Interface SchedulerPlugin

All Known Implementing Classes:
LoggingJobHistoryPlugin, LoggingTriggerHistoryPlugin, SchedulerPluginWithUserTransactionSupport, ShutdownHookPlugin, XMLSchedulingDataProcessorPlugin

public interface SchedulerPlugin

Provides an interface for a class to become a "plugin" to Quartz.

Plugins can do virtually anything you wish, though the most interesting ones will obviously interact with the scheduler in some way - either actively: by invoking actions on the scheduler, or passively: by being a JobListener, TriggerListener, and/or SchedulerListener.

If you use StdSchedulerFactory to initialize your Scheduler, it can also create and initialize your plugins - look at the configuration docs for details.

If you need direct access your plugin, you can have it explicitly put a reference to itself in the Scheduler's SchedulerContext as part of its initialize(String, Scheduler) method.

James House

Method Summary
 void initialize(String name, Scheduler scheduler)
           Called during creation of the Scheduler in order to give the SchedulerPlugin a chance to initialize.
 void shutdown()
           Called in order to inform the SchedulerPlugin that it should free up all of it's resources because the scheduler is shutting down.
 void start()
           Called when the associated Scheduler is started, in order to let the plug-in know it can now make calls into the scheduler if it needs to.

Method Detail


void initialize(String name,
                Scheduler scheduler)
                throws SchedulerException

Called during creation of the Scheduler in order to give the SchedulerPlugin a chance to initialize.

At this point, the Scheduler's JobStore is not yet initialized.

If you need direct access your plugin, for example during Job execution, you can have this method explicitly put a reference to this plugin in the Scheduler's SchedulerContext.

name - The name by which the plugin is identified.
scheduler - The scheduler to which the plugin is registered.
SchedulerConfigException - if there is an error initializing.


void start()

Called when the associated Scheduler is started, in order to let the plug-in know it can now make calls into the scheduler if it needs to.


void shutdown()

Called in order to inform the SchedulerPlugin that it should free up all of it's resources because the scheduler is shutting down.

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