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C(Number,Function2,T,T) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
Aggregate a field of type T within a spanning tree built according to the maximum decrease in potential.
canSee(T) - function in protelis.lang.utilsimport
Line-of-sight detector.
channel(Boolean,Boolean,Number) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport
Dynamically computes distributed routes between regions of a network, and dynamically adapts to shape and changes of the network topology.
channel2(Boolean,Object,Number) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport
Channel pattern.
channel2WithObstacle(Boolean,Object,Boolean,Number) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport
Channel pattern.
channelWithObstacle(Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Number) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport
Dynamically computes distributed routes between regions of a network, and dynamically adapts to shape and changes of the network topology.
circularDependency(T,<ERROR CLASS>) - function in protelis.coord.graphimport
Check if circular dependencies exist.
clock(Object) - function in protelis.coord.meta.timereplication
closerThan(Boolean,Number) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport
closerThanWithMetric(Boolean,Function1,Number) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport
cMultiDivisible(Number,T,T,Function2,Function1,Function1,Function2) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
cMultiIdempotent(Number,Function2,T,T) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
cMultiMax(Number,Number) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
The potential-source converges to the max values.
cMultiMin(Number,Number) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
The potential-source converges to the min value.
cMultiSum(Number,Number) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
The potential-source converges to the sum of other device values.
consensus(Number,Function1) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
Devices agree on a common value.
cossip(Boolean,T,Function2) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
Gossip a value manipulated according to f.
countDevices(Number) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
Count the devices.
countDevicesInRegion(Number,Boolean,Boolean) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
Count the devices in a region.
countDevicesWithCondition(Number,Boolean) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport
Count the devices with a given condition.
countDown(Number) - function in protelis.state.timeimport
countDownWithDecay(Number,Number) - function in protelis.state.timeimport
counter(Number,Number) - function in protelis.state.nonselfstabilizing.time
countTrue(Boolean) - function in protelis.state.nonselfstabilizing.time
How many times an event occurred.
crfGradient(Boolean,Number) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport
Self-healing gradient algorithm that reconfigures in O(diameter) time.
crfGradientWithMetric(Boolean,Function1,Number) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport
Self-healing gradient algorithm that reconfigures in O(diameter) time.
cyclicFunction(Number,Function1,T) - function in protelis.state.timeimport
Periodically invoke a function.
cyclicFunctionWithDecay(Number,Number,Function1,T) - function in protelis.state.timeimport
Periodically invoke a function.
cyclicTimer(Number) - function in protelis.state.timeimport
Cyclic timer.
cyclicTimerWithDecay(Number,Number) - function in protelis.state.timeimport
Cyclic timer.
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