
See theAccumulator companion object
sealed trait Accumulator[-E, +A]

An accumulator of elements into a future of a result.

This is essentially a lightweight wrapper around a Sink that gets materialised to a Future, but provides convenient methods for working directly with that future as well as transforming the input.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def asJava: Accumulator[E, A]

Convert this accumulator to a Java Accumulator.

Convert this accumulator to a Java Accumulator.



The Java accumulator.

def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Accumulator[E, B]

Map the result of this accumulator to something else.

Map the result of this accumulator to something else.


def mapFuture[B](f: A => Future[B])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Accumulator[E, B]

Map the result of this accumulator to a future of something else.

Map the result of this accumulator to a future of something else.


def recover[B >: A](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, B])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Accumulator[E, B]

Recover from errors encountered by this accumulator.

Recover from errors encountered by this accumulator.


def recoverWith[B >: A](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Future[B]])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Accumulator[E, B]

Recover from errors encountered by this accumulator.

Recover from errors encountered by this accumulator.


def run(source: Source[E, _])(implicit materializer: Materializer): Future[A]

Run this accumulator by feeding in the given source.

Run this accumulator by feeding in the given source.


def run()(implicit materializer: Materializer): Future[A]

Run this accumulator by feeding nothing into it.

Run this accumulator by feeding nothing into it.


def run(elem: E)(implicit materializer: Materializer): Future[A]

Run this accumulator by feeding a single element into it.

Run this accumulator by feeding a single element into it.


def through[F](flow: Flow[F, E, _]): Accumulator[F, A]

Return a new accumulator that first feeds the input through the given flow before it goes through this accumulator.

Return a new accumulator that first feeds the input through the given flow before it goes through this accumulator.


def toSink: Sink[E, Future[A]]

Convert this accumulator to a Sink that gets materialised to a Future.

Convert this accumulator to a Sink that gets materialised to a Future.


Concrete methods

def ~>:[F](flow: Flow[F, E, _]): Accumulator[F, A]

Right associative operator alias for through.

Right associative operator alias for through.

This can be used for a more fluent DSL that matches the flow of the data, for example:

 val intAccumulator: Accumulator[Int, Unit] = ...
 val toInt = Flow[String].map(_.toInt)
 val stringAccumulator = toInt ~>: intAccumulator


def ~>:(source: Source[E, _])(implicit materializer: Materializer): Future[A]

Right associative operator alias for run.

Right associative operator alias for run.

This can be used for a more fluent DSL that matches the flow of the data, for example:

 val intAccumulator: Accumulator[Int, Int] = ...
 val source = Source(1 to 3)
 val intFuture = source ~>: intAccumulator
