Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClassLoadHelper
org.quartz.simpl Contains simple / light-weight implementations (with no dependencies on external libraries) of interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. 
org.quartz.spi Contains Service Provider Interfaces that can be implemented by those wishing to create and use custom versions of Quartz back-end/behind-the-scenes services. 

Uses of ClassLoadHelper in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore

Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore that return ClassLoadHelper
protected  ClassLoadHelper JobStoreSupport.getClassLoadHelper()

Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore with parameters of type ClassLoadHelper
 void JobStoreSupport.initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler)
           Called by the QuartzScheduler before the JobStore is used, in order to give it a chance to initialize.
 void JobStoreTX.initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler)
 void JobStoreCMT.initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler)
 JobDetail StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobDetail(Connection conn, String jobName, String groupName, ClassLoadHelper loadHelper)
           Select the JobDetail object for a given job name / group name.
 JobDetail DriverDelegate.selectJobDetail(Connection conn, String jobName, String groupName, ClassLoadHelper loadHelper)
           Select the JobDetail object for a given job name / group name.
 JobDetail StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobForTrigger(Connection conn, String triggerName, String groupName, ClassLoadHelper loadHelper)
           Select the job to which the trigger is associated.
 JobDetail DriverDelegate.selectJobForTrigger(Connection conn, String triggerName, String groupName, ClassLoadHelper loadHelper)
           Select the job to which the trigger is associated.

Uses of ClassLoadHelper in org.quartz.plugins.xml

Fields in org.quartz.plugins.xml declared as ClassLoadHelper
protected  ClassLoadHelper XMLSchedulingDataProcessorPlugin.classLoadHelper

Uses of ClassLoadHelper in org.quartz.simpl

Classes in org.quartz.simpl that implement ClassLoadHelper
 class CascadingClassLoadHelper
          A ClassLoadHelper uses all of the ClassLoadHelper types that are found in this package in its attempts to load a class, when one scheme is found to work, it is promoted to the scheme that will be used first the next time a class is loaded (in order to improve performance).
 class InitThreadContextClassLoadHelper
          A ClassLoadHelper that uses either the context class loader of the thread that initialized Quartz.
 class LoadingLoaderClassLoadHelper
          A ClassLoadHelper that uses either the loader of it's own class (this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass( ..
 class SimpleClassLoadHelper
          A ClassLoadHelper that simply calls Class.forName(..).
 class ThreadContextClassLoadHelper
          A ClassLoadHelper that uses either the current thread's context class loader (Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass( ..

Methods in org.quartz.simpl with parameters of type ClassLoadHelper
 void RAMJobStore.initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler)
           Called by the QuartzScheduler before the JobStore is used, in order to give the it a chance to initialize.

Uses of ClassLoadHelper in org.quartz.spi

Methods in org.quartz.spi with parameters of type ClassLoadHelper
 void JobStore.initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler)
           Called by the QuartzScheduler before the JobStore is used, in order to give the it a chance to initialize.

Uses of ClassLoadHelper in org.quartz.xml

Fields in org.quartz.xml declared as ClassLoadHelper
protected  ClassLoadHelper XMLSchedulingDataProcessor.classLoadHelper

Constructors in org.quartz.xml with parameters of type ClassLoadHelper
XMLSchedulingDataProcessor(ClassLoadHelper clh)
          Constructor for JobSchedulingDataLoader.

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