case class OAuth1Settings(requestTokenURL: String, accessTokenURL: String, authorizationURL: String, callbackURL: String, apiURL: Option[String], consumerKey: String, consumerSecret: String)
The OAuth1 settings.
Value parameters
- accessTokenURL
The access token URL provided by the OAuth provider.
- apiURL
The URL to fetch the profile from the API. Can be used to override the default URL hardcoded in every provider implementation.
- authorizationURL
The authorization URL provided by the OAuth provider.
- callbackURL
The callback URL to the application after a successful authentication on the OAuth provider. The URL can be a relative path which will be resolved against the current request's host.
- consumerKey
The consumer ID provided by the OAuth provider.
- consumerSecret
The consumer secret provided by the OAuth provider.
- requestTokenURL
The request token URL provided by the OAuth provider.
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
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