Class CronTriggerImpl

  extended by org.quartz.impl.triggers.AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>
      extended by org.quartz.impl.triggers.CronTriggerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<Trigger>, CronTrigger, CoreTrigger, MutableTrigger, OperableTrigger, Trigger

public class CronTriggerImpl
extends AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>
implements CronTrigger, CoreTrigger

A concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail at given moments in time, defined with Unix 'cron-like' definitions.

Sharada Jambula, James House, Contributions from Mads Henderson
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.quartz.Trigger
Trigger.CompletedExecutionInstruction, Trigger.TriggerState, Trigger.TriggerTimeComparator
Field Summary
protected static int YEAR_TO_GIVEUP_SCHEDULING_AT
Fields inherited from interface org.quartz.CronTrigger
Fields inherited from interface org.quartz.Trigger
Constructor Summary
           Create a CronTrigger with no settings.
CronTriggerImpl(String name)
          Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead
CronTriggerImpl(String name, String group)
          Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead
CronTriggerImpl(String name, String group, String cronExpression)
          Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead
CronTriggerImpl(String name, String group, String jobName, String jobGroup)
          Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead
CronTriggerImpl(String name, String group, String jobName, String jobGroup, Date startTime, Date endTime, String cronExpression)
          Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead
CronTriggerImpl(String name, String group, String jobName, String jobGroup, Date startTime, Date endTime, String cronExpression, TimeZone timeZone)
          Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead
CronTriggerImpl(String name, String group, String jobName, String jobGroup, String cronExpression)
          Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead
CronTriggerImpl(String name, String group, String jobName, String jobGroup, String cronExpression, TimeZone timeZone)
          Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead
Method Summary
 Object clone()
 Date computeFirstFireTime(Calendar calendar)
           Called by the scheduler at the time a Trigger is first added to the scheduler, in order to have the Trigger compute its first fire time, based on any associated calendar.
 String getCronExpression()
 Date getEndTime()
           Get the time at which the CronTrigger should quit repeating - even if repeastCount isn't yet satisfied.
 String getExpressionSummary()
 Date getFinalFireTime()
           NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Returns the final time at which the CronTrigger will fire.
 Date getFireTimeAfter(Date afterTime)
           Returns the next time at which the CronTrigger will fire, after the given time.
 Date getNextFireTime()
           Returns the next time at which the Trigger is scheduled to fire.
 Date getPreviousFireTime()
           Returns the previous time at which the CronTrigger fired.
 ScheduleBuilder<CronTrigger> getScheduleBuilder()
          Get a ScheduleBuilder that is configured to produce a schedule identical to this trigger's schedule.
 Date getStartTime()
           Get the time at which the CronTrigger should occur.
protected  Date getTimeAfter(Date afterTime)
protected  Date getTimeBefore(Date eTime)
          NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Returns the time before the given time that this CronTrigger will fire.
 TimeZone getTimeZone()
           Returns the time zone for which the cronExpression of this CronTrigger will be resolved.
 boolean hasAdditionalProperties()
          Used by extensions of CronTrigger to imply that there are additional properties, specifically so that extensions can choose whether to be stored as a serialized blob, or as a flattened CronTrigger table.
 boolean mayFireAgain()
           Determines whether or not the CronTrigger will occur again.
 void setCronExpression(CronExpression cronExpression)
          Set the CronExpression to the given one.
 void setCronExpression(String cronExpression)
 void setEndTime(Date endTime)
           Set the time at which the Trigger should quit repeating - regardless of any remaining repeats (based on the trigger's particular repeat settings).
 void setNextFireTime(Date nextFireTime)
           Sets the next time at which the CronTrigger will fire.
 void setPreviousFireTime(Date previousFireTime)
           Set the previous time at which the CronTrigger fired.
 void setStartTime(Date startTime)
           The time at which the trigger's scheduling should start.
 void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone)
           Sets the time zone for which the cronExpression of this CronTrigger will be resolved.
 void triggered(Calendar calendar)
           Called when the Scheduler has decided to 'fire' the trigger (execute the associated Job), in order to give the Trigger a chance to update itself for its next triggering (if any).
 void updateAfterMisfire(Calendar cal)
           Updates the CronTrigger's state based on the MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_XXX that was selected when the CronTrigger was created.
 void updateWithNewCalendar(Calendar calendar, long misfireThreshold)
           This method should not be used by the Quartz client.
protected  boolean validateMisfireInstruction(int misfireInstruction)
 boolean willFireOn(Calendar test)
           Determines whether the date and (optionally) time of the given Calendar instance falls on a scheduled fire-time of this trigger.
 boolean willFireOn(Calendar test, boolean dayOnly)
           Determines whether the date and (optionally) time of the given Calendar instance falls on a scheduled fire-time of this trigger.
Methods inherited from class org.quartz.impl.triggers.AbstractTrigger
compareTo, equals, executionComplete, getCalendarName, getDescription, getFireInstanceId, getFullJobName, getFullName, getGroup, getJobDataMap, getJobGroup, getJobKey, getJobName, getKey, getMisfireInstruction, getName, getPriority, getTriggerBuilder, hashCode, setCalendarName, setDescription, setFireInstanceId, setGroup, setJobDataMap, setJobGroup, setJobKey, setJobName, setKey, setMisfireInstruction, setName, setPriority, toString, validate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.quartz.CronTrigger
Methods inherited from interface org.quartz.Trigger
compareTo, equals, getCalendarName, getDescription, getJobDataMap, getJobKey, getKey, getMisfireInstruction, getPriority

Field Detail


protected static final int YEAR_TO_GIVEUP_SCHEDULING_AT
Constructor Detail


public CronTriggerImpl()

Create a CronTrigger with no settings.

The start-time will also be set to the current time, and the time zone will be set the the system's default time zone.


public CronTriggerImpl(String name)
Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead

Create a CronTrigger with the given name and default group.

The start-time will also be set to the current time, and the time zone will be set the the system's default time zone.


public CronTriggerImpl(String name,
                                  String group)
Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead

Create a CronTrigger with the given name and group.

The start-time will also be set to the current time, and the time zone will be set the the system's default time zone.


public CronTriggerImpl(String name,
                                  String group,
                                  String cronExpression)
                throws ParseException
Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead

Create a CronTrigger with the given name, group and expression.

The start-time will also be set to the current time, and the time zone will be set the the system's default time zone.



public CronTriggerImpl(String name,
                                  String group,
                                  String jobName,
                                  String jobGroup)
Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead

Create a CronTrigger with the given name and group, and associated with the identified JobDetail.

The start-time will also be set to the current time, and the time zone will be set the the system's default time zone.


public CronTriggerImpl(String name,
                                  String group,
                                  String jobName,
                                  String jobGroup,
                                  String cronExpression)
                throws ParseException
Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead

Create a CronTrigger with the given name and group, associated with the identified JobDetail, and with the given "cron" expression.

The start-time will also be set to the current time, and the time zone will be set the the system's default time zone.



public CronTriggerImpl(String name,
                                  String group,
                                  String jobName,
                                  String jobGroup,
                                  String cronExpression,
                                  TimeZone timeZone)
                throws ParseException
Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead

Create a CronTrigger with the given name and group, associated with the identified JobDetail, and with the given "cron" expression resolved with respect to the TimeZone.



public CronTriggerImpl(String name,
                                  String group,
                                  String jobName,
                                  String jobGroup,
                                  Date startTime,
                                  Date endTime,
                                  String cronExpression)
                throws ParseException
Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead

Create a CronTrigger that will occur at the given time, until the given end time.

If null, the start-time will also be set to the current time, the time zone will be set the the system's default.

startTime - A Date set to the time for the Trigger to fire.
endTime - A Date set to the time for the Trigger to quit repeat firing.


public CronTriggerImpl(String name,
                                  String group,
                                  String jobName,
                                  String jobGroup,
                                  Date startTime,
                                  Date endTime,
                                  String cronExpression,
                                  TimeZone timeZone)
                throws ParseException
Deprecated. use a TriggerBuilder instead

Create a CronTrigger with fire time dictated by the cronExpression resolved with respect to the specified timeZone occurring from the startTime until the given endTime.

If null, the start-time will also be set to the current time. If null, the time zone will be set to the system's default.

name - of the Trigger
group - of the Trigger
jobName - name of the JobDetail executed on firetime
jobGroup - group of the JobDetail executed on firetime
startTime - A Date set to the earliest time for the Trigger to start firing.
endTime - A Date set to the time for the Trigger to quit repeat firing.
cronExpression - A cron expression dictating the firing sequence of the Trigger
timeZone - Specifies for which time zone the cronExpression should be interpreted, i.e. the expression 0 0 10 * * ?, is resolved to 10:00 am in this time zone.
ParseException - if the cronExpression is invalid.
Method Detail


public Object clone()
Specified by:
clone in interface MutableTrigger
clone in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>


public void setCronExpression(String cronExpression)
                       throws ParseException


public String getCronExpression()
Specified by:
getCronExpression in interface CronTrigger


public void setCronExpression(CronExpression cronExpression)
Set the CronExpression to the given one. The TimeZone on the passed-in CronExpression over-rides any that was already set on the Trigger.

cronExpression -


public Date getStartTime()

Get the time at which the CronTrigger should occur.

Specified by:
getStartTime in interface Trigger
Specified by:
getStartTime in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>


public void setStartTime(Date startTime)
Description copied from class: AbstractTrigger

The time at which the trigger's scheduling should start. May or may not be the first actual fire time of the trigger, depending upon the type of trigger and the settings of the other properties of the trigger. However the first actual first time will not be before this date.

Setting a value in the past may cause a new trigger to compute a first fire time that is in the past, which may cause an immediate misfire of the trigger.

Specified by:
setStartTime in interface MutableTrigger
Specified by:
setStartTime in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>


public Date getEndTime()

Get the time at which the CronTrigger should quit repeating - even if repeastCount isn't yet satisfied.

Specified by:
getEndTime in interface Trigger
Specified by:
getEndTime in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>
See Also:


public void setEndTime(Date endTime)
Description copied from class: AbstractTrigger

Set the time at which the Trigger should quit repeating - regardless of any remaining repeats (based on the trigger's particular repeat settings).

Specified by:
setEndTime in interface MutableTrigger
Specified by:
setEndTime in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>
See Also:
TriggerUtils#computeEndTimeToAllowParticularNumberOfFirings(AbstractTrigger, Calendar, int)


public Date getNextFireTime()

Returns the next time at which the Trigger is scheduled to fire. If the trigger will not fire again, null will be returned. Note that the time returned can possibly be in the past, if the time that was computed for the trigger to next fire has already arrived, but the scheduler has not yet been able to fire the trigger (which would likely be due to lack of resources e.g. threads).

The value returned is not guaranteed to be valid until after the Trigger has been added to the scheduler.

Specified by:
getNextFireTime in interface Trigger
Specified by:
getNextFireTime in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>
See Also:
TriggerUtils#computeFireTimesBetween(Trigger, org.quartz.Calendar , Date, Date)


public Date getPreviousFireTime()

Returns the previous time at which the CronTrigger fired. If the trigger has not yet fired, null will be returned.

Specified by:
getPreviousFireTime in interface Trigger
Specified by:
getPreviousFireTime in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>


public void setNextFireTime(Date nextFireTime)

Sets the next time at which the CronTrigger will fire. This method should not be invoked by client code.

Specified by:
setNextFireTime in interface OperableTrigger


public void setPreviousFireTime(Date previousFireTime)

Set the previous time at which the CronTrigger fired.

This method should not be invoked by client code.

Specified by:
setPreviousFireTime in interface OperableTrigger


public TimeZone getTimeZone()
Description copied from interface: CronTrigger

Returns the time zone for which the cronExpression of this CronTrigger will be resolved.

Specified by:
getTimeZone in interface CronTrigger


public void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone)

Sets the time zone for which the cronExpression of this CronTrigger will be resolved.

If setCronExpression(CronExpression) is called after this method, the TimeZon setting on the CronExpression will "win". However if setCronExpression(String) is called after this method, the time zone applied by this method will remain in effect, since the String cron expression does not carry a time zone!


public Date getFireTimeAfter(Date afterTime)

Returns the next time at which the CronTrigger will fire, after the given time. If the trigger will not fire after the given time, null will be returned.

Note that the date returned is NOT validated against the related org.quartz.Calendar (if any)

Specified by:
getFireTimeAfter in interface Trigger
Specified by:
getFireTimeAfter in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>


public Date getFinalFireTime()

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Returns the final time at which the CronTrigger will fire.

Note that the return time *may* be in the past. and the date returned is not validated against org.quartz.calendar

Specified by:
getFinalFireTime in interface Trigger
Specified by:
getFinalFireTime in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>


public boolean mayFireAgain()

Determines whether or not the CronTrigger will occur again.

Specified by:
mayFireAgain in interface Trigger
Specified by:
mayFireAgain in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>


protected boolean validateMisfireInstruction(int misfireInstruction)
Specified by:
validateMisfireInstruction in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>


public void updateAfterMisfire(Calendar cal)

Updates the CronTrigger's state based on the MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_XXX that was selected when the CronTrigger was created.

If the misfire instruction is set to MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_SMART_POLICY, then the following scheme will be used:

Specified by:
updateAfterMisfire in interface OperableTrigger
Specified by:
updateAfterMisfire in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>


public boolean willFireOn(Calendar test)

Determines whether the date and (optionally) time of the given Calendar instance falls on a scheduled fire-time of this trigger.

Equivalent to calling willFireOn(cal, false).

test - the date to compare
See Also:
willFireOn(Calendar, boolean)


public boolean willFireOn(Calendar test,
                          boolean dayOnly)

Determines whether the date and (optionally) time of the given Calendar instance falls on a scheduled fire-time of this trigger.

Note that the value returned is NOT validated against the related org.quartz.Calendar (if any)

test - the date to compare
dayOnly - if set to true, the method will only determine if the trigger will fire during the day represented by the given Calendar (hours, minutes and seconds will be ignored).
See Also:


public void triggered(Calendar calendar)

Called when the Scheduler has decided to 'fire' the trigger (execute the associated Job), in order to give the Trigger a chance to update itself for its next triggering (if any).

Specified by:
triggered in interface OperableTrigger
Specified by:
triggered in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>
See Also:
AbstractTrigger.executionComplete(JobExecutionContext, JobExecutionException)


public void updateWithNewCalendar(Calendar calendar,
                                  long misfireThreshold)
Description copied from class: AbstractTrigger

This method should not be used by the Quartz client.

To be implemented by the concrete class.

The implementation should update the Trigger's state based on the given new version of the associated Calendar (the state should be updated so that it's next fire time is appropriate given the Calendar's new settings).

Specified by:
updateWithNewCalendar in interface OperableTrigger
Specified by:
updateWithNewCalendar in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>
See Also:
org.quartz.Trigger#updateWithNewCalendar(org.quartz.Calendar, long)


public Date computeFirstFireTime(Calendar calendar)

Called by the scheduler at the time a Trigger is first added to the scheduler, in order to have the Trigger compute its first fire time, based on any associated calendar.

After this method has been called, getNextFireTime() should return a valid answer.

Specified by:
computeFirstFireTime in interface OperableTrigger
Specified by:
computeFirstFireTime in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>
the first time at which the Trigger will be fired by the scheduler, which is also the same value getNextFireTime() will return (until after the first firing of the Trigger).


public String getExpressionSummary()
Specified by:
getExpressionSummary in interface CronTrigger


public boolean hasAdditionalProperties()
Used by extensions of CronTrigger to imply that there are additional properties, specifically so that extensions can choose whether to be stored as a serialized blob, or as a flattened CronTrigger table.

Specified by:
hasAdditionalProperties in interface CoreTrigger


public ScheduleBuilder<CronTrigger> getScheduleBuilder()
Get a ScheduleBuilder that is configured to produce a schedule identical to this trigger's schedule.

Specified by:
getScheduleBuilder in interface Trigger
Specified by:
getScheduleBuilder in class AbstractTrigger<CronTrigger>
See Also:


protected Date getTimeAfter(Date afterTime)


protected Date getTimeBefore(Date eTime)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Returns the time before the given time that this CronTrigger will fire.

Copyright 2001-2012, Terracotta, Inc.