Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseCalendar

Uses of BaseCalendar in org.quartz.impl.calendar

Subclasses of BaseCalendar in org.quartz.impl.calendar
 class AnnualCalendar
           This implementation of the Calendar excludes a set of days of the year.
 class CronCalendar
          This implementation of the Calendar excludes the set of times expressed by a given CronExpression.
 class DailyCalendar
          This implementation of the Calendar excludes (or includes - see below) a specified time range each day.
 class HolidayCalendar
           This implementation of the Calendar stores a list of holidays (full days that are excluded from scheduling).
 class MonthlyCalendar
           This implementation of the Calendar excludes a set of days of the month.
 class WeeklyCalendar
           This implementation of the Calendar excludes a set of days of the week.

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