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AbstractAnnotatedTree<T> - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Basic implementation of an AnnotatedTree.
AbstractAnnotatedTree(Metadata, AnnotatedTree<?>...) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
AbstractAnnotatedTree(Metadata, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
AbstractComparableDeviceUID<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl
Simple container class for immutable, comparable UIDs.
AbstractComparableDeviceUID(T) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractComparableDeviceUID
AbstractExecutionContext - Class in org.protelis.vm.impl
Partial implementation of ExecutionContext, containing functionality expected to be shared between most implementations.
AbstractExecutionContext(ExecutionEnvironment, NetworkManager) - Constructor for class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
Create a new AbstractExecutionContext.
AbstractField - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl
Core functionality for implementing a field.
AbstractField() - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractField
AbstractSATree<S,T> - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Basic implementation of a SuperscriptedAnnotatedTree.
AbstractSATree(Metadata, AnnotatedTree<?>...) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractSATree
AbstractSATree(Metadata, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractSATree
addSample(DeviceUID, Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
Add a neighbor/value pair to this Field.
addSample(DeviceUID, Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
AlignedMap - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Operation evaluating a collection of expressions associated with keys, such as a set of publish-subscribe streams.
AlignedMap(Metadata, AnnotatedTree<Field>, AnnotatedTree<FunctionDefinition>, AnnotatedTree<FunctionDefinition>, AnnotatedTree<?>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
All - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Evaluate a sequence of statements, returning the value of the last statement.
All(Metadata, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.All
Block of statements.
all(Field, DeviceUID) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
and(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
AnnotatedTree<T> - Interface in org.protelis.lang.interpreter
Data structure representing the field calculus semantics of annotating expressions with their evaluated values.
annotation - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
any(Field, DeviceUID) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
append(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
append(Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Add an element to the end of a tuple.
apply(BinaryOperator<Object>, int[], Object, Object) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Fields
apply(TriFunction<Object, Object, Object, Object>, int[], Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Fields
apply(Function<Object[], Object>, int[], Object...) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Fields
apply(Function<Object[], Object>, boolean, int[], Object, Object...) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Fields
apply(BiFunction<Object, Object[], Object>, boolean, int[], Object, Object...) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Fields
APPLY - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
APPLY - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
Special method name, that causes a Protelis function invocation if the left hand side of the DotOperator is a FunctionDefinition.
applyWithSingleParam(UnaryOperator<Object>, int[], Object) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Fields
areEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
argNumber - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
args - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
ARGS_POS - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
arithmetic(String, I, I, BiFunction<Double, Double, O>) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
arrayContents - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
ArrayTupleImpl - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl
Implementation of a Tuple using an array data structure.
ArrayTupleImpl(Object...) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
ArrayTupleImpl(Object, int) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
Create an ArrayTupleImpl with all elements initialized to a given value.
ArrayTupleImpl(Object[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
asLongArray() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath


BinaryOp - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Two-argument (inline) operator, such as addition.
BinaryOp(Metadata, String, AnnotatedTree<?>, AnnotatedTree<?>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.BinaryOp
BinaryOp(Metadata, Op2, AnnotatedTree<?>, AnnotatedTree<?>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.BinaryOp
BITS_PER_BYTE - Static variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
body - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
body - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.HoodCall
BODY - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
BOTH - Static variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
BRANCH - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.NBRCall
branches - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
branchesToString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
branchesToString(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Returns a String representing the branches of this tree with the specified format.
buildField(Function<T, ?>, T) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
Builds a new Field, fetching data from all the aligned neighbors.
buildField(Function<T, ?>, T) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
buildField(Function<T, ?>, T, Map<CodePath, D>, D) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
buildFieldDeferred(Function<T, ?>, T, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
Builds a new Field, fetching data from all the aligned neighbors.
buildFieldDeferred(Function<T, ?>, T, Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext


CACHE_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
callArgs(Call, ProtelisLoader.ProgramState) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
callFrameSizes - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
callStack - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
choice(byte, AnnotatedTree<T>, AnnotatedTree<T>, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
clazz - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
clazz - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
CodePath - Class in org.protelis.vm.util
A CodePath is a trace from the root to some node in a VM execution tree.
CodePath(TByteList) - Constructor for class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
commit() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
Called just after the VM is executed, to finalize information of the execution for the environment.
commit() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionEnvironment
Called just after the VM is executed, to finalize information of the execution for the environment.
commit() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
commit() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleExecutionEnvironment
commitRecursively() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
recursively commits on restricted contexts.
COMPARE_TO - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
compareLexicographically(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
compareTo(AbstractComparableDeviceUID<T>) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractComparableDeviceUID
compareTo(Tuple) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
comparison(String, T, T, BiFunction<Double, Double, Boolean>) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
compatibleLength(Method, Object[]) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
compute(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
compute(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ProtelisProgram
Execute one round of computation of this Protelis program.
computePointsForWrapper(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
COND - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
conditionExpression - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
Constant<T> - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
An arbitrary object-valued constant.
Constant(Metadata, T) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Constant
constantValue - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Constant
contains(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
contains(Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Tests whether the tuple has an element equal to its argument.
containsAll(Iterable<?>) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
containsAll(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Tests whether the tuple has an element equal to its argument.
containsNode(DeviceUID) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
containsNode(DeviceUID) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
copy() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.All
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.BinaryOp
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Constant
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateTuple
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateVar
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Env
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Eval
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.FunctionCall
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.HoodCall
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.NBRCall
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.NumericConstant
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Self
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.TernaryOp
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.UnaryOp
copy() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Variable
coupleIterator() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
coupleIterator() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
createField(int) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.DatatypeFactory
createField(int) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuples
createTuple(List<?>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.DatatypeFactory
createTuple(Object...) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.DatatypeFactory
CreateTuple - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Construct a Tuple.
CreateTuple(Metadata, AnnotatedTree<?>...) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateTuple
CreateTuple(Metadata, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateTuple
CreateVar - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Declare a variable from a "let" expression.
CreateVar(Metadata, Reference, AnnotatedTree<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateVar
cTup(Object, int) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
ctx - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.ProtelisVM
CURFIELD - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap


DatatypeFactory - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype
Static factory for Protelis data types.
DatatypeFactory() - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.DatatypeFactory
deepCopyBranches() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Subclasses must use this method.
DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME - Static variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
deferredExportSize - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
definition - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateVar
defs - Variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
defVal - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
DeviceUID - Interface in org.protelis.lang.datatype
The DeviceUID class can be implemented however is appropriate for a given system.
DeviceUUID - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl
DeviceUID based on UUIDs.
DeviceUUID() - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.DeviceUUID
Generate a random UUID.
DeviceUUID(UUID) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.DeviceUUID
Dispatch(Class<? extends EObject>, BiFunction<EObject, ProtelisLoader.ProgramState, AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Constructor for enum org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader.Dispatch
divide(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
DotOperator - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Call an external Java non-static method.
DotOperator(Metadata, String, AnnotatedTree<?>, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
DotOperator(Metadata, boolean, String, AnnotatedTree<?>, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
DYN_CODE_INDEX - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Eval


ELSE - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
elseExpression - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
empty - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
ENCODING_BASE - Static variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
ensureType(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
Env - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Env(Metadata) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Env
env - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
env - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleExecutionEnvironment
equals(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractComparableDeviceUID
equals(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractField
equals(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.util.Reference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
erase() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
|e| operation.
erase() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
|e| operation.
erase() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractSATree
erased - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
eval(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
Evaluates the program using the passed ExecutionContext.
eval(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Eval - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Evaluate a Protelis sub-program.
Eval(Metadata, AnnotatedTree<?>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Eval
evalInNewStackFrame(ExecutionContext, byte) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
Evaluates the program using the passed ExecutionContext, but within a new scope pushed onto the stack.
evalInNewStackFrame(ExecutionContext, byte) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Evaluates this AST node.
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.All
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.BinaryOp
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Constant
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateTuple
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateVar
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Env
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Eval
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.FunctionCall
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.HoodCall
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.NBRCall
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Self
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.TernaryOp
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.UnaryOp
evaluate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Variable
ExecutionContext - Interface in org.protelis.vm
Interface between a ProtelisVM and environment in which it is executing.
ExecutionEnvironment - Interface in org.protelis.vm
The ExecutionEnvironment is responsible of managing environment variables.
exportsSize - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
exprListArgs(ExprList, ProtelisLoader.ProgramState) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
extractArgs(FunctionDef) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
extractLines(AnnotatedTree<?>) - Static method in exception org.protelis.lang.ProtelisRuntimeException
extractMethod() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
extractMethod(int) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall


fd - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.FunctionCall
fgen - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
Field - Interface in org.protelis.lang.datatype
A field is a function associating a collection of devices to values.
fieldContents - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
FieldMapImpl - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl
Field implementation based on neighbor/value pairs stored in a hash table.
FieldMapImpl(int, float) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
fieldName - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
Fields - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype
Utility class for Field.
Fields() - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Fields
FIELDS - Static variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
fill(Object, int) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuples
Create a Tuple with all elements initialized to the same value.
fillInStackFrame(AnnotatedTree<?>) - Method in exception org.protelis.lang.ProtelisRuntimeException
Populates the exception stack with a new caller.
filter(ExecutionContext, FunctionDefinition) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
filter(Predicate<Object>) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
filter(ExecutionContext, FunctionDefinition) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Given a tuple and a predicate, returns a new tuple containing only the elements that match the predicate.
filter(Predicate<Object>) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Given a tuple and a Predicate, returns a new tuple containing only the elements that match the predicate.
FILTER_POS - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
filterOp - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
forEach(Consumer<? super AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Facility to run lambdas across all the branches.
forEachWithIndex(BiConsumer<Integer, ? super AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Facility to run lambdas across all the branches.
formatArguments(Object[]) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
fTup(Object, Tuple) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
fun - Variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
fun - Variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
fun - Variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op3
function - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
function - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.HoodCall
function - Variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
functionBody - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
FunctionCall - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Call a Protelis function.
FunctionCall(Metadata, FunctionDefinition, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.FunctionCall
FunctionDefinition - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype
First-class Protelis function.
FunctionDefinition(Optional<ProtelisModule>, String, List<Reference>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
functionName - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
functions - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader.ProgramState
functions - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
funs - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl


gamma - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
GenericHoodCall - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Reduce a field into a local value by reduction using a HoodOp.
GenericHoodCall(Metadata, boolean, AnnotatedTree<FunctionDefinition>, AnnotatedTree<?>, AnnotatedTree<Field>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
GenericHoodCall(Metadata, boolean, JvmOperation, AnnotatedTree<?>, AnnotatedTree<Field>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
get(double) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
Compatibility method to speed up calls made using doubles.
get(Double) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
Compatibility method to speed up calls made using doubles.
get(int) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
get(int) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Retrieve the object at one of a tuple's indices.
get(String) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
get(String) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionEnvironment
get(String, Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionEnvironment
get(String) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleExecutionEnvironment
get(String, Object) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleExecutionEnvironment
get(Reference) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.util.Stack
Look up a variable in the stack.
get(Reference) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.StackImpl
getAnnotation() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
getAnnotation() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
getArgNumber() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
getArgumentByPosition(int) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
getBody() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
getBody() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.FunctionCall
getBranch(int) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
getBranch(int) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
getBranches() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
getBranches() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
getBranchesAnnotations() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
getBranchesNumber() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
getCoordinates() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.LocalizedDevice
TODO: define coordinate.
getCurrentTime() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
getCurrentValue() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
getCurrentValue() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ProtelisProgram
getCurrentValue() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.ProtelisVM
Return the value computed in the most recent execution cycle.
getDeltaTime() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
getDeltaTime() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
getDeviceUID() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
getEndLine() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.loading.Metadata
getExecutionEnvironment() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
getExecutionEnvironment() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
getExpectedType() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
getExpectedType() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
getFunction() - Method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
getFunctionDefinition() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.FunctionCall
getFunctions() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
Support for first-class functions by returning the set of currently accessible functions.
getInternalObject() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Constant
getMetadata() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
getMetadata() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
getName() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.All
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.BinaryOp
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Constant
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateVar
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.FunctionCall
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.HoodCall
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.NBRCall
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.TernaryOp
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.UnaryOp
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Variable
getName() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
getName() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ProtelisProgram
getNamedFunctions() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
getNamedFunctions() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ProtelisProgram
getNeighborState() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleNetworkManager
getNeighborState() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.NetworkManager
Called by ProtelisVM during execution to collect the most recent information available from neighbors.
getNetworkManager() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
Accessor for abstract network interface.
getOp(String) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
Translates a name into an operator.
getOp(String) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
Translates a name into an operator.
getOp(String) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op3
getSample(DeviceUID) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
Get the value associated with a neighbor by this Field.
getSample(DeviceUID) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
getStackCode() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
getStartLine() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.loading.Metadata
getSuperscript() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractSATree
getSuperscript() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.SuperscriptedAnnotatedTree
getUID() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractComparableDeviceUID
getVariable(Reference) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
Look up the value of a variable from the local environment.
getVariable(Reference) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
greater(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
greaterEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2


has(String) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionEnvironment
has(String) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleExecutionEnvironment
hash - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
hash - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
HASH_FUNCTION - Static variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
hashCode() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractComparableDeviceUID
hashCode() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractField
hashCode() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.util.Reference
hashCode() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
head() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
head() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
header() - Method in exception org.protelis.lang.ProtelisRuntimeException
HOOD_END - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
HoodCall - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Reduce a field into a local value by reduction using a HoodOp.
HoodCall(Metadata, AnnotatedTree<Field>, HoodOp, boolean) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.HoodCall
HoodOp - Enum in org.protelis.lang.util
Collection of functions and helper methods for reducing fields into local values.
HoodOp(HoodOp.SerializableBifunction, Supplier<Object>, List<Pair<Class<?>, Supplier<Object>>>, List<Pair<Class<?>, Function<Object, Object>>>) - Constructor for enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
HoodOp.SerializableBifunction - Interface in org.protelis.lang.util


If<T> - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Branch, restricting domain of true and false branches into their own aligned subspaces.
If(Metadata, AnnotatedTree<Boolean>, AnnotatedTree<T>, AnnotatedTree<T>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
ifPresent(Optional<T>, Consumer<T>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
inclusive - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
inclusive - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.HoodCall
indent(Appendable, int) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Utility for indenting lines.
indexof(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
indexof(Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Searches for an element in a tuple, returning its index if found.
indexStream() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
INIT - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
insert(int, Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
insert(int, Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Add an element to an arbitrary location within a tuple, moving all elements after it down.
instance() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
Produce a child execution context, for encapsulated evaluation of sub-programs.
INT_MASK - Static variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
IntegerUID - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl
Simple integer UIDs.
IntegerUID(int) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.IntegerUID
Create DeviceUID from an integer.
intersection(Tuple) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
intersection(Tuple) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Set arithmetic: compute intersection of set of tuple elements with set of elements of another tuple.
intersection(Tuple, Tuple) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuples
Set arithmetic: compute intersection of set of tuple elements in t1 and t2.
invokeBestMethod(Class<?>, String, Object, Object[]) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
invokeBestNotStatic(Object, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
invokeBestStatic(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
invokeFieldable(Class<?>, String, Object, Object[]) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
Invokes a method.
invokeFieldable(Method, Object, Object[]) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
Invokes a method.
invokeMethod(Method, Object, Object[]) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
isApply - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
isDefinition() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateVar
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
isEmpty() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
isEmpty() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
isErased() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
isErased() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
iterator() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl


JavaInteroperabilityUtils - Class in org.protelis.lang.util
Collection of utilities that ease the interoperability with Java.
JavaInteroperabilityUtils() - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.util.JavaInteroperabilityUtils


keySet() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionEnvironment
keySet() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleExecutionEnvironment


L - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
L - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Eval
L - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
L - Static variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
L - Static variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
last - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.All
left - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
LEFT - Static variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
LEFT_POS - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
loadBestMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>[]) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
LOADED_RESOURCES - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
loadResourcesRecursively(XtextResourceSet, String) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
loadResourcesRecursively(XtextResourceSet, String, Set<String>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
loadStringResources(XtextResourceSet, InputStream) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
LocalizedDevice - Interface in org.protelis.vm
A device embedded in a space which allows coordinates.
localName - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
logical(String, T, T, BiFunction<Boolean, Boolean, Boolean>) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
LONG_MASK - Static variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
LongUID - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl
Simple long UIDs.
LongUID(long) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.LongUID
Create DeviceUID from a long.


makeApply(AnnotatedTree<FunctionDefinition>, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
Builds a new DotOperator.APPLY.
map(ExecutionContext, FunctionDefinition) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
map(Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
map(ExecutionContext, FunctionDefinition) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Maps a tuple to another same-length tuple by applying a function to each element.
map(Function<Object, Object>) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Maps a tuple to another same-length tuple by applying a function to each element.
MAP - Static variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
MAP - Static variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
MAP - Static variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op3
max(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
max(Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
max(Field, DeviceUID) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
max(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
mean(Field, DeviceUID) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
mergeAfter(Tuple) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
mergeAfter(Tuple) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Append elements of another tuple to the end of this tuple.
metadata - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Metadata - Interface in org.protelis.lang.loading
This class represents data about each AST node about the original code that generated it.
METADATA - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.util.JavaInteroperabilityUtils
A fake Metadata object to be used when no data or original source code is available.
metadataFor(EObject) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
method - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
METHOD_CACHE - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
MethodCall - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Call an external Java static method.
MethodCall(Metadata, JvmOperation, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
MethodCall(Metadata, Class<?>, String, boolean, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
methodName - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
methodName - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
methodName - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
min(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
min(Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
min(Field, DeviceUID) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
min(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
minus(Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
minus(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
modulus(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
mux(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op3


name - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Variable
name - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
NBRCall - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Implementation of 'nbr' operator.
NBRCall(Metadata, AnnotatedTree<?>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.NBRCall
nbrDelay() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.TimeAwareDevice
Time forward view: expected time from the device computation to neighbor's next computation incorporating that information.
nbrLag() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.TimeAwareDevice
Time backward view: how long ago information from neighbors was received.
nbrRange() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.SpatiallyEmbeddedDevice
Get the distance between the current device and its neighbors.
nbrVector() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.LocalizedDevice
TODO: define vector.
NetworkManager - Interface in org.protelis.vm
Abstraction of networking used by the virtual machine: at each execution round, the VM needs to be able to access the most recent state received from neighbors and to be able to update the state that it is exporting to neighbors.
newCallStackFrame(byte...) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
newCallStackFrame(byte...) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
nextRandomDouble() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
Obtain a system-independent (pseudo)random number.
nm - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
no(Class<?>) - Method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
no() - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
nodeIterator() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
nodeIterator() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
NONE - Static variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
not(Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
nthArgumentType(Method, int) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
NumericConstant - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
A numerical constant.
NumericConstant(Metadata, String) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.NumericConstant
NumericConstant(Metadata, double) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.NumericConstant


op - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.BinaryOp
op - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.TernaryOp
op - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.UnaryOp
Op1 - Enum in org.protelis.lang.util
Collection of functions and helper methods for unary operators.
Op1(String, Op1.UnaryOperation) - Constructor for enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
Op1.UnaryOperation - Interface in org.protelis.lang.util
Op2 - Enum in org.protelis.lang.util
Infix operator that takes two inputs, such as addition, division, or "greater than" comparison.
Op2(String, Op2.BinaryOperation) - Constructor for enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
Op2.BinaryOperation - Interface in org.protelis.lang.util
Op3 - Enum in org.protelis.lang.util
Collection of functions and helper methods for ternary syntactic operators.
Op3(String, Op3.TernaryOperation) - Constructor for enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op3
Op3.TernaryOperation - Interface in org.protelis.lang.util
opName - Variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
opName - Variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
opName - Variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op3
OpUtils - Class in org.protelis.lang.util
Utility class that OpN classes use for reporting certain failure patterns.
OpUtils() - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.util.OpUtils
or(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
org.protelis.lang - package org.protelis.lang
org.protelis.lang.datatype - package org.protelis.lang.datatype
org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl - package org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl
org.protelis.lang.interpreter - package org.protelis.lang.interpreter
org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl - package org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
org.protelis.lang.loading - package org.protelis.lang.loading
org.protelis.lang.util - package org.protelis.lang.util
org.protelis.vm - package org.protelis.vm
org.protelis.vm.impl - package org.protelis.vm.impl
org.protelis.vm.util - package org.protelis.vm.util


pairOperation(Tuple, Tuple, BinaryOperator<Object>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuples
Apply fun to pairs of elements from t1 and t2.
parallelForEach(Consumer<? super AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Facility to run lambdas across all the branches in a PARALELL fashion.
parallelForEachWithIndex(BiConsumer<Integer, ? super AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Facility to run lambdas across all the branches in a PARALELL fashion.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
parse(Resource) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
parseAnonymousModule(String) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
parseURI(String) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
path - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
This sequence of longs will be filled with the bytes representing the execution trace.
plus(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
pop() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.util.Stack
Exit the current most-nested lexical scope.
pop() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.StackImpl
pow(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
prepend(Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
prepend(Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Add an element to the start of a tuple.
previousRoundTime - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception org.protelis.lang.ProtelisRuntimeException
prog - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
prog - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.ProtelisVM
ProgramState(Map<Reference, FunctionDefinition>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader.ProgramState
projectAndEval(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
Runs eval() sequentially on every branch, creating a new stack frame for each one.
PROTELIS_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
ProtelisLoader - Class in org.protelis.lang
Main entry-point class for loading/parsing Protelis programs.
ProtelisLoader() - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
ProtelisLoader.Dispatch - Enum in org.protelis.lang
ProtelisLoader.ProgramState - Class in org.protelis.lang
ProtelisProgram - Interface in org.protelis.vm
Executable representation of a Protelis program.
ProtelisRuntimeException - Exception in org.protelis.lang
This class represents a runtime error in the Protelis interpreter.
ProtelisRuntimeException(Throwable, AnnotatedTree<?>) - Constructor for exception org.protelis.lang.ProtelisRuntimeException
Builds a new ProtelisRuntimeException, happening due to the specified Java exception, into the origin node of the Protelis AST.
protelisStackTrace - Variable in exception org.protelis.lang.ProtelisRuntimeException
ProtelisVM - Class in org.protelis.vm
A virtual machine for executing a Protelis program on a particular device (context).
ProtelisVM(ProtelisProgram, ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.protelis.vm.ProtelisVM
Create a virtual machine for executing a Protelis program in a particular context.
push() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.util.Stack
Enter a new nested lexical scope.
push() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.StackImpl
put(String, Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionEnvironment
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleExecutionEnvironment
put(Reference, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.util.Stack
Assign a value to a variable, either overwriting or shadowing prior value.
put(Reference, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.StackImpl
putAll(Map<Reference, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.util.Stack
Bind a collection of variable/value pairs into the current lexical scope, e.g., the arguments of a function.
putAll(Map<Reference, ?>) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.StackImpl
putMultipleVariables(Map<Reference, ?>) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
Pushes multiple variables.
putMultipleVariables(Map<Reference, ?>) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
putVariable(Reference, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
putVariable(Reference, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext


readObject(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
recursivelyCollectErrors(Resource) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
recursivelyInitFunctions(ProtelisModule, Map<FunctionDef, FunctionDefinition>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
recursivelyInitFunctions(ProtelisModule, Map<FunctionDef, FunctionDefinition>, Set<ProtelisModule>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
reduce(Iterable<T>, BinaryOperator<T>, T, T) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractField
Reduce the desired Iterable using the provided BinaryOperator, excluding an element and returning a default value if the Iterable is empty or only contains the value to exclude.
reduce(ExecutionContext, Object, FunctionDefinition) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
reduce(Object, BinaryOperator<Object>) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
reduce(ExecutionContext, Object, FunctionDefinition) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Performs a reduction operation, that maps a tuple to a single value.
reduce(Object, BinaryOperator<Object>) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Performs a reduction operation, that maps a tuple to a single value.
reduceKeys(BinaryOperator<DeviceUID>, DeviceUID) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
Apply an operator to reduce over the set of all devices, selecting a single device.
reduceKeys(BinaryOperator<DeviceUID>, DeviceUID) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractField
reducePairs(BinaryOperator<Pair<DeviceUID, Object>>, DeviceUID) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
Apply an operator to reduce over the set of all device/value pairs, selecting a single pair.
reducePairs(BinaryOperator<Pair<DeviceUID, Object>>, DeviceUID) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractField
reduceVals(BinaryOperator<Object>, DeviceUID, Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
Apply an operator to reduce over the set of all values, selecting a single value.
reduceVals(BinaryOperator<Object>, DeviceUID, Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractField
Reference - Class in org.protelis.lang.util
Implements a serializable reference to an Object.
Reference(Object) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.util.Reference
REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
ReflectionUtils - Class in org.protelis.lang.util
Utilities that make easier to cope with Java Reflection.
ReflectionUtils() - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
REGEX_PROTELIS_IMPORT - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
REGEX_PROTELIS_MODULE - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
remove(String) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionEnvironment
remove(String) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleExecutionEnvironment
removeSample(DeviceUID) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
Remove a neighbor/value pair from this Field.
removeSample(DeviceUID) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
repackageIfVarArgs(Method, Object[]) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
reset() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.interpreter.AnnotatedTree
Recursively deletes any existing annotation.
reset() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
resolveFunction(Reference) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader.ProgramState
RESOLVER - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
resourceFromString(String) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
resourceFromURIString(String) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
restrictDomain(Field) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
Give a field, returns a new ExecutionContext whose domain is the same of the field one.
restrictDomain(Field) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
restrictedContexts - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
returnFromCallFrame() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
returns from the last frame.
returnFromCallFrame() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
RIGHT - Static variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
run(Field, DeviceUID) - Method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
run(Object) - Method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
run(Object, Object) - Method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
Compute the value of applying the two-argument operator to inputs a and b.
run(Object, Object, Object) - Method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op3
RUN_POS - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
runCycle() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.ProtelisVM
Run one execution cycle of the VM, in which the computation is run atomically against the most recent neighbor and environment information, producing a new state to be committed to the environment and sent to neighbors.
runMethodWithProtelisArguments(ExecutionContext, AnnotatedTree<?>, Class<?>, String, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.JavaInteroperabilityUtils
runMethodWithProtelisArguments(ExecutionContext, AnnotatedTree<?>, String, AnnotatedTree<?>...) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.JavaInteroperabilityUtils
runOp - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
runProtelisFunction(ExecutionContext, AnnotatedTree<FunctionDefinition>, List<AnnotatedTree<?>>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.JavaInteroperabilityUtils
runProtelisFunctionWithJavaArguments(ExecutionContext, AnnotatedTree<FunctionDefinition>, Object...) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.JavaInteroperabilityUtils
runProtelisFunctionWithJavaArguments(ExecutionContext, FunctionDefinition, List<?>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.JavaInteroperabilityUtils
runStaticMethodWithProtelisArguments(ExecutionContext, Class<?>, String, AnnotatedTree<?>...) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.JavaInteroperabilityUtils


safe - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
This flag switches to true when there are four or less numerical markers.
searchBestMethod(Class<?>, String, List<Object>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
searchBestMethod(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.ReflectionUtils
selection(String, T, T, BinaryOperator<T>) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
Self - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Access to the evaluation context, which is used for interfacing with sensors, actuators, and the rest of the external non-static programmatic environment outside of Protelis.
Self(Metadata) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Self
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractComparableDeviceUID
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractField
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.DeviceUUID
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.IntegerUID
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.LongUID
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.StringUID
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractSATree
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.All
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.BinaryOp
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Constant
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateTuple
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateVar
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Env
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Eval
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.FunctionCall
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.GenericHoodCall
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.HoodCall
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.NBRCall
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.NumericConstant
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Self
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.TernaryOp
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.UnaryOp
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Variable
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception org.protelis.lang.ProtelisRuntimeException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.util.Reference
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
set(int, Object) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
set(int, Object) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Replace an element in a tuple.
setAnnotation(T) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
setAvailableFunctions(Map<Reference, FunctionDefinition>) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
Used internally to support first-class functions by make the functions of a program accessible for reflection at runtime.
setAvailableFunctions(Map<Reference, FunctionDefinition>) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
setBody(AnnotatedTree<?>) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
setSuperscript(S) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractSATree
setup() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext
Called just before the VM is executed, to enable and preparations needed in the environment.
setup() - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.ExecutionEnvironment
Called just before the VM is executed, to enable and preparations needed in the environment.
setup() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
setup() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleExecutionEnvironment
ShareCall<S,T> - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Share construct.
ShareCall(Metadata, Optional<Reference>, Optional<Reference>, AnnotatedTree<?>, AnnotatedTree<?>, Optional<AnnotatedTree<T>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
Convenience constructor with Optional.
ShareCall(Metadata, Optional<Reference>, Optional<Reference>, AnnotatedTree<?>, AnnotatedTree<?>, Optional<AnnotatedTree<T>>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
shareState(Map<CodePath, Object>) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleNetworkManager
shareState(Map<CodePath, Object>) - Method in interface org.protelis.vm.NetworkManager
Called by ProtelisVM during execution to send its current shared state to neighbors.
SimpleExecutionEnvironment - Class in org.protelis.vm.impl
Simple implementation of ExecutionEnvironment.
SimpleExecutionEnvironment() - Constructor for class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleExecutionEnvironment
SimpleNetworkManager - Class in org.protelis.vm.impl
Stub network manager for testing, in which there are no neighbors and no messages are ever sent.
SimpleNetworkManager() - Constructor for class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleNetworkManager
SimpleProgramImpl - Class in org.protelis.vm.impl
Base implementation of ProtelisProgram.
SimpleProgramImpl(ProtelisModule, AnnotatedTree<?>, Map<Reference, FunctionDefinition>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
SimpleProgramImpl(String, AnnotatedTree<?>, Map<Reference, FunctionDefinition>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
size() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
size() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
size() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
size() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
size - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
smaller(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
smallerEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
sort() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
sort() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
SpatiallyEmbeddedDevice - Interface in org.protelis.vm
A device embedded in space.
Stack - Interface in org.protelis.vm.util
Stack implementation used by the Protelis VM for tracking local variable values during execution.
stack - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.StackImpl
stackCode - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
stackCode - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.FunctionCall
StackImpl - Class in org.protelis.vm.util
Basic implementation of a Stack.
StackImpl(Map<Reference, ?>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.vm.util.StackImpl
stackOperation(Function<Map<Reference, Object>, Object>) - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.StackImpl
stream() - Method in exception org.protelis.lang.ProtelisRuntimeException
string - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
string - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
stringFor(AnnotatedTree<?>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
A String representation of an AnnotatedTree.
StringUID - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl
Simple string UIDs.
StringUID(String) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.StringUID
Create DeviceUID from a string.
strRep - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.util.Reference
subtract(Tuple) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
subtract(Tuple) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Set arithmetic: compute which elements in this tuple are not in another tuple.
subtract(Tuple, Tuple) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuples
Set arithmetic: compute subtraction of set of tuple elements in t2 from elements in t1.
subTuple(int, int) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
subTuple(int, int) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Produces a new Tuple containing the elements between the start and end indices.
subTupleEnd(int) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
subTupleEnd(int) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Produces a new Tuple containing all elements from i onward.
subTupleStart(int) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
subTupleStart(int) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Produces a new Tuple containing the first i elements.
sum(Field, DeviceUID) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
superscript - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractSATree
SuperscriptedAnnotatedTree<S,T> - Interface in org.protelis.lang.interpreter
Data structure representing the field calculus semantics of annotating expressions with their evaluated values, in this case a dual annotation of value and additional evaluation or state in a superscript.


tail() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
tail() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
TernaryOp - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Three-argument syntactic operator such as multiplexing (mux).
TernaryOp(Metadata, String, AnnotatedTree<?>, AnnotatedTree<?>, AnnotatedTree<?>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.TernaryOp
TernaryOp(Metadata, Op3, AnnotatedTree<?>, AnnotatedTree<?>, AnnotatedTree<?>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.TernaryOp
THEN - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
thenExpression - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
theta - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
throwException() - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
TimeAwareDevice - Interface in org.protelis.vm
A time-aware device.
times(Object, Object) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
toAnnotatedTree(Object[]) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.JavaInteroperabilityUtils
toArray() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
toArray() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
tobeComputedBeforeSending - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
toGuava(Optional<T>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
toR(Object) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
toR(List<?>) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader
toSend - Variable in class org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.FunctionDefinition
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractComparableDeviceUID
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractField
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractAnnotatedTree
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AbstractSATree
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.AlignedMap
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.All
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.BinaryOp
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Constant
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateTuple
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateVar
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.DotOperator
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Env
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.If
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Self
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Variable
toString() - Method in exception org.protelis.lang.ProtelisRuntimeException
toString() - Method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
toString() - Method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
toString() - Method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op3
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.util.Reference
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.impl.SimpleProgramImpl
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.CodePath
toString() - Method in class org.protelis.vm.util.StackImpl
translate(EObject, ProtelisLoader.ProgramState) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader.Dispatch
translator - Variable in enum org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader.Dispatch
Tuple - Interface in org.protelis.lang.datatype
Implementation of mathematical tuples as indexed objects T = [element0, element1, element2 ...] .
tupleArithmetic(String, boolean, I, Tuple, BiFunction<Double, Double, O>) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
Tuples - Class in org.protelis.lang.datatype
Utility class for Tuple.
Tuples() - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuples
type - Variable in enum org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader.Dispatch


uid - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.AbstractComparableDeviceUID
uid - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.util.Reference
UnaryOp - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Unary (prefix) operator, such as negation.
UnaryOp(Metadata, String, AnnotatedTree<?>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.UnaryOp
UnaryOp(Metadata, Op1, AnnotatedTree<?>) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.UnaryOp
UNCHECKED - Static variable in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
union(Tuple) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
union(Tuple) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
Set arithmetic: compute union of set of tuple elements with set of elements of another tuple.
union(Tuple, Tuple) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuples
Set arithmetic: compute union of set of tuple elements in t1 and t2.
union(Field, DeviceUID) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
unsupported(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.protelis.lang.util.OpUtils
This method builds a meaningful exception and throws it immediately.
unwrap(int) - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.ArrayTupleImpl
unwrap(int) - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Tuple
For all elements that are tuples, substitute the ith sub-element.


valIterator() - Method in interface org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field
valIterator() - Method in class org.protelis.lang.datatype.impl.FieldMapImpl
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader.Dispatch
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op3
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader.Dispatch
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.HoodOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op1
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op2
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.protelis.lang.util.Op3
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
var - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.CreateVar
Variable - Class in org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl
Access a variable.
Variable(Metadata, Reference) - Constructor for class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.Variable


XTEXT - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.ProtelisLoader


YIELD - Static variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall
yield - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.ShareCall


ztatic - Variable in class org.protelis.lang.interpreter.impl.MethodCall
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