by this parser while discarding the result.

    Retrieves the part of the input consumed by this parser while discarding the result.

    This is useful in scenarios where many string-based parsers are combined and produce a deeply nested result like String ~ Option[String] ~ List[String] where it would require some boilerplate to concatenate the results. Using the source method, the entire text consumed by this combination of parsers will be returned.

    If you also need the position within the input or need to pass the result to a recursive parser manually, use the cursor method instead.

    Definition Classes
  42. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  43. def take(num: Int): Repeat[T]

    Specifies the exact number of successful invocations, a shortcut for .min(num).max(num).

    Specifies the exact number of successful invocations, a shortcut for .min(num).max(num).

    If the base parser fails before reaching the minimum number of results, this parser will fail. When the maximum number is reached, this parser will stop invoking the base parser even if it would be able to produce more results.

  44. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  45. def void: Parser[Unit]

    Discards the result of a successful parser.

    Discards the result of a successful parser.

    Definition Classes
  46. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  47. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  48. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  49. def withCursor: Parser[(List[T], SourceFragment)]

    Provides the result of this parser together with a cursor over the input, capturing the consumed source string and its position within the root input.

    Provides the result of this parser together with a cursor over the input, capturing the consumed source string and its position within the root input. Use cursor if you do not need access to the actual result.

    This is required for parsers that create AST nodes that need to be resolved in a rewrite step and need to report the source location in case of failure. It is also required when passing a result of a first-pass parser to a recursive parser to preserve line positions.

    Definition Classes
  50. def withFailureMessage(msg: String): Parser[List[T]]

    Changes the failure message produced by a parser.

    Changes the failure message produced by a parser.

    Definition Classes
  51. def |(value: String)(implicit ev: <:<[List[T], String]): Parser[String]

    Attempts to parse the specified literal string when this parser fails.

    Attempts to parse the specified literal string when this parser fails.

    a | b succeeds if either of the parsers succeeds.

    Definition Classes
  52. def |[U >: List[T]](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U]

    Applies the specified parser when this parser fails.

    Applies the specified parser when this parser fails.

    a | b succeeds if either of the parsers succeeds.

    Implementation note: The parameter is by-name to allow the definition of recursive parsers. In contrast to the former SDK parser combinators this is the only place where a parser with a by-name parameter is used whereas in all other places the additional cost is avoided.

    Definition Classes
  53. def ~[U](p: Parser[U]): Parser[~[List[T], U]]

    Applies the specified parser to the input left over by this parser and combines the two results.

    Applies the specified parser to the input left over by this parser and combines the two results.

    a ~ b only succeeds if both parsers succeed, with the results in a wrapper class named ~ for convenient pattern matching:

    a ~ b ~ c ^^ {
      case a ~ b ~ c => processResult(a, b, c)
    Definition Classes
  54. def ~(value: String): Parser[~[List[T], String]]

    Attempts to parse the specified literal string from the input left over by this parser and combines the two results.

    Attempts to parse the specified literal string from the input left over by this parser and combines the two results.

    a ~ b only succeeds if both parsers succeed, with the results in a wrapper class named ~ for convenient pattern matching:

    a ~ b ~ c ^^ {
      case a ~ b ~ c => processResult(a, b, c)
    Definition Classes
  55. def ~>[U](p: Parser[U]): Parser[U]

    Applies the specified parser to the input left over by this parser, but only keeps the right result.

    Applies the specified parser to the input left over by this parser, but only keeps the right result.

    a ~> b only succeeds if both parsers succeed.

    Definition Classes
  56. def ~>(value: String): Parser[String]

    Attempts to parse the specified literal string from the input left over by this parser, but only keeps the right result.

    Attempts to parse the specified literal string from the input left over by this parser, but only keeps the right result.

    a ~> b only succeeds if both parsers succeed.

    Definition Classes

Inherited from Parser[List[T]]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
