Interface TimeAwareDevice<D extends java.lang.Number>

  • Type Parameters:
    D - number type
    All Superinterfaces:

    public interface TimeAwareDevice<D extends java.lang.Number>
    extends ExecutionContext
    A time-aware device.
    • Method Detail

      • nbrDelay

        Field<D> nbrDelay()
        Time forward view: expected time from the device computation to neighbor's next computation incorporating that information. For device's neighbors: nbrDelay is the best estimate that the underlying system can provide. For the current device: nbrDelay is self.getDeltaTime().
        field of communication delays
      • nbrLag

        Field<D> nbrLag()
        Time backward view: how long ago information from neighbors was received. For device's neighbors: nbrRange is the time of the computation minus the timestamp on the packet. Dropped packets temporarily increase nbrLag. For the current device: nbrRange is self.getDeltaTime().
        field of communication latencies