
package db

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. db
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class ConnectionInfo(driverClassName: slamdata.Predef.String, url: slamdata.Predef.String, userName: slamdata.Predef.String, password: slamdata.Predef.String) extends Product with Serializable

    Connection parameters for JDBC.

  2. sealed trait DbConnectionConfig extends AnyRef
  3. sealed class NotFound extends AnyRef
  4. type NotFoundErrT[F[_], A] = EitherT[F, NotFound, A]
  5. final case class Schema[A](readVersion: ConnectionIO[slamdata.Predef.Option[A]], writeVersion: (A) ⇒ ConnectionIO[slamdata.Predef.Unit], updates: SortedMap[A, ConnectionIO[slamdata.Predef.Unit]])(implicit evidence$1: Order[A]) extends Product with Serializable


    a sequence of update operations which can be applied in sequence to bring the schema from any previous version up to the latest version, migrating existing data in the process.

  6. final case class StatefulTransactor(transactor: Transactor[Task], shutdown: Task[slamdata.Predef.Unit]) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. val DefaultConfig: (HikariConfig) ⇒ Task[slamdata.Predef.Unit]
  2. val NotFound: NotFound
  3. def connFail[A](message: slamdata.Predef.String): ConnectionIO[A]
  4. def poolingTransactor(cxn: ConnectionInfo, config: (HikariConfig) ⇒ Task[slamdata.Predef.Unit]): EitherT[Task, UnknownError, StatefulTransactor]

    Transactor that makes use of a connection pool for performance.

    Transactor that makes use of a connection pool for performance. Requires cleanup.

  5. def simpleTransactor(cxn: ConnectionInfo): Transactor[Task]

    Transactor that does not use a connection pool, so doesn't require any cleanup.

  6. object DbConnectionConfig

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
