Uses of Class

Packages that use JobBuilder
org.quartz The main package of Quartz, containing the client-side interfaces. 
org.quartz.impl Contains implementations of the SchedulerFactory, JobStore, ThreadPool, and other interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. 

Uses of JobBuilder in org.quartz

Methods in org.quartz that return JobBuilder
 JobBuilder JobDetail.getJobBuilder()
          Get a JobBuilder that is configured to produce a JobDetail identical to this one.
static JobBuilder JobBuilder.newJob()
          Create a JobBuilder with which to define a JobDetail.
static JobBuilder JobBuilder.newJob(Class<? extends Job> jobClass)
          Create a JobBuilder with which to define a JobDetail, and set the class name of the Job to be executed.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.ofType(Class<? extends Job> jobClazz)
          Set the class which will be instantiated and executed when a Trigger fires that is associated with this JobDetail.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.requestRecovery()
          Instructs the Scheduler whether or not the Job should be re-executed if a 'recovery' or 'fail-over' situation is encountered.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.requestRecovery(boolean jobShouldRecover)
          Instructs the Scheduler whether or not the Job should be re-executed if a 'recovery' or 'fail-over' situation is encountered.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.storeDurably()
          Whether or not the Job should remain stored after it is orphaned (no Triggers point to it).
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.storeDurably(boolean jobDurability)
          Whether or not the Job should remain stored after it is orphaned (no Triggers point to it).
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.usingJobData(JobDataMap newJobDataMap)
          Set the JobDetail's JobDataMap, adding any values to it that were already set on this JobBuilder using any of the other 'usingJobData' methods.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.usingJobData(String dataKey, Boolean value)
          Add the given key-value pair to the JobDetail's JobDataMap.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.usingJobData(String dataKey, Double value)
          Add the given key-value pair to the JobDetail's JobDataMap.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.usingJobData(String dataKey, Float value)
          Add the given key-value pair to the JobDetail's JobDataMap.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.usingJobData(String dataKey, Integer value)
          Add the given key-value pair to the JobDetail's JobDataMap.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.usingJobData(String dataKey, Long value)
          Add the given key-value pair to the JobDetail's JobDataMap.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.usingJobData(String dataKey, String value)
          Add the given key-value pair to the JobDetail's JobDataMap.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.withDescription(String jobDescription)
          Set the given (human-meaningful) description of the Job.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.withIdentity(JobKey jobKey)
          Use a JobKey to identify the JobDetail.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.withIdentity(String name)
          Use a JobKey with the given name and default group to identify the JobDetail.
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.withIdentity(String name, String group)
          Use a JobKey with the given name and group to identify the JobDetail.

Uses of JobBuilder in org.quartz.impl

Methods in org.quartz.impl that return JobBuilder
 JobBuilder JobDetailImpl.getJobBuilder()

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