Interface JobRunShellFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
JTAJobRunShellFactory, StdJobRunShellFactory

public interface JobRunShellFactory

Responsible for creating the instances of JobRunShell to be used within the QuartzScheduler instance.

Although this interface looks a lot like an 'object pool', implementations do not have to support the re-use of instances. If an implementation does not wish to pool instances, then the borrowJobRunShell() method would simply create a new instance, and the returnJobRunShell method would do nothing.

James House

Method Summary
 JobRunShell borrowJobRunShell()
           Called by the QuartzSchedulerThread to obtain instances of JobRunShell.
 void initialize(Scheduler scheduler, SchedulingContext schedCtxt)
           Initialize the factory, providing a handle to the Scheduler that should be made available within the JobRunShell and the JobExecutionCOntext s within it, and a handle to the SchedulingContext that the shell will use in its own operations with the JobStore.
 void returnJobRunShell(JobRunShell jobRunShell)
           Called by the QuartzSchedulerThread to return instances of JobRunShell.

Method Detail


void initialize(Scheduler scheduler,
                SchedulingContext schedCtxt)
                throws SchedulerConfigException

Initialize the factory, providing a handle to the Scheduler that should be made available within the JobRunShell and the JobExecutionCOntext s within it, and a handle to the SchedulingContext that the shell will use in its own operations with the JobStore.



JobRunShell borrowJobRunShell()
                              throws SchedulerException

Called by the QuartzSchedulerThread to obtain instances of JobRunShell.



void returnJobRunShell(JobRunShell jobRunShell)

Called by the QuartzSchedulerThread to return instances of JobRunShell.

Copyright 2001-2010, Terracotta, Inc.