Uses of Class

Packages that use Key
org.quartz The main package of Quartz, containing the client-side interfaces. 

Uses of Key in org.quartz

Classes in org.quartz with type parameters of type Key
 interface Matcher<T extends Key>
          Matchers can be used in various Scheduler API methods to select the entities that should be operated upon.

Subclasses of Key in org.quartz
 class JobKey
          Uniquely identifies a JobDetail.
 class TriggerKey
          Uniquely identifies a Trigger.

Uses of Key in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore

Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore that return Key
 Key StdJDBCDelegate.selectTriggerForFireTime(Connection conn, long fireTime)
           Select the trigger that will be fired at the given fire time.
 Key DriverDelegate.selectTriggerForFireTime(Connection conn, long fireTime)
           Select the trigger that will be fired at the given fire time.

Uses of Key in org.quartz.impl.matchers

Classes in org.quartz.impl.matchers with type parameters of type Key
 class AndMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches using an AND operator on two Matcher operands.
 class EverythingMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches on the complete key being equal (both name and group).
 class GroupMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches on group (ignores name) property of Keys.
 class KeyMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches on the complete key being equal (both name and group).
 class NameMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches on name (ignores group) property of Keys.
 class NotMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches using an NOT operator on another Matcher.
 class OrMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches using an OR operator on two Matcher operands.
 class StringMatcher<T extends Key>
          An abstract base class for some types of matchers.

Fields in org.quartz.impl.matchers declared as Key
protected  T KeyMatcher.compareTo

Methods in org.quartz.impl.matchers with type parameters of type Key
<U extends Key>
AndMatcher.and(Matcher<U> leftOperand, Matcher<U> rightOperand)
          Create an AndMatcher that depends upon the result of both of the given matchers.
<U extends Key>
KeyMatcher.keyEquals(U compareTo)
          Create a KeyMatcher that matches Keys that equal the given key.
<U extends Key>
NotMatcher.not(Matcher<U> operand)
          Create a NotMatcher that reverses the result of the given matcher.
<U extends Key>
OrMatcher.or(Matcher<U> leftOperand, Matcher<U> rightOperand)
          Create an OrMatcher that depends upon the result of at least one of the given matchers.

Uses of Key in org.quartz.utils

Methods in org.quartz.utils with parameters of type Key
 int Key.compareTo(Key o)

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