
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package quasar
    Definition Classes
  • package config
  • package connector
  • package fp
  • package fs
  • package qscript

    The various representations of an arbitrary query, as seen by the filesystem connectors, along with the operations for dealing with them.

    The various representations of an arbitrary query, as seen by the filesystem connectors, along with the operations for dealing with them.

    There are a few patterns that are worth noting: - (src: A, ..., lBranch: FreeQS[T], rBranch: FreeQS[T], ...) – used in operations that combine multiple data sources (notably joins and unions). This holds the divergent parts of the data sources in the branches, with SrcHole indicating a reference back to the common src of the two branches. There is not required to be a SrcHole. - Free[F, A] – we use this structure as a restricted form of variable binding, where F is some pattern functor, and A is some enumeration that has a specific referent. E.g., FreeMap is a recursive structure of MapFunc that has a single “variable”, SrcHole, which (usually) refers to the src parameter of that operation. JoinFunc, FreeQS, and the repair parameter to Reduce behave similarly. - We use the type parameter QS[_] to indicate QScript, as well as the type parameters IN[_] and OUT[_] to indicate the input and output coproducts in transformations where they can be different.

  • NameGenerator
  • NameGeneratorInstances
  • NameGeneratorInstances0
  • Planner


package quasar

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait NameGenerator[F[_]] extends Serializable

    A source of strings unique within F[_], an implementation must have the property that, if Applicative[F], then (freshName |@| freshName)(_ != _).

  2. sealed abstract class NameGeneratorInstances extends NameGeneratorInstances0
  3. sealed abstract class NameGeneratorInstances0 extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object NameGenerator extends NameGeneratorInstances with Serializable
  2. object Planner
