
package fp

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. fp
  2. DebugOps
  3. ProcessOps
  4. JsonOps
  5. PartialFunctionOps
  6. ListMapInstances
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. implicit final class ToDebugOps[A] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  2. class SeqW[A] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  3. implicit class PFOps[A, B] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  4. sealed abstract class :/:[F[_], G[_]] extends CoM
  5. sealed abstract class :\:[F[_], T <: CoM] extends CoM
  6. sealed abstract class CoM extends AnyRef

    Builds nested scalaz Coproducts.

    Builds nested scalaz Coproducts. Use like: * type MarkLogicFs[A] = ( Task :\: SessionIO :\: ContentSourceIO :\: GenUUID :\: MonotonicSeq :\: MLReadHandles :\: MLWriteHandles :/: MLResultHandles )#M[A]

  7. trait DelayedA[A] extends AnyRef
  8. trait DelayedFG[F[_], G[_]] extends AnyRef
  9. type EndoK[F[X]] = NaturalTransformation[F, F]

    An endomorphism is a mapping from a category to itself.

    An endomorphism is a mapping from a category to itself. It looks like scalaz already staked out "Endo" for the lower version.

  10. sealed abstract class ExternallyManaged extends AnyRef

    Used for a normally-recursive parameter that has been “externalized”.

    Used for a normally-recursive parameter that has been “externalized”. E.g., Tree[LogicalPlan[ExternallyManaged]] vs Fix[LogicalPlan]. This indicates that the recursive structure is intact, but is handled by some containing structure (Tree, in that example).

  11. implicit final class ListOps[A] extends AnyVal
  12. type NTComp[F[X], G[Y]] = NaturalTransformation[F, [A]G[F[A]]]
  13. final case class PrismNT[F[_], G[_]](get: ~>[F, [A]Option[G[A]]], reverseGet: ~>[G, F]) extends Product with Serializable

    Just like Prism, but operates over Functors.

  14. trait ProcessOps extends AnyRef
  15. implicit class PrOps[F[_], O] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  16. implicit class ProcessOfTaskOps[O] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  17. implicit class TaskOps[A] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  18. implicit final class QuasarFreeOps[F[_], A] extends AnyVal
  19. sealed abstract class TaskRef[A] extends AnyRef

    A thread-safe, atomically updatable mutable reference.

    A thread-safe, atomically updatable mutable reference.

    Cribbed from the IORef defined in oncue/remotely, an Apache 2 licensed project:

Value Members

  1. implicit def ListMapEqual[A, B](implicit arg0: Equal[A], arg1: Equal[B]): Equal[slamdata.Predef.ListMap[A, B]]
    Definition Classes
  2. implicit def TraverseListMap[K]: Traverse[[β$0$]ListMap[K, β$0$]] with IsEmpty[[β$1$]ListMap[K, β$1$]]
    Definition Classes
  3. def applyCoEnvFrom[T[_[_]], F[_], A](modify: (T[[γ$20$]CoEnv[A, F, γ$20$]]) ⇒ T[[γ$21$]CoEnv[A, F, γ$21$]])(implicit arg0: BirecursiveT[T], arg1: Functor[F]): (Free[F, A]) ⇒ Free[F, A]
  4. def applyFrom[A, B](bij: Bijection[A, B])(modify: (B) ⇒ B): (A) ⇒ A
  5. def coenvBijection[T[_[_]], F[_], A](implicit arg0: BirecursiveT[T], arg1: Functor[F]): Bijection[Free[F, A], T[[γ$17$]CoEnv[A, F, γ$17$]]]
  6. def coenvPrism[F[_], A]: PrismNT[[γ$4$]CoEnv[A, F, γ$4$], F]
  7. implicit def constEqual[A](implicit arg0: Equal[A]): Delay[Equal, [β$13$]Const[A, β$13$]]
  8. implicit def constShow[A](implicit arg0: Show[A]): Delay[Show, [β$15$]Const[A, β$15$]]
  9. implicit def coproductEqual[F[_], G[_]](implicit F: Delay[Equal, F], G: Delay[Equal, G]): Delay[Equal, [γ$9$]Coproduct[F, G, γ$9$]]
  10. implicit def coproductShow[F[_], G[_]](implicit F: Delay[Show, F], G: Delay[Show, G]): Delay[Show, [γ$11$]Coproduct[F, G, γ$11$]]
  11. def decodeJson[A](text: slamdata.Predef.String)(implicit DA: DecodeJson[A]): \/[slamdata.Predef.String, A]
    Definition Classes
  12. def evalNT[F[_], S](initial: S)(implicit arg0: Monad[F]): ~>[[γ$7$]IndexedStateT[F, S, S, γ$7$], F]
  13. implicit def finEqual[N <: Succ[_]]: Equal[Fin[N]]
  14. implicit def finShow[N <: Succ[_]]: Show[Fin[N]]
  15. def idPrism[F[_]]: PrismNT[F, F]
  16. def ignore[A](a: A): slamdata.Predef.Unit

    Accept a value (forcing the argument expression to be evaluated for its effects), and then discard it, returning Unit.

    Accept a value (forcing the argument expression to be evaluated for its effects), and then discard it, returning Unit. Makes it explicit that you're discarding the result, and effectively suppresses the "NonUnitStatement" warning from wartremover.

  17. def injR[T[_[_]], F[_], G[_]](orig: T[F])(implicit arg0: BirecursiveT[T], arg1: Functor[F], arg2: Functor[G], F: :<:[F, G]): T[G]
  18. def liftCo[T[_[_]], F[_], A, B](f: (F[B]) ⇒ CoEnv[A, F, B]): (CoEnv[A, F, B]) ⇒ CoEnv[A, F, B]
  19. def liftCoM[T[_[_]], M[_], F[_], A, B](f: (F[B]) ⇒ M[CoEnv[A, F, B]])(implicit arg0: Applicative[M]): (CoEnv[A, F, B]) ⇒ M[CoEnv[A, F, B]]
  20. def liftFF[F[_], G[_], A](orig: (F[A]) ⇒ F[A])(implicit F: :<:[F, G]): (G[A]) ⇒ G[A]
  21. def liftFFTrans[F[_], G[_], A](prism: PrismNT[G, F])(f: (F[A]) ⇒ slamdata.Predef.Option[F[A]]): (G[A]) ⇒ slamdata.Predef.Option[G[A]]
  22. def liftFG[F[_], G[_], A](orig: (F[A]) ⇒ G[A])(implicit F: :<:[F, G]): (G[A]) ⇒ G[A]
  23. def liftFGM[M[_], F[_], G[_], A](orig: (F[A]) ⇒ M[G[A]])(implicit arg0: Monad[M], F: :<:[F, G]): (G[A]) ⇒ M[G[A]]
  24. def liftFGTrans[F[_], G[_], A](prism: PrismNT[G, F])(f: (F[A]) ⇒ slamdata.Predef.Option[G[A]]): (G[A]) ⇒ slamdata.Predef.Option[G[A]]
  25. def liftMT[F[_], G[_[_], _]](implicit arg0: Monad[F], arg1: MonadTrans[G]): ~>[F, [β$4$]G[F, β$4$]]

    liftM as a natural transformation

    liftM as a natural transformation

    TODO: PR to scalaz

  26. def liftR[T[_[_]], F[_], G[_]](orig: (T[F]) ⇒ T[F])(implicit arg0: BirecursiveT[T], arg1: Traverse[F], arg2: Traverse[G], F: :<:[F, G]): (T[G]) ⇒ T[G]
  27. val minspace: PrettyParams
    Definition Classes
  28. val multiline: PrettyParams

    Nicely formatted, order-preserving, 2-space indented.

    Nicely formatted, order-preserving, 2-space indented.

    Definition Classes
  29. implicit def natEqual[N <: Nat]: Equal[N]
  30. implicit def natShow[N <: Nat]: Show[N]
  31. def optional[A](cur: ACursor)(implicit arg0: DecodeJson[A]): DecodeResult[slamdata.Predef.Option[A]]
    Definition Classes
  32. def orElse[A](cur: ACursor, default: ⇒ A)(implicit arg0: DecodeJson[A]): DecodeResult[A]
    Definition Classes
  33. def pointNT[F[_]](implicit arg0: Applicative[F]): ~>[scalaz.Scalaz.Id, F]

    point as a natural transformation

  34. def prjR[T[_[_]], F[_], G[_]](orig: T[G])(implicit arg0: BirecursiveT[T], arg1: Traverse[F], arg2: Traverse[G], F: :<:[F, G]): slamdata.Predef.Option[T[F]]
  35. def reflNT[F[_]]: ~>[F, F]
  36. implicit def seqW[A](xs: slamdata.Predef.Seq[A]): SeqW[A]
    Definition Classes
  37. implicit def sizedEqual[A, N <: Nat](implicit arg0: Equal[A]): Equal[Sized[A, N]]
  38. implicit def sizedShow[A, N <: Nat](implicit arg0: Show[A]): Show[Sized[A, N]]
  39. implicit val symbolOrder: Order[slamdata.Predef.Symbol]
  40. implicit val symbolShow: Show[slamdata.Predef.Symbol]
  41. object Extern extends ExternallyManaged with Product with Serializable
  42. object ExternallyManaged
  43. object PrismNT extends Serializable
  44. object ProcessOps extends ProcessOps
  45. object TaskRef
  46. object zoomNT

    Lift a State computation to operate over a "larger" state given a Lens.

    Lift a State computation to operate over a "larger" state given a Lens.

    NB: Uses partial application of F[_] for better type inference, usage:


Inherited from DebugOps

Inherited from ProcessOps

Inherited from JsonOps

Inherited from PartialFunctionOps

Inherited from ListMapInstances

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
