Package org.quartz

Interface DailyTimeIntervalTrigger

  • All Superinterfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<Trigger>,, Trigger
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DailyTimeIntervalTrigger
    extends Trigger
    A Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail based upon daily repeating time intervals.

    The trigger will fire every N (see getRepeatInterval() ) seconds, minutes or hours (see getRepeatIntervalUnit()) during a given time window on specified days of the week.

    For example#1, a trigger can be set to fire every 72 minutes between 8:00 and 11:00 everyday. It's fire times would be 8:00, 9:12, 10:24, then next day would repeat: 8:00, 9:12, 10:24 again.

    For example#2, a trigger can be set to fire every 23 minutes between 9:20 and 16:47 Monday through Friday.

    On each day, the starting fire time is reset to startTimeOfDay value, and then it will add repeatInterval value to it until the endTimeOfDay is reached. If you set daysOfWeek values, then fire time will only occur during those week days period.

    The default values for fields if not set are: startTimeOfDay defaults to 00:00:00, the endTimeOfDay default to 23:59:59, and daysOfWeek is default to every day. The startTime default to current time-stamp now, while endTime has not value.

    If startTime is before startTimeOfDay, then it has no affect. Else if startTime after startTimeOfDay, then the first fire time for that day will be normal startTimeOfDay incremental values after startTime value. Same reversal logic is applied to endTime with endTimeOfDay.

    James House, Zemian Deng <[email protected]>
    See Also:
    • Field Detail


        static final int REPEAT_INDEFINITELY

        Used to indicate the 'repeat count' of the trigger is indefinite. Or in other words, the trigger should repeat continually until the trigger's ending timestamp.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_DO_NOTHING

        Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the DailyTimeIntervalTrigger wants to have it's next-fire-time updated to the next time in the schedule after the current time (taking into account any associated Calendar, but it does not want to be fired now.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getRepeatCount

        int getRepeatCount()

        Get the the number of times for interval this trigger should repeat, after which it will be automatically deleted.

        See Also:
      • getRepeatInterval

        int getRepeatInterval()

        Get the the time interval that will be added to the DateIntervalTrigger's fire time (in the set repeat interval unit) in order to calculate the time of the next trigger repeat.

      • getStartTimeOfDay

        TimeOfDay getStartTimeOfDay()
        The time of day to start firing at the given interval.
      • getEndTimeOfDay

        TimeOfDay getEndTimeOfDay()
        The time of day to complete firing at the given interval.
      • getDaysOfWeek

        java.util.Set<java.lang.Integer> getDaysOfWeek()
        The days of the week upon which to fire.
        a Set containing the integers representing the days of the week, per the values 1-7 as defined by Calendar.SUNDAY - Calendar.SATURDAY.
      • getTimesTriggered

        int getTimesTriggered()

        Get the number of times the DateIntervalTrigger has already fired.