Class JobDataMap

  extended by org.quartz.utils.DirtyFlagMap<String,Object>
      extended by org.quartz.utils.StringKeyDirtyFlagMap
          extended by org.quartz.JobDataMap
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map<String,Object>

public class JobDataMap
extends StringKeyDirtyFlagMap
implements Serializable

Holds state information for Job instances.

JobDataMap instances are stored once when the Job is added to a scheduler. They are also re-persisted after every execution of jobs annotated with @PersistJobDataAfterExecution.

JobDataMap instances can also be stored with a Trigger. This can be useful in the case where you have a Job that is stored in the scheduler for regular/repeated use by multiple Triggers, yet with each independent triggering, you want to supply the Job with different data inputs.

The JobExecutionContext passed to a Job at execution time also contains a convenience JobDataMap that is the result of merging the contents of the trigger's JobDataMap (if any) over the Job's JobDataMap (if any).

James House
See Also:
Job, PersistJobDataAfterExecution, Trigger, JobExecutionContext, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Constructor Summary
           Create an empty JobDataMap.
JobDataMap(Map<?,?> map)
           Create a JobDataMap with the given data.
Method Summary
 Boolean getBooleanFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified Boolean value from the JobDataMap.
 boolean getBooleanValue(String key)
           Retrieve the identified boolean value from the JobDataMap.
 boolean getBooleanValueFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified boolean value from the JobDataMap.
 Character getCharacterFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified Character value from the JobDataMap.
 char getCharFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified char value from the JobDataMap.
 Double getDoubleFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified Double value from the JobDataMap.
 double getDoubleValue(String key)
           Retrieve the identified double value from the JobDataMap.
 double getDoubleValueFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified double value from the JobDataMap.
 Float getFloatFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified Float value from the JobDataMap.
 float getFloatValue(String key)
           Retrieve the identified float value from the JobDataMap.
 float getFloatValueFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified float value from the JobDataMap.
 Integer getIntegerFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified int value from the JobDataMap.
 int getIntFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified int value from the JobDataMap.
 int getIntValue(String key)
           Retrieve the identified int value from the JobDataMap.
 Long getLongFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified Long value from the JobDataMap.
 long getLongValue(String key)
           Retrieve the identified long value from the JobDataMap.
 long getLongValueFromString(String key)
           Retrieve the identified long value from the JobDataMap.
 void putAsString(String key, boolean value)
           Adds the given boolean value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, Boolean value)
           Adds the given Boolean value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, char value)
           Adds the given char value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, Character value)
           Adds the given Character value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, double value)
           Adds the given double value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, Double value)
           Adds the given Double value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, float value)
           Adds the given float value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, Float value)
           Adds the given Float value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, int value)
           Adds the given int value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, Integer value)
           Adds the given Integer value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, long value)
           Adds the given long value as a string version to the Job's data map.
 void putAsString(String key, Long value)
           Adds the given Long value as a string version to the Job's data map.
Methods inherited from class org.quartz.utils.StringKeyDirtyFlagMap
containsTransientData, equals, getAllowsTransientData, getBoolean, getChar, getDouble, getFloat, getInt, getKeys, getLong, getString, hashCode, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, removeTransientData, setAllowsTransientData
Methods inherited from class org.quartz.utils.DirtyFlagMap
clear, clearDirtyFlag, clone, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, get, getWrappedMap, isDirty, isEmpty, keySet, putAll, remove, size, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JobDataMap()

Create an empty JobDataMap.


public JobDataMap(Map<?,?> map)

Create a JobDataMap with the given data.

Method Detail


public void putAsString(String key,
                        boolean value)

Adds the given boolean value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        Boolean value)

Adds the given Boolean value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        char value)

Adds the given char value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        Character value)

Adds the given Character value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        double value)

Adds the given double value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        Double value)

Adds the given Double value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        float value)

Adds the given float value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        Float value)

Adds the given Float value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        int value)

Adds the given int value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        Integer value)

Adds the given Integer value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        long value)

Adds the given long value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public void putAsString(String key,
                        Long value)

Adds the given Long value as a string version to the Job's data map.


public int getIntFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified int value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public int getIntValue(String key)

Retrieve the identified int value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String or Integer.


public Integer getIntegerFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified int value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public boolean getBooleanValueFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified boolean value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public boolean getBooleanValue(String key)

Retrieve the identified boolean value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String or Boolean.


public Boolean getBooleanFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified Boolean value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public char getCharFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified char value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public Character getCharacterFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified Character value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public double getDoubleValueFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified double value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public double getDoubleValue(String key)

Retrieve the identified double value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String or Double.


public Double getDoubleFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified Double value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public float getFloatValueFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified float value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public float getFloatValue(String key)

Retrieve the identified float value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String or Float.


public Float getFloatFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified Float value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public long getLongValueFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified long value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.


public long getLongValue(String key)

Retrieve the identified long value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String or Long.


public Long getLongFromString(String key)

Retrieve the identified Long value from the JobDataMap.

ClassCastException - if the identified object is not a String.

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