
package tpe

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. tpe
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class CompositeType extends slamdata.Predef.Product with slamdata.Predef.Serializable

    Primary composite types.

  2. type PrimaryType = \/[SimpleType, CompositeType]
  3. sealed abstract class SimpleType extends slamdata.Predef.Product with slamdata.Predef.Serializable

    Primary, non-composite types.

  4. sealed abstract class TypeF[J, A] extends slamdata.Predef.Product with slamdata.Predef.Serializable

Value Members

  1. implicit def birecursiveTTypeBoundedDistributiveLattice[T[_[_]], J](implicit arg0: BirecursiveT[T], arg1: Order[J], JC: Aux[J, EJson], JR: Aux[J, EJson]): BoundedDistributiveLattice[T[[β$2$]TypeF[J, β$2$]]]
  2. implicit def birecursiveTTypePartialOrder[T[_[_]], J](implicit arg0: BirecursiveT[T], arg1: Order[J], JC: Aux[J, EJson], JR: Aux[J, EJson]): PartialOrder[T[[β$0$]TypeF[J, β$0$]]]
  3. def compositeTypeOf[J](ejs: J)(implicit J: Aux[J, EJson]): slamdata.Predef.Option[CompositeType]

    Returns the primary type of the given EJson value, if it is composite.

  4. def primaryTypeOf[J](ejs: J)(implicit J: Aux[J, EJson]): PrimaryType

    Returns the primary type of the given EJson value.

  5. val primaryTypeOfƒ: Algebra[EJson, PrimaryType]

    Fold EJson to its PrimaryType.

  6. def simpleTypeOf[J](ejs: J)(implicit J: Aux[J, EJson]): slamdata.Predef.Option[SimpleType]

    Returns the primary type of the given EJson value, if it is simple.

  7. object CompositeType extends Serializable
  8. object PrimaryType
  9. object SimpleEJson
  10. object SimpleType extends Serializable
  11. object TypeF extends TypeFInstances with Serializable
  12. object normalization

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
