Class TriggerUtils

  extended by org.quartz.TriggerUtils

public class TriggerUtils
extends Object

Convenience and utility methods for simplifying the construction and configuration of Triggers and Dates

James House
See Also:
CronTrigger, SimpleTrigger

Field Summary
static int FRIDAY
static int LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH
static int MONDAY
static int SATURDAY
static long SECONDS_IN_DAY
static int SUNDAY
static int THURSDAY
static int TUESDAY
static int WEDNESDAY
Method Summary
static Date computeEndTimeToAllowParticularNumberOfFirings(Trigger trigg, Calendar cal, int numTimes)
          Compute the Date that is 1 second after the Nth firing of the given Trigger, taking the triger's associated Calendar into consideration.
static List computeFireTimes(Trigger trigg, Calendar cal, int numTimes)
          Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a Trigger.
static List computeFireTimesBetween(Trigger trigg, Calendar cal, Date from, Date to)
          Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a Trigger that fall within the given date range.
static Date getDateOf(int second, int minute, int hour)
           Get a Date object that represents the given time, on today's date.
static Date getDateOf(int second, int minute, int hour, int dayOfMonth, int month)
           Get a Date object that represents the given time, on the given date.
static Date getDateOf(int second, int minute, int hour, int dayOfMonth, int month, int year)
           Get a Date object that represents the given time, on the given date.
static int getDSTSavings(TimeZone tz)
          Deprecated. use TimeZone.getDSTSavings()
static Date getEvenHourDate(Date date)
           Returns a date that is rounded to the next even hour above the given date.
static Date getEvenHourDateBefore(Date date)
           Returns a date that is rounded to the previous even hour below the given date.
static Date getEvenMinuteDate(Date date)
           Returns a date that is rounded to the next even minute above the given date.
static Date getEvenMinuteDateBefore(Date date)
           Returns a date that is rounded to the previous even minute below the given date.
static Date getEvenSecondDate(Date date)
           Returns a date that is rounded to the next even second above the given date.
static Date getEvenSecondDateBefore(Date date)
           Returns a date that is rounded to the previous even second below the given date.
static Date getNextGivenMinuteDate(Date date, int minuteBase)
           Returns a date that is rounded to the next even multiple of the given minute.
static Date getNextGivenSecondDate(Date date, int secondBase)
           Returns a date that is rounded to the next even multiple of the given minute.
static int getOffset(long date, TimeZone tz)
          Deprecated. use TimeZone.getOffset(date)
static Trigger makeDailyTrigger(int hour, int minute)
           Make a trigger that will fire every day at the given time.
static Trigger makeDailyTrigger(String trigName, int hour, int minute)
           Make a trigger that will fire every day at the given time.
static Trigger makeHourlyTrigger()
           Make a trigger that will fire every hour, indefinitely.
static Trigger makeHourlyTrigger(int intervalInHours)
           Make a trigger that will fire every N hours, indefinitely.
static Trigger makeHourlyTrigger(int intervalInHours, int repeatCount)
           Make a trigger that will fire every N hours, with the given number of repeats.
static Trigger makeHourlyTrigger(String trigName)
           Make a trigger that will fire every hour, indefinitely.
static Trigger makeHourlyTrigger(String trigName, int intervalInHours, int repeatCount)
           Make a trigger that will fire every N hours, with the given number of repeats.
static Trigger makeImmediateTrigger(int repeatCount, long repeatInterval)
           Make a trigger that will fire repeatCount times, waiting repeatInterval milliseconds between each fire.
static Trigger makeImmediateTrigger(String trigName, int repeatCount, long repeatInterval)
           Make a trigger that will fire repeatCount times, waiting repeatInterval milliseconds between each fire.
static Trigger makeMinutelyTrigger()
           Make a trigger that will fire every minute, indefinitely.
static Trigger makeMinutelyTrigger(int intervalInMinutes)
           Make a trigger that will fire every N minutes, indefinitely.
static Trigger makeMinutelyTrigger(int intervalInMinutes, int repeatCount)
           Make a trigger that will fire every N minutes, with the given number of repeats.
static Trigger makeMinutelyTrigger(String trigName)
           Make a trigger that will fire every minute, indefinitely.
static Trigger makeMinutelyTrigger(String trigName, int intervalInMinutes, int repeatCount)
           Make a trigger that will fire every N minutes, with the given number of repeats.
static Trigger makeMonthlyTrigger(int dayOfMonth, int hour, int minute)
           Make a trigger that will fire every month at the given day and time.
static Trigger makeMonthlyTrigger(String trigName, int dayOfMonth, int hour, int minute)
           Make a trigger that will fire every month at the given day and time.
static Trigger makeSecondlyTrigger()
           Make a trigger that will fire every second, indefinitely.
static Trigger makeSecondlyTrigger(int intervalInSeconds)
           Make a trigger that will fire every N seconds, indefinitely.
static Trigger makeSecondlyTrigger(int intervalInSeconds, int repeatCount)
           Make a trigger that will fire every N seconds, with the given number of repeats.
static Trigger makeSecondlyTrigger(String trigName)
           Make a trigger that will fire every second, indefinitely.
static Trigger makeSecondlyTrigger(String trigName, int intervalInSeconds, int repeatCount)
           Make a trigger that will fire every N seconds, with the given number of repeats.
static Trigger makeWeeklyTrigger(int dayOfWeek, int hour, int minute)
           Make a trigger that will fire every week at the given day and time.
static Trigger makeWeeklyTrigger(String trigName, int dayOfWeek, int hour, int minute)
           Make a trigger that will fire every week at the given day and time.
static void setTriggerIdentity(Trigger trig, String name)
           Set the given Trigger's name to the given value, and its group to the default group (Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP).
static void setTriggerIdentity(Trigger trig, String name, String group)
           Set the given Trigger's name to the given value, and its group to the given group.
static Date translateTime(Date date, TimeZone src, TimeZone dest)
          Translate a date & time from a users time zone to the another (probably server) time zone to assist in creating a simple trigger with the right date & time.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int SUNDAY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MONDAY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TUESDAY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WEDNESDAY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int THURSDAY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FRIDAY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SATURDAY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long SECONDS_IN_DAY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static void setTriggerIdentity(Trigger trig,
                                      String name)

Set the given Trigger's name to the given value, and its group to the default group (Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP).

trig - the trigger to change name to
name - the new trigger name


public static void setTriggerIdentity(Trigger trig,
                                      String name,
                                      String group)

Set the given Trigger's name to the given value, and its group to the given group.

trig - the trigger to change name to
name - the new trigger name
group - the new trigger group


public static Trigger makeDailyTrigger(int hour,
                                       int minute)

Make a trigger that will fire every day at the given time.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

hour - the hour (0-23) upon which to fire
minute - the minute (0-59) upon which to fire
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeDailyTrigger(String trigName,
                                       int hour,
                                       int minute)

Make a trigger that will fire every day at the given time.

The generated trigger will not have its group or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

trigName - the trigger's name
hour - the hour (0-23) upon which to fire
minute - the minute (0-59) upon which to fire
the newly created trigger


public static Trigger makeWeeklyTrigger(int dayOfWeek,
                                        int hour,
                                        int minute)

Make a trigger that will fire every week at the given day and time.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

dayOfWeek - (1-7) the day of week upon which to fire
hour - the hour (0-23) upon which to fire
minute - the minute (0-59) upon which to fire
the new trigger
See Also:


public static Trigger makeWeeklyTrigger(String trigName,
                                        int dayOfWeek,
                                        int hour,
                                        int minute)

Make a trigger that will fire every week at the given day and time.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

trigName - the trigger's name
dayOfWeek - (1-7) the day of week upon which to fire
hour - the hour (0-23) upon which to fire
minute - the minute (0-59) upon which to fire
the newly created trigger
See Also:


public static Trigger makeMonthlyTrigger(int dayOfMonth,
                                         int hour,
                                         int minute)

Make a trigger that will fire every month at the given day and time.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

If the day of the month specified does not occur in a given month, a firing will not occur that month. (i.e. if dayOfMonth is specified as 31, no firing will occur in the months of the year with fewer than 31 days).

dayOfMonth - (1-31, or -1) the day of week upon which to fire
hour - the hour (0-23) upon which to fire
minute - the minute (0-59) upon which to fire
the newly created trigger


public static Trigger makeMonthlyTrigger(String trigName,
                                         int dayOfMonth,
                                         int hour,
                                         int minute)

Make a trigger that will fire every month at the given day and time.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

If the day of the month specified does not occur in a given month, a firing will not occur that month. (i.e. if dayOfMonth is specified as 31, no firing will occur in the months of the year with fewer than 31 days).

trigName - the trigger's name
dayOfMonth - (1-31, or -1) the day of week upon which to fire
hour - the hour (0-23) upon which to fire
minute - the minute (0-59) upon which to fire
the newly created trigger


public static Trigger makeImmediateTrigger(int repeatCount,
                                           long repeatInterval)

Make a trigger that will fire repeatCount times, waiting repeatInterval milliseconds between each fire.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

repeatCount - the number of times to fire the trigger
repeatInterval - the number of milliseconds to wait between fires
the newly created trigger


public static Trigger makeImmediateTrigger(String trigName,
                                           int repeatCount,
                                           long repeatInterval)

Make a trigger that will fire repeatCount times, waiting repeatInterval milliseconds between each fire.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

trigName - the trigger's name
repeatCount - the number of times to fire the trigger
repeatInterval - the number of milliseconds to wait between fires
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeSecondlyTrigger()

Make a trigger that will fire every second, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

the new trigger


public static Trigger makeSecondlyTrigger(String trigName)

Make a trigger that will fire every second, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

trigName - the trigger's name
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeSecondlyTrigger(int intervalInSeconds)

Make a trigger that will fire every N seconds, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

intervalInSeconds - the number of seconds between firings
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeSecondlyTrigger(int intervalInSeconds,
                                          int repeatCount)

Make a trigger that will fire every N seconds, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

intervalInSeconds - the number of seconds between firings
repeatCount - the number of times to repeat the firing
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeSecondlyTrigger(String trigName,
                                          int intervalInSeconds,
                                          int repeatCount)

Make a trigger that will fire every N seconds, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

trigName - the trigger's name
intervalInSeconds - the number of seconds between firings
repeatCount - the number of times to repeat the firing
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeMinutelyTrigger()

Make a trigger that will fire every minute, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

the new trigger


public static Trigger makeMinutelyTrigger(String trigName)

Make a trigger that will fire every minute, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

trigName - the trigger's name
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeMinutelyTrigger(int intervalInMinutes)

Make a trigger that will fire every N minutes, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

intervalInMinutes - the number of minutes between firings
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeMinutelyTrigger(int intervalInMinutes,
                                          int repeatCount)

Make a trigger that will fire every N minutes, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

intervalInMinutes - the number of minutes between firings
repeatCount - the number of times to repeat the firing
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeMinutelyTrigger(String trigName,
                                          int intervalInMinutes,
                                          int repeatCount)

Make a trigger that will fire every N minutes, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

trigName - the trigger's name
intervalInMinutes - the number of minutes between firings
repeatCount - the number of times to repeat the firing
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeHourlyTrigger()

Make a trigger that will fire every hour, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

the new trigger


public static Trigger makeHourlyTrigger(String trigName)

Make a trigger that will fire every hour, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

trigName - the trigger's name
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeHourlyTrigger(int intervalInHours)

Make a trigger that will fire every N hours, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

intervalInHours - the number of hours between firings
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeHourlyTrigger(int intervalInHours,
                                        int repeatCount)

Make a trigger that will fire every N hours, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

intervalInHours - the number of hours between firings
repeatCount - the number of times to repeat the firing
the new trigger


public static Trigger makeHourlyTrigger(String trigName,
                                        int intervalInHours,
                                        int repeatCount)

Make a trigger that will fire every N hours, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

trigName - the trigger's name
intervalInHours - the number of hours between firings
repeatCount - the number of times to repeat the firing
the new trigger


public static Date getEvenHourDate(Date date)

Returns a date that is rounded to the next even hour above the given date.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54 would result in a date with the time of 09:00:00. If the date's time is in the 23rd hour, the date's 'day' will be promoted, and the time will be set to 00:00:00.

date - the Date to round, if null the current time will be used
the new rounded date


public static Date getEvenHourDateBefore(Date date)

Returns a date that is rounded to the previous even hour below the given date.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54 would result in a date with the time of 08:00:00.

date - the Date to round, if null the current time will be used
the new rounded date


public static Date getEvenMinuteDate(Date date)

Returns a date that is rounded to the next even minute above the given date.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54 would result in a date with the time of 08:14:00. If the date's time is in the 59th minute, then the hour (and possibly the day) will be promoted.

date - the Date to round, if null the current time will be used
the new rounded date


public static Date getEvenMinuteDateBefore(Date date)

Returns a date that is rounded to the previous even minute below the given date.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54 would result in a date with the time of 08:13:00.

date - the Date to round, if null the current time will be used
the new rounded date


public static Date getEvenSecondDate(Date date)

Returns a date that is rounded to the next even second above the given date.

date - the Date to round, if null the current time will be used
the new rounded date


public static Date getEvenSecondDateBefore(Date date)

Returns a date that is rounded to the previous even second below the given date.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54.341 would result in a date with the time of 08:13:00.000.

date - the Date to round, if null the current time will be used
the new rounded date


public static Date getNextGivenMinuteDate(Date date,
                                          int minuteBase)

Returns a date that is rounded to the next even multiple of the given minute.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54, and an input minute-base of 5 would result in a date with the time of 08:15:00. The same input date with an input minute-base of 10 would result in a date with the time of 08:20:00. But a date with the time 08:53:31 and an input minute-base of 45 would result in 09:00:00, because the even-hour is the next 'base' for 45-minute intervals.

More examples:

Input Time Minute-Base Result Time
11:16:41 20 11:20:00
11:36:41 20 11:40:00
11:46:41 20 12:00:00
11:26:41 30 11:30:00
11:36:41 30 12:00:00
11:16:41 17 11:17:00
11:17:41 17 11:34:00
11:52:41 17 12:00:00
11:52:41 5 11:55:00
11:57:41 5 12:00:00
11:17:41 0 12:00:00
11:17:41 1 11:08:00

date - the Date to round, if null the current time will be used
minuteBase - the base-minute to set the time on
the new rounded date
See Also:
getNextGivenSecondDate(Date, int)


public static Date getNextGivenSecondDate(Date date,
                                          int secondBase)

Returns a date that is rounded to the next even multiple of the given minute.

The rules for calculating the second are the same as those for calculating the minute in the method getNextGivenMinuteDate(..).

date - the Date to round, if null the current time will be used
secondBase - the base-second to set the time on
the new rounded date
See Also:
getNextGivenMinuteDate(Date, int)


public static Date getDateOf(int second,
                             int minute,
                             int hour)

Get a Date object that represents the given time, on today's date.

second - The value (0-59) to give the seconds field of the date
minute - The value (0-59) to give the minutes field of the date
hour - The value (0-23) to give the hours field of the date
the new date


public static Date getDateOf(int second,
                             int minute,
                             int hour,
                             int dayOfMonth,
                             int month)

Get a Date object that represents the given time, on the given date.

second - The value (0-59) to give the seconds field of the date
minute - The value (0-59) to give the minutes field of the date
hour - The value (0-23) to give the hours field of the date
dayOfMonth - The value (1-31) to give the day of month field of the date
month - The value (1-12) to give the month field of the date
the new date


public static Date getDateOf(int second,
                             int minute,
                             int hour,
                             int dayOfMonth,
                             int month,
                             int year)

Get a Date object that represents the given time, on the given date.

second - The value (0-59) to give the seconds field of the date
minute - The value (0-59) to give the minutes field of the date
hour - The value (0-23) to give the hours field of the date
dayOfMonth - The value (1-31) to give the day of month field of the date
month - The value (1-12) to give the month field of the date
year - The value (1970-2099) to give the year field of the date
the new date


public static List computeFireTimes(Trigger trigg,
                                    Calendar cal,
                                    int numTimes)
Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a Trigger. The input trigger will be cloned before any work is done, so you need not worry about its state being altered by this method.

trigg - The trigger upon which to do the work
cal - The calendar to apply to the trigger's schedule
numTimes - The number of next fire times to produce
List of java.util.Date objects


public static Date computeEndTimeToAllowParticularNumberOfFirings(Trigger trigg,
                                                                  Calendar cal,
                                                                  int numTimes)
Compute the Date that is 1 second after the Nth firing of the given Trigger, taking the triger's associated Calendar into consideration. The input trigger will be cloned before any work is done, so you need not worry about its state being altered by this method.

trigg - The trigger upon which to do the work
cal - The calendar to apply to the trigger's schedule
numTimes - The number of next fire times to produce
the computed Date, or null if the trigger (as configured) will not fire that many times.


public static List computeFireTimesBetween(Trigger trigg,
                                           Calendar cal,
                                           Date from,
                                           Date to)
Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a Trigger that fall within the given date range. The input trigger will be cloned before any work is done, so you need not worry about its state being altered by this method.

NOTE: if this is a trigger that has previously fired within the given date range, then firings which have already occurred will not be listed in the output List.

trigg - The trigger upon which to do the work
cal - The calendar to apply to the trigger's schedule
from - The starting date at which to find fire times
to - The ending date at which to stop finding fire times
List of java.util.Date objects


public static Date translateTime(Date date,
                                 TimeZone src,
                                 TimeZone dest)
Translate a date & time from a users time zone to the another (probably server) time zone to assist in creating a simple trigger with the right date & time.

date - the date to translate
src - the original time-zone
dest - the destination time-zone
the translated date


public static int getOffset(long date,
                            TimeZone tz)
Deprecated. use TimeZone.getOffset(date)

Gets the offset from UT for the given date in the given time zone, taking into account daylight savings.

Equivalent of TimeZone.getOffset(date) in JDK 1.4, but Quartz is trying to support JDK 1.3.

date - the date (in milliseconds) that is the base for the offset
tz - the time-zone to calculate to offset to
the offset


public static int getDSTSavings(TimeZone tz)
Deprecated. use TimeZone.getDSTSavings()

Equivalent of TimeZone.getDSTSavings() in JDK 1.4, but Quartz is trying to support JDK 1.3.

tz - the target time-zone
the amount of saving time in milliseconds

Copyright 2001-2010, Terracotta, Inc.