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AbstractIoHandler - Class in quickfix.mina
Abstract class used for acceptor and initiator IO handlers.
AbstractIoHandler(NetworkingOptions, EventHandlingStrategy) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.AbstractIoHandler
AbstractSessionConnectorBuilder<Derived,Product> - Class in quickfix
AbstractSocketAcceptor - Class in quickfix.mina.acceptor
Abstract base class for socket acceptors.
AbstractSocketAcceptor(SessionSettings, SessionFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.acceptor.AbstractSocketAcceptor
AbstractSocketAcceptor(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.acceptor.AbstractSocketAcceptor
AbstractSocketAcceptor(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.acceptor.AbstractSocketAcceptor
AbstractSocketInitiator - Class in quickfix.mina.initiator
Abstract base class for socket initiators.
AbstractSocketInitiator(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
AbstractSocketInitiator(SessionSettings, SessionFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
AbstractSocketInitiator(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
AbstractSocketInitiator(SessionSettings, SessionFactory, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
accept(T, SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.FromAdminListener
accept(T, SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.FromAppListener
accept(T, SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.ToAppListener
Acceptor - Interface in quickfix
Accepts connections from FIX clients and manages the associated sessions.
ACCEPTOR_CONNECTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface quickfix.SessionFactory
AcceptorSessionProvider - Interface in quickfix.mina.acceptor
Provides sessions to be served on an acceptor.
addApplicationDictionary(ApplVerID, DataDictionary) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultDataDictionaryProvider
addCanLogOnPredicate(Predicate<SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationExtendedFunctionalAdapter
Add a Predicate of Session to the canLogon evaluation.
addDynamicSession(Session) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
addFactory(String, String) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultMessageFactory
Adds a factory of the given class, which will be delegated to for creating Message instances from messages with the given begin string.
addFactory(String, Class<? extends MessageFactory>) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultMessageFactory
Adds a factory of the given class, which will be delegated to for creating Message instances from messages with the given begin string.
addFromAdminListener(FromAdminListener<Message>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a listener of fromAdmin operation.
addFromAdminListener(Class<T>, FromAdminListener<T>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a listener of fromAdmin operation.
addFromAppListener(FromAppListener<Message>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a listener of fromApp operation.
addFromAppListener(Class<T>, FromAppListener<T>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a listener of fromApp operation.
addGroup(Group) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
addGroupRef(Group) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
addListener(Object) - Method in class quickfix.ListenerSupport
addOnBeforeSessionResetListener(Consumer<SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationExtendedFunctionalAdapter
Add a Consumer of SessionID to listen to onBeforeSessionReset operation.
addOnCreateListener(Consumer<SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a Consumer of SessionID to listen to onCreate operation.
addOnLogonListener(Consumer<SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a Consumer of SessionID to listen to onLogon operation.
addOnLogoutListener(Consumer<SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a Consumer of SessionID to listen to onLogout operation.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.ObjectNameFactory
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
addStateListener(SessionStateListener) - Method in class quickfix.Session
addToAdminListener(BiConsumer<Message, SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a BiConsumer of SessionID to listen to toAdmin operation.
addToAdminListener(Class<T>, BiConsumer<T, SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a type-safe BiConsumer of SessionID to listen to toAdmin operation.
addToAppListener(ToAppListener<Message>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a listener of toApp operation.
addToAppListener(Class<T>, ToAppListener<T>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Add a listener of toApp operation.
addTransportDictionary(String, DataDictionary) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultDataDictionaryProvider
ANY_VALUE - Static variable in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Application - Interface in quickfix
This is the primary QuickFIX/J interface for processing session messages.
ApplicationAdapter - Class in quickfix
Convenience class with default implementation for application methods
ApplicationAdapter() - Constructor for class quickfix.ApplicationAdapter
ApplicationExtended - Interface in quickfix
Extended Application features
ApplicationExtendedFunctionalAdapter - Class in quickfix
This is an adapter implementation of ApplicationExtended interface that transforms the usage into more functional style.
ApplicationExtendedFunctionalAdapter() - Constructor for class quickfix.ApplicationExtendedFunctionalAdapter
ApplicationFunctionalAdapter - Class in quickfix
This is an adapter implementation of Application interface that transforms the usage into more functional style.
ApplicationFunctionalAdapter() - Constructor for class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
apply(IoService) - Method in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions


BEGINSTRING - Static variable in class quickfix.SessionSettings
BEGINSTRING_FIX40 - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
BEGINSTRING_FIX41 - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
BEGINSTRING_FIX42 - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
BEGINSTRING_FIX43 - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
BEGINSTRING_FIX44 - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
BEGINSTRING_FIXT11 - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
blockInThread() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
Start handling of messages by message processor thread.
bodyLength() - Method in class quickfix.Message
BooleanConverter - Class in quickfix.field.converter
Converts between a boolean and a string.
BooleanConverter() - Constructor for class quickfix.field.converter.BooleanConverter
BooleanField - Class in quickfix
BooleanField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.BooleanField
BooleanField(int, Boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.BooleanField
BooleanField(int, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.BooleanField
build() - Method in class quickfix.AbstractSessionConnectorBuilder
buildFilterChain(IoFilterChain) - Method in class quickfix.mina.CompositeIoFilterChainBuilder
BusinessRejectReasonText - Class in quickfix
Description strings for business reject reasons.
BusinessRejectReasonText() - Constructor for class quickfix.BusinessRejectReasonText
BytesField - Class in quickfix
BytesField enables better handling of binary data.
BytesField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.BytesField
BytesField(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class quickfix.BytesField


CachedFileStore - Class in quickfix
File store implementation.
CachedFileStoreFactory - Class in quickfix
Creates a message store that stores messages in a file.
CachedFileStoreFactory(SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.CachedFileStoreFactory
Create the factory with configuration in session settings.
calculateString(StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
calculateString(StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class quickfix.Message.Header
calculateString(StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class quickfix.Message.Trailer
canLogon(SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.ApplicationExtended
If returns false, the session logon is aborted, without sending any logon.
canLogon(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationExtendedFunctionalAdapter
CharArrayConverter - Class in quickfix.field.converter
Converts between character array and string.
CharArrayConverter() - Constructor for class quickfix.field.converter.CharArrayConverter
CharConverter - Class in quickfix.field.converter
Converts between a character and a String.
CharConverter() - Constructor for class quickfix.field.converter.CharConverter
CharField - Class in quickfix
A character message field.
CharField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.CharField
CharField(int, Character) - Constructor for class quickfix.CharField
CharField(int, char) - Constructor for class quickfix.CharField
CharsetSupport - Class in org.quickfixj
CharsetSupport() - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.CharsetSupport
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.X509TrustManagerWrapper
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.X509TrustManagerWrapper
checksum(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
Calculates the checksum for the given data.
checksum(Charset, String, boolean) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
Calculates the checksum for the given data.
checksum(String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
Calculates the checksum for the given message (excluding existing checksum field, if one exists).
clear() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeDataFactory
clear() - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
clear() - Method in class quickfix.FileLog
Deletes the log files.
clear() - Method in interface quickfix.Log
Clears the log and removes any persistent log data.
clear() - Method in class quickfix.Message
clear() - Method in class quickfix.ScreenLog
clear() - Method in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
clearConnectorSessions() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
Will remove all Sessions from the SessionConnector's Session map.
clearLogoutReason() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
clearQueue() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
clearTestRequestCounter() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
clone() - Method in class quickfix.Message
close() - Method in class quickfix.FileLog
Closed the messages and events files.
close() - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
Close the store's files.
close() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Closes session resources and unregisters session.
closeAndDeleteFiles() - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
closeFiles() - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
Close the store's files.
closeManagedSessionsAndDispose(IoService, boolean, Logger) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
Closes all managed sessions of an Initiator/Acceptor.
CompositeDataBeanAdapter - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean
CompositeDataBeanAdapter(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeDataBeanAdapter
CompositeDataBeanAdapter(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeDataBeanAdapter
CompositeDataFactory - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean
CompositeDataFactory(CompositeType) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeDataFactory
CompositeIoFilterChainBuilder - Class in quickfix.mina
(For internal usage only.) This is the filter that initializes the FIX coder/decoder factory and delegate additional filter customizations to an optional user-defined IoFilterChainBuilder.
CompositeIoFilterChainBuilder(IoFilterChainBuilder) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.CompositeIoFilterChainBuilder
CompositeLogFactory - Class in quickfix
Allows multiple log factories to be used with QuickFIX/J.
CompositeLogFactory(LogFactory[]) - Constructor for class quickfix.CompositeLogFactory
Defines a composite log factory based on a set of existing LogFactory implementations.
CompositeTypeFactory - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean
CompositeTypeFactory(String, String) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeTypeFactory
computeIfAbsent(K) - Method in class org.quickfixj.SimpleCache
ConfigError - Exception in quickfix
This exception is thrown when a configuration error is detected.
ConfigError() - Constructor for exception quickfix.ConfigError
ConfigError(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.ConfigError
ConfigError(Throwable) - Constructor for exception quickfix.ConfigError
ConfigError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception quickfix.ConfigError
Connector - Interface in quickfix
Common base interface for acceptors and initiators.
ConnectorAdminMBean - Interface in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector
ConnectorJmxExporter - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector
ConnectorJmxExporter() - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.ConnectorJmxExporter
convert(boolean) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.BooleanConverter
Converts a boolean to a String.
convert(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.BooleanConverter
Converts a String value to a boolean.
convert(char...) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.CharArrayConverter
convert(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.CharArrayConverter
convert(char) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.CharConverter
Converts a character to a String
convert(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.CharConverter
Convert a String value to a character.
convert(BigDecimal) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.DecimalConverter
Converts a double to a string with no padding.
convert(BigDecimal, int) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.DecimalConverter
Converts a decimal to a string with padding.
convert(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.DecimalConverter
Convert a String value to a decimal.
convert(double) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.DoubleConverter
Converts a double to a string with no padding.
convert(double, int) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.DoubleConverter
Converts a double to a string with padding.
convert(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.DoubleConverter
Convert a String value to a double.
convert(int) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.IntConverter
Convert and integer to a String
convert(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.IntConverter
Convert a String to an integer.
convert(Date) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcDateOnlyConverter
Convert a date to a String ("YYYYMMDD")
convert(LocalDate) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcDateOnlyConverter
convert(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcDateOnlyConverter
Convert between a String and a date
convert(Date, boolean) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimeOnlyConverter
Convert a time (represented as a Date) to a String (HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.SSS)
convert(LocalTime, UtcTimestampPrecision) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimeOnlyConverter
Convert a time (represented as LocalTime) to a String
convert(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimeOnlyConverter
Convert between a String and a time
convert(Date, boolean) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimestampConverter
Convert a timestamp (represented as a Date) to a String.
convert(LocalDateTime, UtcTimestampPrecision) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimestampConverter
Convert a timestamp (represented as a LocalDateTime) to a String.
convert(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimestampConverter
Convert a timestamp string into a Date.
convertToLocalDate(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcDateOnlyConverter
convertToLocalDateTime(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimestampConverter
Convert a timestamp string into a LocalDateTime object.
convertToLocalTime(String) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimeOnlyConverter
copyFrom(FieldMap) - Method in class quickfix.MessageComponent
Copies fields defined in the data dictionary inside this message component from specified source fields.
copySettings(SessionSettings, Properties) - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider
copyTo(FieldMap) - Method in class quickfix.MessageComponent
Copies all fields inside this message component to specified destination fields.
crack(Message, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.MessageCracker
Process ("crack") a FIX message and call the registered handlers for that type, if any
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStoreFactory
Creates a file-based message store.
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.CompositeLogFactory
Create the composite Log.
create(String, String) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultMessageFactory
create(String, ApplVerID, String) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultMessageFactory
create(String, String, int) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultMessageFactory
create(SessionID, SessionSettings) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultSessionFactory
create(SessionID, SessionSettings) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultSessionScheduleFactory
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.FileLogFactory
Creates a file-based logger.
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.FileStoreFactory
Creates a file-based message store.
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.JdbcLogFactory
Create a JDBC logger.
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.JdbcStoreFactory
Create a JDBC message store.
create(SessionID, String) - Method in interface quickfix.LocationAwareLogFactory
Create a log implementation.
create(SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.LogFactory
Create a log implementation.
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStoreFactory
create(String, String) - Method in interface quickfix.MessageFactory
Creates a message for a specified type and FIX version
create(String, ApplVerID, String) - Method in interface quickfix.MessageFactory
Creates a message for a specified type, FIX version, and ApplVerID.
create(String, String, int) - Method in interface quickfix.MessageFactory
Creates a group for the specified parent message type and for the fields with the corresponding field ID Example: to create a quickfix.fix42.MarketDataRequest.NoMDEntryTypes you need to call create(quickfix.field.MsgType#MARKET_DATA_REQUEST, quickfix.field.NoMDEntryTypes#FIELD) Function returns null if the group cannot be created.
create(SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStoreFactory
Creates a message store implementation.
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.NoopStoreFactory
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ScreenLogFactory
create(SessionID, SessionSettings) - Method in interface quickfix.SessionFactory
create(SessionID, SessionSettings) - Method in interface quickfix.SessionScheduleFactory
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStoreFactory
create(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.SLF4JLogFactory
create(SessionID, String) - Method in class quickfix.SLF4JLogFactory
This supports use of this log in a CompositeLogFactory.
createCompositeData() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeDataFactory
createCompositeType() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeTypeFactory
createDynamicSession(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
createIoAcceptor(int) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory
createIoConnector(SocketAddress) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory
createIoProxyConnector(SocketConnector, InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory
createName() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.ObjectNameFactory
createSession(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
createSessionInitiators() - Method in class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
createSessionName(SessionID) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionJmxExporter
createSocketAddress(int, String, int) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory
CriticalProtocolCodecException - Exception in quickfix.mina
This type of exception usually requires a disconnect of the connection.
CriticalProtocolCodecException() - Constructor for exception quickfix.mina.CriticalProtocolCodecException
CriticalProtocolCodecException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception quickfix.mina.CriticalProtocolCodecException
CriticalProtocolCodecException(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.mina.CriticalProtocolCodecException
CriticalProtocolCodecException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception quickfix.mina.CriticalProtocolCodecException
currentTimeMillis() - Static method in class quickfix.SystemTime


DataDictionary - Class in quickfix
Provide the message metadata for various versions of FIX.
DataDictionary(String) - Constructor for class quickfix.DataDictionary
Initialize a data dictionary from a URL or a file path.
DataDictionary(String, Supplier<DocumentBuilderFactory>) - Constructor for class quickfix.DataDictionary
Initialize a data dictionary from a URL or a file path.
DataDictionary(InputStream) - Constructor for class quickfix.DataDictionary
Initialize a data dictionary from an input stream.
DataDictionary(InputStream, Supplier<DocumentBuilderFactory>) - Constructor for class quickfix.DataDictionary
Initialize a data dictionary from an input stream.
DataDictionary(DataDictionary) - Constructor for class quickfix.DataDictionary
Copy a data dictionary.
DataDictionary.GroupInfo - Class in quickfix
Contains meta-data for FIX repeating groups
DataDictionaryProvider - Interface in quickfix
Provide data dictionaries for specified session protocol or application versions.
DateField - Class in quickfix
A date-valued message field.
DateField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.DateField
DateField(int, Date) - Constructor for class quickfix.DateField
DayConverter - Class in quickfix
Utility class for converting between day names and offsets.
DayConverter() - Constructor for class quickfix.DayConverter
DecimalConverter - Class in quickfix.field.converter
DecimalConverter() - Constructor for class quickfix.field.converter.DecimalConverter
DecimalField - Class in quickfix
A double-values message field.
DecimalField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.DecimalField
DecimalField(int, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class quickfix.DecimalField
DecimalField(int, double) - Constructor for class quickfix.DecimalField
DecimalField(int, BigDecimal, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.DecimalField
decodable(IoSession, IoBuffer) - Method in class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder
decode(IoSession, IoBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput) - Method in class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder
DEFAULT_ERROR_EVENT_CATEGORY - Static variable in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
DEFAULT_EVENT_CATEGORY - Static variable in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
DEFAULT_INCOMING_MSG_CATEGORY - Static variable in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
DEFAULT_MAX_LATENCY - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
DEFAULT_OUTGOING_MSG_CATEGORY - Static variable in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
DEFAULT_QUEUE_CAPACITY - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
DEFAULT_RESEND_RANGE_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
DEFAULT_TEST_REQUEST_DELAY_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
DefaultDataDictionaryProvider - Class in quickfix
DefaultDataDictionaryProvider() - Constructor for class quickfix.DefaultDataDictionaryProvider
DefaultDataDictionaryProvider(boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.DefaultDataDictionaryProvider
DefaultMessageFactory - Class in quickfix
The default factory for creating FIX message instances.
DefaultMessageFactory() - Constructor for class quickfix.DefaultMessageFactory
Constructs a DefaultMessageFactory, which dynamically loads and delegates to the default version-specific message factories, if they are available at runtime.
DefaultMessageFactory(String) - Constructor for class quickfix.DefaultMessageFactory
Constructs a DefaultMessageFactory, which dynamically loads and delegates to the default version-specific message factories, if they are available at runtime.
DefaultSessionFactory - Class in quickfix
Factory for creating sessions.
DefaultSessionFactory(Application, MessageStoreFactory, LogFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.DefaultSessionFactory
DefaultSessionFactory(Application, MessageStoreFactory, LogFactory, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.DefaultSessionFactory
DefaultSessionFactory(Application, MessageStoreFactory, LogFactory, MessageFactory, SessionScheduleFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.DefaultSessionFactory
DefaultSessionSchedule - Class in quickfix
Corresponds to SessionTime in C++ code
DefaultSessionSchedule(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Constructor for class quickfix.DefaultSessionSchedule
DefaultSessionScheduleFactory - Class in quickfix
Factory for creating default session schedules.
DefaultSessionScheduleFactory() - Constructor for class quickfix.DefaultSessionScheduleFactory
defineItem(String, OpenType<?>) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeTypeFactory
defineItem(String, String, OpenType<?>) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeTypeFactory
deleteFiles() - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
delim() - Method in class quickfix.Group
dequeue(int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
dequeueMessagesUpTo(int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
Remove messages from messageQueue up to a given sequence number.
Dictionary - Class in quickfix
Name/value pairs used for specifying groups of settings.
Dictionary() - Constructor for class quickfix.Dictionary
Dictionary(String) - Constructor for class quickfix.Dictionary
Dictionary(Dictionary) - Constructor for class quickfix.Dictionary
Dictionary(String, Map<Object, Object>) - Constructor for class quickfix.Dictionary
disconnect() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
disconnect() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Tell the session to disconnect (implies logoff)
disconnect() - Method in class quickfix.mina.IoSessionResponder
disconnect() - Method in interface quickfix.Responder
Disconnect the underlying connection.
disconnect(String, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Session
Logs out from session and closes the network connection.
doBuild() - Method in class quickfix.AbstractSessionConnectorBuilder
doBuild() - Method in class quickfix.SocketAcceptor.Builder
doBuild() - Method in class quickfix.SocketInitiator.Builder
doBuild() - Method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor.Builder
doBuild() - Method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator.Builder
doesSessionExist(SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.Session
Determine if a session exists with the given ID.
DoNotSend - Exception in quickfix
Applications can throw this exception to abort the sending or resending of a message.
DoNotSend() - Constructor for exception quickfix.DoNotSend
doSend(Message, SessionID) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
Helper method to be overridden by tests that handles sending out the message.
DoubleConverter - Class in quickfix.field.converter
Converts between a double and a String.
DoubleConverter() - Constructor for class quickfix.field.converter.DoubleConverter
DoubleField - Class in quickfix
A double-values message field.
DoubleField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.DoubleField
DoubleField(int, Double) - Constructor for class quickfix.DoubleField
DoubleField(int, double) - Constructor for class quickfix.DoubleField
DoubleField(int, double, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.DoubleField
drainTo(Collection<E>) - Method in class quickfix.mina.WatermarkTracker
DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider - Class in quickfix.mina.acceptor
Dynamically defines sessions for an acceptor.
DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider(SessionSettings, SessionID, Application, MessageStoreFactory, LogFactory, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider
DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider(SessionSettings, List<DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider.TemplateMapping>, Application, MessageStoreFactory, LogFactory, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider
DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider.TemplateMapping - Class in quickfix.mina.acceptor
Mapping from a sessionID pattern to a session template ID.


encode(IoSession, Object, ProtocolEncoderOutput) - Method in class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageEncoder
END_OF_STREAM - Static variable in interface quickfix.mina.EventHandlingStrategy
enqueue(Message) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy.MessageDispatchingThread
enqueue(int, Message) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
equals(Object) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary.GroupInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class quickfix.Field
equals(Object) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
equals(Object) - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
EventHandlingStrategy - Interface in quickfix.mina
An interface implemented by various FIX event handling strategies.
exceptionCaught(IoSession, Throwable) - Method in class quickfix.mina.AbstractIoHandler
ExecutorFactory - Interface in quickfix
Two Executors are required.
extractExpectedSequenceNumber(String) - Static method in class quickfix.Session
extractMessages(File) - Method in class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder
Utility method to extract messages from files.
extractMessages(File, FIXMessageDecoder.MessageListener) - Method in class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder
Utility to extract messages from a file.


Field<T> - Class in quickfix
Base class for FIX message fields.
Field(int, T) - Constructor for class quickfix.Field
field - Variable in exception quickfix.FieldNotFound
field - Variable in exception quickfix.NoTagValue
FieldConvertError - Exception in quickfix
An exception for field conversion problems.
FieldConvertError(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.FieldConvertError
FieldException - Exception in quickfix
FieldException(int) - Constructor for exception quickfix.FieldException
FieldException(int, int) - Constructor for exception quickfix.FieldException
FieldException(int, String, int) - Constructor for exception quickfix.FieldException
FieldMap - Class in quickfix
Field container used by messages, groups, and composites.
FieldMap(int[]) - Constructor for class quickfix.FieldMap
Constructs a FieldMap with the given field order.
FieldMap() - Constructor for class quickfix.FieldMap
FieldNotFound - Exception in quickfix
An exception thrown when a field is not found in message.
FieldNotFound(int) - Constructor for exception quickfix.FieldNotFound
FieldNotFound(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.FieldNotFound
fields - Variable in class quickfix.FieldMap
FieldType - Enum in quickfix
A field type enum class.
fileAppendPath(String, String) - Static method in class quickfix.FileUtil
FileLog - Class in quickfix
File log implementation.
FileLogFactory - Class in quickfix
Factory for creating file-based loggers.
FileLogFactory(SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.FileLogFactory
Create the factory with configuration in session settings.
FileStore - Class in quickfix
File store implementation.
FileStoreFactory - Class in quickfix
Creates a message store that stores messages in a file.
FileStoreFactory(SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.FileStoreFactory
Create the factory with configuration in session settings.
FileUtil - Class in quickfix
FileUtil() - Constructor for class quickfix.FileUtil
FileUtil.Location - Enum in quickfix
FILTER_NAME - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.message.FIXProtocolCodecFactory
FILTER_NAME - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
findQFSession(IoSession, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.mina.AbstractIoHandler
finishDecode(IoSession, ProtocolDecoderOutput) - Method in class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder
FIX50 - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
FIX50SP1 - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
FIX50SP2 - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
FIXLATEST - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
FIXMessageDecoder - Class in quickfix.mina.message
Detects and decodes FIX message strings in an incoming data stream.
FIXMessageDecoder() - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder
FIXMessageDecoder(String) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder
FIXMessageDecoder(String, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder
FIXMessageDecoder.MessageListener - Interface in quickfix.mina.message
Used to process streamed messages from a file
FIXMessageEncoder - Class in quickfix.mina.message
Encodes a Message object or message string as a byte array to be transmitted on MINA connection.
FIXMessageEncoder() - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageEncoder
FIXProtocolCodecFactory - Class in quickfix.mina.message
Provides the FIX codecs to MINA.
FIXProtocolCodecFactory() - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.message.FIXProtocolCodecFactory
FIXT_SESSION_PREFIX - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
FixVersions - Interface in quickfix
Constants containing the BeginString field values for various FIX versions.
fromAdmin(Message, SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.Application
This callback notifies you when an administrative message is sent from a counterparty to your FIX engine.
fromAdmin(Message, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationAdapter
fromAdmin(Message, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
FromAdminListener<T extends Message> - Interface in quickfix
fromApp(Message, SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.Application
This callback receives messages for the application.
fromApp(Message, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationAdapter
fromApp(Message, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
FromAppListener<T extends Message> - Interface in quickfix
fromArray(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.TabularDataAdapter
fromBean(String, String, Object) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.TabularDataAdapter
fromBeanList(String, String, String, List<?>) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.TabularDataAdapter
fromMap(String, String, Map) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.TabularDataAdapter
fromName(String, String) - Static method in enum quickfix.FieldType
fromString(String, DataDictionary, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Message
fromString(String, DataDictionary, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Message
fromString(String, DataDictionary, DataDictionary, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Message
fromString(String, DataDictionary, DataDictionary, boolean, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Message
fromString(String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
Populate the sessionID from a string.


generateHeartbeat() - Method in class quickfix.Session
generateLogout() - Method in class quickfix.Session
generateTestRequest(String) - Method in class quickfix.Session
get(int, int, Collection<String>) - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
get(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
This method is here for JNI API consistency but it's not implemented.
get(int, int, Collection<String>) - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
get(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
This method is here for JNI API consistency but it's not implemented.
get(int, int, Collection<String>) - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
get(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
This method is here for JNI API consistency but it's not implemented.
get(int, int, Collection<String>) - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
Get messages within sequence number range (inclusive).
get(int, int, Collection<String>) - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
get(int) - Static method in class quickfix.NumbersCache
Get the String representing the given number
get(double) - Static method in class quickfix.NumbersCache
Get the string representing the given double if it's an integer
get(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
get() - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
get(int, int, Collection<String>) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
get(int, int, Collection<String>) - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
getAcceptedIssuers() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.X509TrustManagerWrapper
getAcceptorAddress() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.SocketAcceptorAdmin.SessionAcceptorAddressRow
getAcceptorAddresses() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.SocketAcceptorAdmin
getAcceptorAddresses() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.SocketAcceptorAdminMBean
getAcceptorAddresses() - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.AbstractSocketAcceptor
getAddressTransportType(SocketAddress) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory
getApplicationDataDictionary(ApplVerID) - Method in interface quickfix.DataDictionaryProvider
Retrieve the data dictionary for the specified application version.
getApplicationDataDictionary(ApplVerID) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultDataDictionaryProvider
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionSettingsAdmin
getAttributes(String[]) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionSettingsAdmin
getBeginSeqNo() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState.ResendRange
getBeginString() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getBeginString() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Get the begin string (FIX version) for the session
getBeginString() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
getBool(String) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
getBool(String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Gets a boolean value from the default section of the settings.
getBool(SessionID, String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Get a settings value as a boolean value.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getChar(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getChars(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getCharset() - Static method in class org.quickfixj.CharsetSupport
getCharsetInstance() - Static method in class org.quickfixj.CharsetSupport
getCheckCompID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getCheckCompID() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getCheckCompID() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getComponent(MessageComponent) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getConnectionRole() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getConnectionRole() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getConnectorName() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getConnectorName() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getCreationTime() - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
getCreationTime() - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
getCreationTime() - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
getCreationTime() - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
Get the session creation time.
getCreationTime() - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
getCreationTime() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getCreationTime() - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
getCurrentEndSeqNo() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState.ResendRange
getData(Object) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeDataBeanAdapter
getData() - Method in exception quickfix.IncorrectDataFormat
getDataDictionary() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary.GroupInfo
getDataDictionary() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getDataDictionaryProvider() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getDate(LocalDate) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcDateOnlyConverter
getDate(LocalTime) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimeOnlyConverter
getDate(LocalDateTime) - Static method in class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimestampConverter
getDate() - Static method in class quickfix.SystemTime
getDay(String) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
getDecimal(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getDefaultCharset() - Static method in class org.quickfixj.CharsetSupport
getDefaultCipherSuites(SSLContext) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getDefaultProperties() - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Returns the defaults for the session-level settings.
getDefaultUtcTimestampPrecision() - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeField
getDefaultUtcTimestampPrecision() - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeOnlyField
getDefaultUtcTimestampPrecision() - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
getDelimiterField() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary.GroupInfo
Returns the delimiter field used to start a repeating group instance.
getDispatcher(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
getDouble(String) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
getDouble(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getDouble(String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Gets a double value from the default section of the settings.
getDouble(SessionID, String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Get a settings value as a double number.
getEnabled() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getEnabled() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getEnabledCipherSuites() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
getEnabledCipherSuites(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getEnabledProtocols() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
getEnabledProtocols(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getEndpoints() - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.AbstractSocketAcceptor
getEndSeqNo() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState.ResendRange
getEventHandlingStrategy() - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.AbstractSocketAcceptor
getEventHandlingStrategy() - Method in class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
getEventHandlingStrategy() - Method in class quickfix.SocketAcceptor
getEventHandlingStrategy() - Method in class quickfix.SocketInitiator
getEventHandlingStrategy() - Method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor
getEventHandlingStrategy() - Method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator
getException() - Method in class quickfix.Message
getExpectedSenderNum() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Retrieves the expected sender sequence number.
getExpectedTargetNum() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Retrieves the expected target sequence number.
getExtensionPack() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
getField() - Method in class quickfix.Field
Gets the field's tag.
getField() - Method in exception quickfix.FieldException
getField(BytesField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getField(StringField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getField(BooleanField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getField(CharField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getField(IntField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getField(DoubleField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getField(DecimalField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getField(UtcTimeStampField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getField(UtcTimeOnlyField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getField(UtcDateOnlyField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getField() - Method in exception quickfix.IncorrectDataFormat
getField() - Method in exception quickfix.IncorrectTagValue
getFieldName(int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Get the field name for a specified tag.
getFieldOrder() - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
Returns the order of fields in the group.
getFields() - Method in class quickfix.MessageComponent
getFieldTag(String) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Get the field tag given a field name.
getFieldTag() - Method in class quickfix.Group
getFieldType(int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Return the field type for a field.
getFixMessage() - Method in exception quickfix.InvalidMessage
getFullVersion() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Get the FIX major/minor/SP/EP version associated with this dictionary.
getGroup(String, int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Get repeating group metadata.
getGroup(int, Group) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getGroup(int, int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getGroupCount(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
Returns the number of groups associated with the specified count tag.
getGroupFields() - Method in class quickfix.MessageComponent
getGroups(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getHeader() - Method in class quickfix.Message
getHeartBeatInterval() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getHost() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getHostName() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.ConnectorAdminMBean
Get the host name of the connector.
getID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getInitiatorAddresses() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.SocketInitiatorAdminMBean
getInitiators() - Method in class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
getInstance(SSLConfig) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLContextFactory
Creates an SSLContext with a specified SSLConfig
getInt(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getInt(String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Gets an int from the default section of settings.
getInt(SessionID, String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Get a settings value as an integer.
getIntSetting(String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
getIoFilterChainBuilder() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
getJavaType() - Method in enum quickfix.FieldType
getKeyManagerFactoryAlgorithm() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
getKeyManagerFactoryAlgorithm(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getKeyStoreName() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
getKeyStoreName(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getKeyStorePassword() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
getKeyStorePassword(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getKeyStoreType() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
getKeyStoreType(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getLastExpectedLogonNextSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getLastReceivedTime() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getLastSentTime() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getLocalAddress() - Method in class quickfix.mina.initiator.IoSessionInitiator
getLocalDateTime() - Static method in class quickfix.SystemTime
getLock() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getLog() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getLog() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getLogClassName() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getLogClassName() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getLogonTimeout() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getLogonTimeout() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getLogonTimeout() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getLogonTimeout() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getLogoutReason() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getLogoutTimeout() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getLogoutTimeout() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getLogoutTimeout() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getLogoutTimeout() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getLong(String) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
getLong(String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Gets a long from the default section of settings.
getLong(SessionID, String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Get a settings value as a long integer.
getLongLivedExecutor() - Method in interface quickfix.ExecutorFactory
The message processing activities are long-lived so this Executor must have sufficient distinct Threads available to handle all your Sessions.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
NOTE: this is of type String to cover the "Latest" case.
getManagedSessions() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
Get the list of session managed by this connector.
getMaxScheduledWriteRequests() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getMBeanInfo() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionSettingsAdmin
getMBeanServer() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.JmxExporter
getMessage(int) - Static method in class quickfix.BusinessRejectReasonText
Get the description string for a specified business reject reason.
getMessageFactory() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getMessageFactoryClassName() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getMessageFactoryClassName() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getMessages(int, int) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getMessageStore() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getMessageStoreClassName() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getMessageStoreClassName() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getMessageType(String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
getMessageTypes() - Static method in class quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageEncoder
getMinorVersion() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
getMsgType(String) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Return the message type for the specified name.
getMulticaster() - Method in class quickfix.ListenerSupport
getName() - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
getNetworkingOptions() - Method in class quickfix.mina.AbstractIoHandler
getNextMessage(QueueTracker<Message>) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
Get the next message from the messages BlockingQueue.
getNextQueuedMessage() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Get the next sender message sequence number.
getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Get the next target message sequence number.
getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
getNow() - Method in interface quickfix.SystemTimeSource
Obtain current LocalDateTime.
getNumMessageCategories() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
getObject() - Method in class quickfix.Field
Get the field value
getOptionalDecimal(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getOptionalString(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getOrderedFields() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
getPadding() - Method in class quickfix.DecimalField
getPadding() - Method in class quickfix.DoubleField
getPattern() - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider.TemplateMapping
getPrecision() - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeField
getPrecision() - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeOnlyField
getPrecision() - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
getProcessID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getQueuedSeqNums() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getQueueSize() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.ConnectorAdminMBean
The size of the underlying event queue
getQueueSize() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.SocketAcceptorAdmin
getQueueSize() - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.AbstractSocketAcceptor
getQueueSize() - Method in interface quickfix.mina.EventHandlingStrategy
getQueueSize(SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.mina.EventHandlingStrategy
getQueueSize() - Method in class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
getQueueSize() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
getQueueSize(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
getQueueSize() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
getQueueSize(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
getQueueSize() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy.MessageDispatchingThread
getRedundantResendRequestsAllowed() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getRedundantResendRequestsAllowed() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getRedundantResentRequestsAllowed() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getRefreshOnLogon() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getRefreshOnLogon() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getRefreshOnLogon() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class quickfix.mina.IoSessionResponder
getRemoteAddress() - Method in interface quickfix.Responder
Provides remote address of the session connection, if any.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Provides remote address of the session connection, if any.
getRemoteIPAddress() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getResendRange() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getResetOnDisconnect() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getResetOnDisconnect() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getResetOnDisconnect() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getResetOnLogout() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getResetOnLogout() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getResetOnLogout() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getResponder() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getReverseSessionID(Message) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
getReverseSessionID(String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
getRole() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.ConnectorAdminMBean
The connection role.
getScheduledExecutorService() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
getSenderCompID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getSenderCompID() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Get the sender company ID for the session.
getSenderCompID() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
getSenderDefaultApplicationVersionID() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getSenderLocationID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getSenderLocationID() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Get the sender company location ID for the session.
getSenderLocationID() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
getSenderSubID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getSenderSubID() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Get the sender company subID for the session.
getSenderSubID() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
getServicePack() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
getSession(SessionID, SessionConnector) - Method in interface quickfix.mina.acceptor.AcceptorSessionProvider
Return a session for this sessionID.
getSession(SessionID, SessionConnector) - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider
getSessionConnector() - Method in interface quickfix.mina.EventHandlingStrategy
getSessionConnector() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
getSessionConnector() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
The SessionConnector is not directly required for thread-per-session handler - we don't multiplex between multiple sessions here.
getSessionDataDictionary(String) - Method in interface quickfix.DataDictionaryProvider
Retrieve the data dictionary for parsing a specific version of the transport header/trailer.
getSessionDataDictionary(String) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultDataDictionaryProvider
getSessionID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.SocketAcceptorAdmin.SessionAcceptorAddressRow
getSessionID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getSessionID() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Get the session ID.
getSessionID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionSettingsAdmin
getSessionID(Message) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
getSessionID(String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
getSessionID() - Method in class quickfix.mina.initiator.IoSessionInitiator
getSessionID() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getSessionMap() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
This is for subclasses to directly access the session map.
getSessionName() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.SocketAcceptorAdmin.SessionAcceptorAddressRow
getSessionName(SessionID) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionJmxExporter
getSessionProperties(SessionID, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Return the settings for a session as a Properties object.
getSessionProperties(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Return the settings for a session as a Properties object.
getSessionQualifier() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
Session qualifier can be used to identify different sessions for the same target company ID.
getSessionRejectReason() - Method in exception quickfix.FieldException
getSessionRejectReason() - Method in exception quickfix.IncorrectDataFormat
getSessionRejectReason() - Method in exception quickfix.IncorrectTagValue
getSessions() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.ConnectorAdminMBean
Get all session who may be connected through this connector.
getSessions() - Method in interface quickfix.Connector
Returns the sessions managed by this acceptor.
getSessions() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
Return the list of session identifiers of sessions managed by this connector.
getSessionStatus() - Method in exception quickfix.RejectLogon
getSettings() - Method in class quickfix.JdbcLogFactory
Used to support the MySQL-specific class (JNI compatibility)
getSettings() - Method in class quickfix.JdbcStoreFactory
Used to support the MySQL-specific class (JNI compatibility)
getSettings() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
getShortLivedExecutor() - Method in interface quickfix.ExecutorFactory
The timer tasks are short-lived and only require one Thread (calls are serialized).
getSocketAddresses() - Method in class quickfix.mina.initiator.IoSessionInitiator
getSslConfig(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
Retrieve all related SSL configuration for a specific SessionID.
getStartTime() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getStartTime() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
getStartTime() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getStateListener() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getStore() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Get the message store.
getString(String) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
getString(String, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
getString(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getString(String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Gets a string from the default section of the settings.
getString(SessionID, String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Get a settings string.
getStringField(String, int) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
getSupportedProtocols(SSLContext) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getSynchronousWrites() - Method in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
getSynchronousWriteTimeout() - Method in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
getTag() - Method in class quickfix.Field
Gets the field's tag.
getTargetCompID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getTargetCompID() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Get the target company ID for the session.
getTargetCompID() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
getTargetDefaultApplicationVersionID() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getTargetLocationID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getTargetLocationID() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Get the target location ID for the session.
getTargetLocationID() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
getTargetSubID() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
getTargetSubID() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Get the target subID for the session.
getTargetSubID() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
getTemplateID() - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider.TemplateMapping
getTestRequestDelayMultiplier() - Method in class quickfix.Session
getTestRequestDelayMultiplier() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
getTime() - Method in interface quickfix.SystemTimeSource
Obtain the current time.
getTrailer() - Method in class quickfix.Message
getTransportType(String) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory
getTrustManagerFactoryAlgorithm() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
getTrustManagerFactoryAlgorithm(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getTrustStoreName() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
getTrustStoreName(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getTrustStorePassword() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
getTrustStorePassword(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getTrustStoreType() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
getTrustStoreType(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
getTypeString(int) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory
getUtcCalendar() - Static method in class quickfix.SystemTime
getUtcCalendar(Date) - Static method in class quickfix.SystemTime
getUtcCalendar(long) - Static method in class quickfix.SystemTime
getUtcDateOnly(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getUtcTimeOnly(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getUtcTimeStamp(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.BooleanField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.BytesField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.CharField
getValue(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Get the value, if any, for an enumerated value name.
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.DateField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.DecimalField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.DoubleField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.IntField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.StringField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.UtcDateField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.UtcDateOnlyField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeOnlyField
getValue() - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
getValueName(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Get the value name, if any, for an enumerated field value.
getVersion() - Static method in class org.quickfixj.Version
getVersion() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Get the FIX major/minor version associated with this dictionary.
Group - Class in quickfix
Represents a repeating field group within a message.
Group(int, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.Group
Create a group with the specified count and delimiter fields.
Group(Group) - Constructor for class quickfix.Group
Copy a group.
Group(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class quickfix.Group
Create a group with the specified count and delimiter fields and field ordering.
groupKeyIterator() - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
groups - Variable in class quickfix.FieldMap


has(String) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
hasFieldValue(int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a field has enumerated values.
hasGroup(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
hasGroup(int, int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
hasGroup(int, Group) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
hasGroup(Group) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
hashCode() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary.GroupInfo
hashCode() - Method in class quickfix.Field
hashCode() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
hashCode() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
hasResponder() - Method in class quickfix.Session
This should not be used by end users.
header - Variable in class quickfix.Message
Header() - Constructor for class quickfix.Message.Header
Header(int[]) - Constructor for class quickfix.Message.Header
HEADER_ID - Static variable in class quickfix.DataDictionary
headerAddGroup(Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message
headerGetGroup(int, Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message
headerHasGroup(int) - Method in class quickfix.Message
headerHasGroup(int, int) - Method in class quickfix.Message
headerHasGroup(int, Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message
headerHasGroup(Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message
headerRemoveGroup(Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message
headerReplaceGroup(int, Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message


identifyType(String) - Static method in class quickfix.Message
Returns the msg type specified in a FIX message string.
IncorrectDataFormat - Exception in quickfix
Field has a badly formatted value.
IncorrectDataFormat(int, String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.IncorrectDataFormat
IncorrectDataFormat(int) - Constructor for exception quickfix.IncorrectDataFormat
This constructor is here for QF JNI compatibility.
IncorrectDataFormat(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.IncorrectDataFormat
This constructor is here for QF JNI compatibility.
IncorrectTagValue - Exception in quickfix
An exception thrown when a tags value is not valid according to the data dictionary.
IncorrectTagValue(int) - Constructor for exception quickfix.IncorrectTagValue
IncorrectTagValue(int, String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.IncorrectTagValue
IncorrectTagValue(int, String, String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.IncorrectTagValue
incrementTestRequestCounter() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
incrNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
incrNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
incrNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
incrNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
incrNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
incrNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
incrNextSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
incrNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
incrNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
incrNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
incrNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
incrNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
incrNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
incrNextTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
indexOf(int, int[]) - Static method in class quickfix.FieldMap
initialize(Object) - Method in class quickfix.MessageCracker
initializeFrom(FieldMap) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
InitializeXML(String) - Static method in class quickfix.Message
Initiator - Interface in quickfix
Establishes sessions with FIX servers and manages the associated sessions.
INITIATOR_CONNECTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface quickfix.SessionFactory
IntConverter - Class in quickfix.field.converter
Convert between an integer and a String
IntConverter() - Constructor for class quickfix.field.converter.IntConverter
IntField - Class in quickfix
A integer message field.
IntField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.IntField
IntField(int, Integer) - Constructor for class quickfix.IntField
IntField(int, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.IntField
InvalidMessage - Exception in quickfix
InvalidMessage() - Constructor for exception quickfix.InvalidMessage
InvalidMessage(Message) - Constructor for exception quickfix.InvalidMessage
InvalidMessage(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.InvalidMessage
InvalidMessage(String, Message) - Constructor for exception quickfix.InvalidMessage
InvalidMessage(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception quickfix.InvalidMessage
InvalidMessage(String, Throwable, Message) - Constructor for exception quickfix.InvalidMessage
invoke(String, Object[], String[]) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionSettingsAdmin
IoSessionInitiator - Class in quickfix.mina.initiator
IoSessionInitiator(Session, SocketAddress[], SocketAddress, int[], ScheduledExecutorService, NetworkingOptions, EventHandlingStrategy, IoFilterChainBuilder, boolean, SSLConfig, String, String, String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.initiator.IoSessionInitiator
IoSessionResponder - Class in quickfix.mina
The class that partially integrates the QuickFIX/J Session to the MINA networking code.
IoSessionResponder(IoSession, boolean, long, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.IoSessionResponder
IPTOC_LOWCOST - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
IPTOC_LOWDELAY - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
IPTOC_RELIABILITY - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
IPTOC_THROUGHPUT - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
isAdmin() - Method in class quickfix.Message
isAdminMessage(String) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a message is in the admin category.
isAdminMessage(String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
isAllowedForSession(InetAddress) - Method in class quickfix.Session
isAllowUnknownMessageFields() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
isApp() - Method in class quickfix.Message
isAppMessage(String) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a message is in the app category.
isCheckFieldsHaveValues() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
isCheckFieldsOutOfOrder() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
isCheckUnorderedGroupFields() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
isCheckUserDefinedFields() - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
isChunkedResendRequest() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState.ResendRange
isContinueInitOnError() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
isDataField(int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a field is a FIX raw data field.
isEmpty() - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
isEmpty() - Method in class quickfix.Message
isEnabled() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Used internally
isExpectedLogonNextSeqNumSent() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isField(int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a tag is a defined field.
isFieldSpecified() - Method in exception quickfix.FieldException
isFieldValue(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a field value is valid
isFIXT() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
isGroup(String, int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a field is a group count field for a message type.
isHeaderField(int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if field is a header field.
isHeaderGroup(int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a field is a header group count field
isHeartbeat(String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
isHeartBeatNeeded() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isInitiator() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isLoggedOn() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isLoggedOn() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
isLoggedOn() - Method in interface quickfix.Connector
Checks the logged on status of the session.
isLoggedOn() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
Check if we have at least one session and that all the sessions are logged on
isLoggedOn() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Is the session logged on.
isLogon(String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
isLogonAlreadySent() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isLogonAlreadySent() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
isLogonAlreadySent() - Method in class quickfix.Session
isLogonAlreadySent() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isLogonReceived() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isLogonReceived() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
isLogonReceived() - Method in class quickfix.Session
isLogonReceived() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isLogonSendNeeded() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isLogonSendNeeded() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
isLogonSendNeeded() - Method in class quickfix.Session
isLogonSendNeeded() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isLogonSent() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isLogonSent() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
isLogonSent() - Method in class quickfix.Session
isLogonSent() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isLogonTimedOut() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isLogonTimedOut() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
isLogonTimedOut() - Method in class quickfix.Session
isLogonTimedOut() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isLogoutBeforeDisconnect() - Method in exception quickfix.RejectLogon
isLogoutReceived() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isLogoutReceived() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
isLogoutReceived() - Method in class quickfix.Session
isLogoutReceived() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isLogoutSent() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isLogoutSent() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
isLogoutSent() - Method in class quickfix.Session
isLogoutSent() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isLogoutTimedOut() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isLogoutTimedOut() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
isLogoutTimedOut() - Method in class quickfix.Session
isLogoutTimedOut() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isMsgField(String, int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a field is valid for a given message type.
isMsgType(String) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if message type is valid for a specified FIX version.
isNeedClientAuth() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
isNeedClientAuth(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
isNonStopSession() - Method in class quickfix.DefaultSessionSchedule
isNonStopSession() - Method in interface quickfix.SessionSchedule
isReconnectEnabled() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isRejectGarbledMessage() - Method in class quickfix.Session
isRequiredField(String, int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a field is required for a message type
isRequiredHeaderField(int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a header field is a required field
isRequiredTrailerField(int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if a trailer field is a required field
isResendRequested() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isResetNeeded() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isResetReceived() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isResetSent() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isResetStatePending() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isSameSession(Calendar, Calendar) - Method in class quickfix.DefaultSessionSchedule
isSameSession(Calendar, Calendar) - Method in interface quickfix.SessionSchedule
Predicate for determining if the two times are in the same session
isSessionTime() - Method in class quickfix.DefaultSessionSchedule
isSessionTime() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Predicate for determining if the session should be active at the current time.
isSessionTime() - Method in interface quickfix.SessionSchedule
Predicate for determining if the session should be active at the current time.
isSetField(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
isSetField(Field<?>) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
isSetting(String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Predicate for determining if a setting is in the default section.
isSetting(SessionID, String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Predicate for determining if a setting exists.
isStopped() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy.MessageDispatchingThread
isStringEquivalent(Charset) - Static method in class org.quickfixj.CharsetSupport
Returns whether the given charset's byte representation of a string is equivalent (as unsigned values) to the string characters themselves.
isStringEquivalent() - Static method in class org.quickfixj.CharsetSupport
Returns whether the current charset's byte representation of a string is equivalent (as unsigned values) to the string characters themselves.
isSuspended(S) - Method in class quickfix.mina.WatermarkTracker
isSuspended() - Method in class quickfix.mina.WatermarkTracker
isTestRequestNeeded() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isTimedOut() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
isTrailerField(int) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Predicate for determining if field is a trailer field.
isUseSNI() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
isUseSNI(SessionSettings, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
isUsingDataDictionary() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
isUsingDataDictionary() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
isUsingDataDictionary() - Method in class quickfix.Session
isValidateChecksum() - Method in class quickfix.Session
iterator() - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap


JdbcLogFactory - Class in quickfix
Creates a generic JDBC logger.
JdbcLogFactory(SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.JdbcLogFactory
Create a factory using session settings.
JdbcSetting - Class in quickfix
Class for storing JDBC setting constants shared by both the log and message store classes.
JdbcSetting() - Constructor for class quickfix.JdbcSetting
JdbcStoreFactory - Class in quickfix
Creates a generic JDBC message store.
JdbcStoreFactory(SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.JdbcStoreFactory
Create a factory using session settings.
JmxExporter - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx
JmxExporter(MBeanServer, int) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.JmxExporter
JmxExporter(MBeanServer) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.JmxExporter
JmxExporter() - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.JmxExporter
JmxSupport - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean


LATEST - Static variable in interface quickfix.FixVersions
length(Charset, String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
Calculates the length of the byte representation of the given string in the given charset.
ListenerSupport - Class in quickfix
ListenerSupport(Class<?>) - Constructor for class quickfix.ListenerSupport
LocationAwareLogFactory - Interface in quickfix
This extension of the QF JNI LogFactory interface provides the fully qualified class name of the calling class so it can be filtered for logging purposes.
lockSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
lockTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
LOG - Static variable in class quickfix.DefaultSessionSchedule
Log - Interface in quickfix
Session log for messages and events.
log - Variable in class quickfix.mina.AbstractIoHandler
log - Variable in class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
log - Variable in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
LOG - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
log(Logger, String) - Method in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
Made protected to enable unit testing of callerFQCN coming through correctly
logError(SessionID, IoSession, String, Throwable) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
logError(Logger, String) - Method in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
LogFactory - Interface in quickfix
Used by a session to create a log implementation.
logIncoming(String) - Method in class quickfix.FileLog
logIncoming(String) - Method in class quickfix.ScreenLog
logIncoming(String) - Method in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
logoff() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
logoff() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Tell the session to logoff.
logon() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
logon() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Tell the session to logon.
logon() - Method in class quickfix.Session
This method can be used to manually logon to a FIX session.
logout() - Method in class quickfix.Session
This method can be used to manually logout of a FIX session.
logout(String) - Method in class quickfix.Session
This method can be used to manually logout of a FIX session.
logoutAllSessions(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
logOutgoing(String) - Method in class quickfix.FileLog
logOutgoing(String) - Method in class quickfix.ScreenLog
logOutgoing(String) - Method in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
logThrowable(Log, String, Throwable) - Static method in class quickfix.LogUtil
Logs a throwable as a session event, including the stack trace.
logThrowable(SessionID, String, Throwable) - Static method in class quickfix.LogUtil
Logs a throwable as a session event, including the stack trace.
LogUtil - Class in quickfix
Utilities for logging session-related events.
LogUtil() - Constructor for class quickfix.LogUtil
longLivedExecutor - Variable in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
lookupSession(SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.Session
Locates a session specified by the provided session ID.
lookupSessionName(SessionID) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.ConnectorJmxExporter
lookupTemplateID(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.quickfixj.Version
MemoryStore - Class in quickfix
In-memory message store implementation.
MemoryStore() - Constructor for class quickfix.MemoryStore
MemoryStore(SessionID) - Constructor for class quickfix.MemoryStore
MemoryStoreFactory - Class in quickfix
Creates a message store that stores all data in memory.
MemoryStoreFactory() - Constructor for class quickfix.MemoryStoreFactory
merge(Dictionary) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
Message - Class in quickfix
Represents a FIX message.
Message() - Constructor for class quickfix.Message
Message(int[]) - Constructor for class quickfix.Message
Message(String) - Constructor for class quickfix.Message
Message(String, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.Message
Message(String, DataDictionary) - Constructor for class quickfix.Message
Message(String, DataDictionary, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.Message
Message(String, DataDictionary, DataDictionary, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.Message
Message.Header - Class in quickfix
Message.Trailer - Class in quickfix
MESSAGE_PROCESSOR_THREAD_NAME - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
MessageComponent - Class in quickfix
Represents a FIX message component.
MessageComponent() - Constructor for class quickfix.MessageComponent
MessageComponent(int[]) - Constructor for class quickfix.MessageComponent
MessageCracker - Class in quickfix
Helper class for delegating message types for various FIX versions to type-safe onMessage methods.
MessageCracker() - Constructor for class quickfix.MessageCracker
MessageCracker(Object) - Constructor for class quickfix.MessageCracker
MessageCracker.Handler - Annotation Type in quickfix
MessageCracker.RedundantHandlerException - Exception in quickfix
MessageFactory - Interface in quickfix
Used by a Session to create a Message.
MessageParseError - Exception in quickfix
MessageParseError() - Constructor for exception quickfix.MessageParseError
MessageParseError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception quickfix.MessageParseError
MessageParseError(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.MessageParseError
messageReceived(IoSession, Object) - Method in class quickfix.mina.AbstractIoHandler
MessageStore - Interface in quickfix
Used by a Session to store and retrieve messages for resend purposes.
MessageStoreFactory - Interface in quickfix
Used by a Session to create a message store implementation.
MessageUtils - Class in quickfix
MessageUtils() - Constructor for class quickfix.MessageUtils


NetworkingOptions - Class in quickfix.mina
This class holds the QFJ settings information related to networking options.
NetworkingOptions(Properties) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
newBuilder() - Static method in class quickfix.SocketAcceptor
newBuilder() - Static method in class quickfix.SocketInitiator
newBuilder() - Static method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor
newBuilder() - Static method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator
newHeader() - Method in class quickfix.Message
next(Message) - Method in class quickfix.Session
(Internal use only)
next() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Called from the timer-related code in the acceptor/initiator implementations.
NoopStore - Class in quickfix
No-op message store implementation.
NoopStore() - Constructor for class quickfix.NoopStore
NoopStoreFactory - Class in quickfix
Creates a no-op message store.
NoopStoreFactory() - Constructor for class quickfix.NoopStoreFactory
NOT_SET - Static variable in class quickfix.SessionID
NoTagValue - Exception in quickfix
An exception thrown when a tag does not have a value.
NoTagValue(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception quickfix.NoTagValue
NoTagValue(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.NoTagValue
NoTagValue(int) - Constructor for exception quickfix.NoTagValue
now() - Static method in class quickfix.SystemTime
NumbersCache - Class in quickfix
A cache for commonly used strings representing numbers.
NumbersCache() - Constructor for class quickfix.NumbersCache
numSessions() - Static method in class quickfix.Session
Return the session count.


objectAsString() - Method in class quickfix.BytesField
objectAsString() - Method in class quickfix.Field
ObjectNameFactory - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean
ObjectNameFactory() - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.ObjectNameFactory
onBeforeSessionReset(SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.ApplicationExtended
This method is called before reset a session to allow business application to do some actions(typically sending notification message to client before end of day)
onBeforeSessionReset(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationExtendedFunctionalAdapter
onConnect() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onConnect() - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when connection has been established.
onConnectException(Exception) - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when Exception occurs during connection establishment.
onCreate(SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.Application
This method is called when quickfix creates a new session.
onCreate(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationAdapter
onCreate(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
onDisconnect() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onDisconnect() - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when connection has been disconnected.
onErrorEvent(String) - Method in class quickfix.FileLog
onErrorEvent(String) - Method in interface quickfix.Log
Logs an session error event.
onErrorEvent(String) - Method in class quickfix.ScreenLog
onErrorEvent(String) - Method in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
onEvent(String) - Method in class quickfix.FileLog
onEvent(String) - Method in interface quickfix.Log
Logs a session event.
onEvent(String) - Method in class quickfix.ScreenLog
onEvent(String) - Method in class quickfix.SLF4JLog
onHeartBeatTimeout() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onHeartBeatTimeout() - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when Heartbeat timeout has been detected.
onIncoming(String) - Method in interface quickfix.Log
Logs an incoming message
onLogon() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onLogon(SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.Application
This callback notifies you when a valid logon has been established with a counter party.
onLogon(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationAdapter
onLogon(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
onLogon() - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when session has been logged on.
onLogout() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onLogout(SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.Application
This callback notifies you when an FIX session is no longer online.
onLogout(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationAdapter
onLogout(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
onLogout() - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when session has been logged out.
onMessage(Message, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.MessageCracker
Fallback method that is called if no invokers are found.
onMessage(Session, Message) - Method in interface quickfix.mina.EventHandlingStrategy
onMessage(String) - Method in interface quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder.MessageListener
onMessage(Session, Message) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
onMessage(Session, Message) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
onMissedHeartBeat() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onMissedHeartBeat() - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when TestRequest is sent out due to missed Heartbeat.
onOutgoing(String) - Method in interface quickfix.Log
Logs an outgoing message
onPreAdd(IoFilterChain, String, IoFilter.NextFilter) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLFilter
Called before filter is added into the chain.
onRefresh() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onRefresh() - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when message store gets refreshed on Logon.
onResendRequestSatisfied(int, int) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onResendRequestSatisfied(int, int) - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when a received ResendRequest has been satisfied.
onResendRequestSent(int, int, int) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onResendRequestSent(int, int, int) - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when ResendRequest has been sent out.
onReset() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onReset() - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when message store gets reset.
onSequenceResetReceived(int, boolean) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
onSequenceResetReceived(int, boolean) - Method in interface quickfix.SessionStateListener
Called when SequenceReset has been received.
open(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class quickfix.FileUtil
Attempt to open a file/resource from a series of locations.
open(Class<?>, String, FileUtil.Location...) - Static method in class quickfix.FileUtil
Attempt to open a file/resource from a series of locations.
optionallySetValue(SessionSettings, String, String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider
org.quickfixj - package org.quickfixj
org.quickfixj.jmx - package org.quickfixj.jmx
org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean - package org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean
org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector - package org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector
org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session - package org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session
org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean - package org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean


parse(MessageFactory, DataDictionary, String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
parse(MessageFactory, DataDictionary, String, boolean) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
Utility method for parsing a message.
parse(Session, String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
NOTE: This method is intended for internal use.
parseRemoteAddresses(String) - Static method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
parseSettingReconnectInterval(String) - Static method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
poll(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class quickfix.mina.WatermarkTracker
postDeregister() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
postRegister(Boolean) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
precision - Variable in class quickfix.UtcTimeField
preDeregister() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
preRegister(MBeanServer, ObjectName) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
processMessage(IoSession, Message) - Method in class quickfix.mina.AbstractIoHandler
propertyChangeSupport - Variable in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
ProtocolFactory - Class in quickfix.mina
A utility class for creating addresses and connection-related objects based on the MINA transport type.
ProtocolFactory() - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory
PROXY - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory
pushBack(StringField) - Method in class quickfix.Message
put(E) - Method in class quickfix.mina.WatermarkTracker


QF_SESSION - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
QFJ_RECONNECT_THREAD_PREFIX - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
QFJ_RESET_IO_CONNECTOR - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
QFJException - Exception in org.quickfixj
QFJException() - Constructor for exception org.quickfixj.QFJException
QFJException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.quickfixj.QFJException
QFJException(String) - Constructor for exception org.quickfixj.QFJException
QFJException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.quickfixj.QFJException
quickfix - package quickfix
Core QuickFIX/J classes.
quickfix.field.converter - package quickfix.field.converter
FIX message field data converters.
quickfix.mina - package quickfix.mina
MINA-related networking code.
quickfix.mina.acceptor - package quickfix.mina.acceptor
MINA acceptor implementation.
quickfix.mina.initiator - package quickfix.mina.initiator
MINA initiator implementation.
quickfix.mina.message - package quickfix.mina.message
FIX message decoding and encoding.
quickfix.mina.ssl - package quickfix.mina.ssl


receivedLogon() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Predicate indicating whether a logon message has been received.
receivedLogout() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Predicate indicating whether a logout message has been received.
RedundantHandlerException(Class<?>, Method, Method) - Constructor for exception quickfix.MessageCracker.RedundantHandlerException
refresh() - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
refresh() - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
refresh() - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
refresh() - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
Refresh session state from a shared state storage (e.g.
refresh() - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
refresh() - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
register(Connector) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.JmxExporter
register(JmxExporter, SessionConnector) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.ConnectorJmxExporter
register(JmxExporter, SessionConnector, String) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.ConnectorJmxExporter
register(JmxExporter, Session, ObjectName, SessionSettings) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionJmxExporter
registerMBean(Object, ObjectName) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.JmxExporter
Actually register the MBean with the server.
REGISTRATION_FAIL_ON_EXISTING - Static variable in class org.quickfixj.jmx.JmxExporter
Constant indicating that registration should fail when attempting to register an MBean under a name that already exists.
REGISTRATION_IGNORE_EXISTING - Static variable in class org.quickfixj.jmx.JmxExporter
Constant indicating that registration should ignore the affected MBean when attempting to register an MBean under a name that already exists.
REGISTRATION_REPLACE_EXISTING - Static variable in class org.quickfixj.jmx.JmxExporter
Constant indicating that registration should replace the affected MBean when attempting to register an MBean under a name that already exists.
RejectLogon - Exception in quickfix
This exception causes a logon to be rejected with a forced logout and immediate disconnect.
RejectLogon() - Constructor for exception quickfix.RejectLogon
RejectLogon(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.RejectLogon
RejectLogon(String, int) - Constructor for exception quickfix.RejectLogon
RejectLogon(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for exception quickfix.RejectLogon
removeBeforeSessionResetListener(Consumer<SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationExtendedFunctionalAdapter
Remove a Consumer of SessionID from onBeforeSessionReset operation.
removeCanLogOnPredicate(Predicate<SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationExtendedFunctionalAdapter
Remove a Predicate of Session from the canLogon evaluation.
removeDynamicSession(SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
removeField(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
removeFromAdminListener(FromAdminListener<T>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Remove a listener of fromAdmin operation.
removeFromAppListener(FromAppListener<T>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Remove a listener of fromApp operation.
removeGroup(int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
removeGroup(int, int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
removeGroup(int, Group) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
removeGroup(Group) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
removeListener(Object) - Method in class quickfix.ListenerSupport
removeOnCreateListener(Consumer<SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Remove a Consumer of SessionID from onCreate operation.
removeOnLogonListener(Consumer<SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Remove a Consumer of SessionID from onLogon operation.
removeOnLogoutListener(Consumer<SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Remove a Consumer of SessionID from onLogout operation.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
removeSetting(SessionID, String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
removeStateListener(SessionStateListener) - Method in class quickfix.Session
removeToAdminListener(BiConsumer<T, SessionID>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Remove a BiConsumer of SessionID from toAdmin operation.
removeToAppListener(ToAppListener<T>) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
Remove a listener of toApp operation.
replaceGroup(int, Group) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
ResendRange() - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionState.ResendRange
reset() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
reset() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Reset the session's sequence numbers and clear it's resend log.
reset() - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
reset() - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
reset() - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
reset() - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
reset() - Method in class quickfix.Message
reset() - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
Reset the message store.
reset() - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
reset() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Logs out session (if logged on) and then resets session state.
reset() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
reset() - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
resetSequence(int) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
resetSequence(int) - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Reset current sequence number
Responder - Interface in quickfix
Used by a Session to send raw FIX message data and to disconnect a connection.
reverseRoute(Message.Header) - Method in class quickfix.Message
run() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy.ThreadAdapter
RuntimeError - Exception in quickfix
Application encountered serious error during runtime.
RuntimeError() - Constructor for exception quickfix.RuntimeError
RuntimeError(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.RuntimeError
RuntimeError(Throwable) - Constructor for exception quickfix.RuntimeError
RuntimeError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception quickfix.RuntimeError


ScreenLog - Class in quickfix
Screen log implementation.
ScreenLogFactory - Class in quickfix
Creates a logger that logs messages to to System.out.
ScreenLogFactory(SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.ScreenLogFactory
Create factory using configuration in session settings.
ScreenLogFactory(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.ScreenLogFactory
Create factory with explicit control of message categories.
ScreenLogFactory() - Constructor for class quickfix.ScreenLogFactory
Default constructor that logs incoming, outgoing, and events without heartbeats.
ScreenLogFactory(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.ScreenLogFactory
Create factory with explicit control of message categories.
sectionIterator() - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
send(String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.IoSessionResponder
send(String) - Method in interface quickfix.Responder
Send a raw FIX message
send(Message) - Method in class quickfix.Session
Send a message to a counterparty.
SENDERCOMPID - Static variable in class quickfix.SessionSettings
SENDERLOCID - Static variable in class quickfix.SessionSettings
SENDERSUBID - Static variable in class quickfix.SessionSettings
sendHeartBeat() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
sendHeartBeat() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Send a heartBeat message
sendLogoutMessage() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
sendLogoutMessage() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Send a logout message
sendTestRequest() - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
sendTestRequest() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Send a test Request message
sendToTarget(Message) - Static method in class quickfix.Session
Send a message to the session specified in the message's target identifiers.
sendToTarget(Message, String) - Static method in class quickfix.Session
Send a message to the session specified in the message's target identifiers.
sendToTarget(Message, String, String) - Static method in class quickfix.Session
Send a message to the session specified by the provided target company ID.
sendToTarget(Message, String, String, String) - Static method in class quickfix.Session
Send a message to the session specified by the provided target company ID.
sendToTarget(Message, SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.Session
Send a message to the session specified by the provided session ID.
sentLogon() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Predicate indicating whether a logon message has been sent.
sentLogout() - Method in class quickfix.Session
Predicate indicating whether a logout message has been sent.
Session - Class in quickfix
The Session is the primary FIX abstraction for message communication.
SESSION_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class quickfix.SessionSettings
SessionAcceptorAddressRow(SessionID, SocketAddress, ObjectName) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.SocketAcceptorAdmin.SessionAcceptorAddressRow
SessionAdmin - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session
SessionAdmin(Session, ObjectName, ObjectName) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
SessionAdminMBean - Interface in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session
This MBean provides the ability monitor session settings and to change some of them.
sessionClosed(IoSession) - Method in class quickfix.mina.AbstractIoHandler
SessionConnector - Class in quickfix.mina
An abstract base class for acceptors and initiators.
SessionConnector(SessionSettings, SessionFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
sessionFactory - Variable in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider
SessionFactory - Interface in quickfix
Creates a Session based on the specified settings.
SessionID - Class in quickfix
Identifier for a session.
SessionID(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionID
SessionID(BeginString, SenderCompID, SenderSubID, SenderLocationID, TargetCompID, TargetSubID, TargetLocationID, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionID
SessionID(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionID
SessionID(BeginString, SenderCompID, SenderSubID, TargetCompID, TargetSubID) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionID
SessionID(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionID
SessionID(BeginString, SenderCompID, TargetCompID, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionID
SessionID(String, String, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionID
SessionID(BeginString, SenderCompID, TargetCompID) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionID
SessionID() - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionID
SessionID(String) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionID
sessionIdFileName(SessionID) - Static method in class quickfix.FileUtil
SessionJmxExporter - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session
SessionJmxExporter() - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionJmxExporter
SessionNotFound - Exception in quickfix
The requested session cannot be found.
SessionNotFound() - Constructor for exception quickfix.SessionNotFound
SessionNotFound(String) - Constructor for exception quickfix.SessionNotFound
SESSIONS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
SessionSchedule - Interface in quickfix
Used to decide when to login and out of FIX sessions
SessionScheduleFactory - Interface in quickfix
Creates a SessionSchedule based on the specified settings.
SessionSettings - Class in quickfix
Settings for sessions.
SessionSettings() - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionSettings
Creates an empty session settings object.
SessionSettings(Properties) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionSettings
Creates an empty session settings object with custom source of variable values in the settings.
SessionSettings(String, Properties) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionSettings
Loads session settings from a file with custom source of variable values in the settings.
SessionSettings(String) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionSettings
Loads session settings from a file.
SessionSettings(InputStream) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionSettings
Loads session settings from an input stream.
SessionSettings(InputStream, Properties) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionSettings
Loads session settings from an input stream with custom source of variable values in the settings.
SessionSettings(List<String>) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionSettings
Loads session settings from a list of strings.
SessionSettings(List<String>, Properties) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionSettings
Loads session settings from a list of strings with custom source of variable values in the settings.
SessionSettingsAdmin - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session
This is a read-only view of a sessions settings.
SessionSettingsAdmin(SessionID, SessionSettings) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionSettingsAdmin
SessionState - Class in quickfix
Used by the session communications code.
SessionState(Object, Log, int, boolean, MessageStore, double, double) - Constructor for class quickfix.SessionState
SessionState.ResendRange - Class in quickfix
The resend range when sending a resend request.
SessionStateListener - Interface in quickfix
set(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
set(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
set(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
set(int, String) - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
Adds a raw fix messages to the store with the given sequence number.
set(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
set(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Adds defaults to the settings.
set(SessionID, Dictionary) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
set(Dictionary) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
set(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
set(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
setAllowUnknownMessageFields(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
setAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionSettingsAdmin
setAttributes(AttributeList) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionSettingsAdmin
setBeginSeqNo(int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState.ResendRange
setBool(String, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
setBool(SessionID, String, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Sets a boolean-valued session setting.
setBool(String, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Set a default boolean parameter.
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setChar(int, char) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setChars(int, char...) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setCharset(String) - Static method in class org.quickfixj.CharsetSupport
setCheckFieldsHaveValues(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Controls whether empty field values are checked.
setCheckFieldsOutOfOrder(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Controls whether out of order fields are checked.
setCheckUnorderedGroupFields(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Controls whether group fields are in the same order
setCheckUserDefinedFields(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Controls whether user defined fields are checked.
setCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLFilter
setComponent(MessageComponent) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setCurrentEndSeqNo(int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState.ResendRange
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class quickfix.JdbcLogFactory
Set a data source to be used by the JdbcLog to access the database.
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class quickfix.JdbcStoreFactory
setDay(String, int) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
setDay(String, String) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
setDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setDecimal(int, BigDecimal, int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setDouble(int, double, int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setDouble(SessionID, String, double) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Sets a double-valued session setting.
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Set a default double parameter.
setEnabledCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setEnabledCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLFilter
Called from SslFilter.onPreAdd(org.apache.mina.core.filterchain.IoFilterChain, java.lang.String, org.apache.mina.core.filterchain.IoFilter.NextFilter) every time a new session is created which makes it impossible to override enabled cipher suites configuration.
setEnabledProtocols(String[]) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setEndSeqNo(int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState.ResendRange
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
setExecutorFactory(ExecutorFactory) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
Supplies the Executors to be used for all message processing and timer activities.
setField(int, Field<?>) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setField(StringField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setField(BooleanField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setField(CharField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setField(IntField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setField(DoubleField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setField(DecimalField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setField(UtcTimeStampField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setField(UtcTimeOnlyField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setField(UtcDateOnlyField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setField(BytesField) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setFields(FieldMap) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setForceResendWhenCorruptedStore(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Session
setGroupCount(int, int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setGroups(FieldMap) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setGroups(int, List<Group>) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setHeartBeatInterval(int) - Method in class quickfix.Session
Internal use by acceptor code.
setHeartBeatInterval(int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setIgnoreHeartBeatFailure(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Session
setInt(int, int) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setIoFilterChainBuilder(IoFilterChainBuilder) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
Allows a custom IOFilterChainBuilder to be added to the session connector.
setKeyManagerFactoryAlgorithm(String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setKeyStoreName(String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setKeyStorePassword(char[]) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setKeyStoreType(String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setLastExpectedLogonNextSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setLastReceivedTime(long) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setLastSentTime(long) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setLogonReceived(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setLogonSent(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setLogonTimeout(int) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
setLogonTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
setLogonTimeout(int) - Method in class quickfix.Session
Sets the timeout for waiting for a logon response.
setLogonTimeout(int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setLogoutReason(String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setLogoutReceived(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setLogoutSent(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setLogoutTimeout(int) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
setLogoutTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
setLogoutTimeout(int) - Method in class quickfix.Session
Sets the timeout for waiting for a logout response.
setLogoutTimeout(int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setLong(String, long) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
setLong(SessionID, String, long) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Sets a long integer-valued session setting.
setLong(String, long) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Set a default long parameter.
setMaxScheduledWriteRequests(int) - Method in class quickfix.Session
setNeedClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setNextSenderMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
setNextSenderMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Set the next sender message sequence number.
setNextSenderMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
setNextSenderMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
setNextSenderMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
setNextSenderMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
setNextSenderMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
setNextSenderMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.Session
Set the next outgoing message sequence number.
setNextSenderMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
setNextTargetMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdmin
setNextTargetMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.session.SessionAdminMBean
Set the next target message sequence number.
setNextTargetMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.CachedFileStore
setNextTargetMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.FileStore
setNextTargetMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.MemoryStore
setNextTargetMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in interface quickfix.MessageStore
setNextTargetMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.NoopStore
setNextTargetMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.Session
Set the next expected target message sequence number.
setNextTargetMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setNextTargetMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in class quickfix.SleepycatStore
setObject(T) - Method in class quickfix.Field
Sets the field's value to the given object.
setRegistrationBehavior(int) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.JmxExporter
Specify what action should be taken when attempting to register an MBean under an ObjectName that already exists.
setRejectGarbledMessage(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Session
setRejectInvalidMessage(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Session
setRejectMessageOnUnhandledException(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Session
setRequiresOrigSendingTime(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Session
setResendRange(int, int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setResendRange(int, int, int) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setResetRangeFromLastExpectedLogonNextSeqNumLogon() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
No actual resend request has occurred but at logon we populated tag 789 so that the other side knows we are missing messages without an explicit resend request and should immediately reply with the missing messages.
setResetReceived(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setResetSent(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setResetStatePending(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
setResponder(Responder) - Method in class quickfix.Session
Registers a responder with the session.
setSessionProvider(SocketAddress, AcceptorSessionProvider) - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.AbstractSocketAcceptor
setSessions(Map<SessionID, Session>) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
setString(String, String) - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
setString(int, String) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setString(SessionID, String, String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Sets a string-valued session setting.
setString(String, String) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Set a default string parameter.
setSyncAfterWrite(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.FileLog
setTag(int) - Method in class quickfix.Field
setTargetDefaultApplicationVersionID(ApplVerID) - Method in class quickfix.Session
Sets the default application version ID for messages received by this session.
setTimeSource(SystemTimeSource) - Static method in class quickfix.SystemTime
SETTING_ACCEPTOR_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface quickfix.Acceptor
Acceptor setting specifying a template acceptor session.
SETTING_ALLOW_UNKNOWN_MSG_FIELDS - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Allow unknown fields in messages.
SETTING_ALLOWED_REMOTE_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
SETTING_APP_DATA_DICTIONARY - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting specifying the path to the application data dictionary to use for this session.
SETTING_CHECK_COMP_ID - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
If set to Y, messages must be received from the counterparty with the correct SenderCompID and TargetCompID.
SETTING_CHECK_LATENCY - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for enabling message latency checks.
SETTING_CIPHER_SUITES - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_CONNECTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface quickfix.SessionFactory
Specifies the connection type for a session.
SETTING_CONTINUE_INIT_ON_ERROR - Static variable in interface quickfix.SessionFactory
Instructs the connection-related code to continue if there is an error creating or initializing a session.
SETTING_DATA_DICTIONARY - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting specifying the path to the data dictionary to use for this session.
SETTING_DEFAULT_APPL_VER_ID - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
SETTING_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session description.
SETTING_DISABLE_HEART_BEAT_CHECK - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Allow to disable heart beat failure detection
SETTING_DISCONNECT_ON_ERROR - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for doing an automatic disconnect when an error occurs.
SETTING_DYNAMIC_SESSION - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Leave the corresponding session disconnected until AbstractSocketInitiator.createDynamicSession is called
SETTING_ENABLE_LAST_MSG_SEQ_NUM_PROCESSED - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Return the last msg seq number processed (optional tag 369).
SETTING_ENABLE_NEXT_EXPECTED_MSG_SEQ_NUM - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Return the next expected message sequence number (optional tag 789 on Logon) on sent Logon message and use value of tag 789 on received Logon message to synchronize session.
SETTING_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_END_DAY - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session scheduling setting to specify last day of trading week.
SETTING_END_TIME - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session scheduling setting to specify end time of the trading day.
SETTING_ERROR_EVENT_CATEGORY - Static variable in class quickfix.SLF4JLogFactory
Log category for error events.
SETTING_EVENT_CATEGORY - Static variable in class quickfix.SLF4JLogFactory
Log category for events.
SETTING_FILE_LOG_PATH - Static variable in class quickfix.FileLogFactory
File path for writing the session log.
SETTING_FILE_STORE_MAX_CACHED_MSGS - Static variable in class quickfix.FileStoreFactory
Numeric option limiting the number of messages stored in the in-memory message index.
SETTING_FILE_STORE_PATH - Static variable in class quickfix.FileStoreFactory
File path for writing the message store.
SETTING_FILE_STORE_SYNC - Static variable in class quickfix.FileStoreFactory
Boolean option for controlling whether the FileStore syncs to the hard drive on every write.
SETTING_FORCE_RESEND_WHEN_CORRUPTED_STORE - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
SETTING_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for the heartbeat timeout multiplier (as fraction of heartbeat interval).
SETTING_HEARTBTINT - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for heartbeat interval (in seconds).
SETTING_INCLUDE_MILLIS_IN_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class quickfix.FileLogFactory
Specify whether to include milliseconds in log output time stamps.
SETTING_INCLUDE_MILLIS_IN_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class quickfix.ScreenLogFactory
Specify whether to include milliseconds in log output time stamps.
SETTING_INCLUDE_TIMESTAMP_FOR_MESSAGES - Static variable in class quickfix.FileLogFactory
Specify whether to include time stamps for message input and output.
SETTING_INMSG_CATEGORY - Static variable in class quickfix.SLF4JLogFactory
Log category for incoming messages.
SETTING_JDBC_CONNECTION_URL - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Setting for JDBC URL.
SETTING_JDBC_DRIVER - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Setting for JDBC driver.
SETTING_JDBC_DS_NAME - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
The JNDI name used to lookup a DataSource for the JDBC plugins.
SETTING_JDBC_LOG_HEARTBEATS - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Flag for controlling logging of heartbeat messages.
SETTING_JDBC_MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTION - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Specifies the maximum number of connections to the database
SETTING_JDBC_MAX_ACTIVE_TIME - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Specifies if the housekeeper comes across a thread that has been active for longer than this then it will kill it.
SETTING_JDBC_MAX_CONNECTION_LIFETIME - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Specifies the maximum amount of time that a connection exists for before it is killed (milliseconds).
SETTING_JDBC_PASSWORD - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Setting for JDBC password.
SETTING_JDBC_SESSION_ID_DEFAULT_PROPERTY_VALUE - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Specified the default value for session ID properties that have not been set.
SETTING_JDBC_SIMULTANEOUS_BUILD_THROTTLE - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Specifies the maximum number of connections we can be building at any one time.
SETTING_JDBC_STORE_MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Defines the table name for the messages table.
SETTING_JDBC_STORE_SESSIONS_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Defines the table name for the session table.
SETTING_JDBC_USER - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Setting for JDBC user.
SETTING_JNDI_CONTEXT_FACTORY - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
The class name of the JNDI initial context factory.
SETTING_JNDI_PROVIDER_URL - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
The JNDI provider URL.
SETTING_KEY_MANAGER_FACTORY_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_KEY_STORE_NAME - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_KEY_STORE_PWD - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_KEY_STORE_TYPE - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_LOG_EVENT_TABLE - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Specifies name of table for logging events
SETTING_LOG_EVENTS - Static variable in class quickfix.ScreenLogFactory
Enables session event logging.
SETTING_LOG_HEARTBEATS - Static variable in class quickfix.FileLogFactory
Specify whether to include time stamps for message input and output.
SETTING_LOG_HEARTBEATS - Static variable in class quickfix.ScreenLogFactory
Flag for controlling output of heartbeat messages.
SETTING_LOG_HEARTBEATS - Static variable in class quickfix.SLF4JLogFactory
Controls logging of heartbeats (Y or N)
SETTING_LOG_INCOMING - Static variable in class quickfix.ScreenLogFactory
Enables incoming message logging.
SETTING_LOG_INCOMING_TABLE - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Specifies name of table for logging incoming messages
SETTING_LOG_OUTGOING - Static variable in class quickfix.ScreenLogFactory
Enables outgoing message logging.
SETTING_LOG_OUTGOING_TABLE - Static variable in class quickfix.JdbcSetting
Specifies name of table for logging outgoing messages
SETTING_LOGON_TAG - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for custom logon tags.
SETTING_LOGON_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for logon timeout (in seconds).
SETTING_LOGOUT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for logout timeout (in seconds).
SETTING_MAX_LATENCY - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for maximum message latency (in seconds).
SETTING_MAX_SCHEDULED_WRITE_REQUESTS - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
SETTING_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_NON_STOP_SESSION - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session scheduling setting to specify that session never reset
SETTING_OUTMSG_CATEGORY - Static variable in class quickfix.SLF4JLogFactory
Log category for outgoing messages.
SETTING_PERSIST_MESSAGES - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Persist messages setting (true, by default).
SETTING_PREPEND_SESSION_ID - Static variable in class quickfix.SLF4JLogFactory
Flag for prepending session ID to log output
SETTING_PROXY_DOMAIN - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for proxy domain.
SETTING_PROXY_HOST - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for proxy host.
SETTING_PROXY_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for proxy port.
SETTING_PROXY_PORT - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for proxy port.
SETTING_PROXY_TYPE - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for proxy type.
SETTING_PROXY_USER - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for proxy port.
SETTING_PROXY_VERSION - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for proxy version.
SETTING_PROXY_WORKSTATION - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for proxy workstation.
SETTING_RECONNECT_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for reconnect interval in seconds.
SETTING_REFRESH_ON_LOGON - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Requests that state and message data be refreshed from the message store at logon, if possible.
SETTING_REJECT_GARBLED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Reject garbled messages instead of ignoring them.
SETTING_REJECT_INVALID_MESSAGE - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
SETTING_REJECT_MESSAGE_ON_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
SETTING_REQUIRES_ORIG_SENDING_TIME - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
SETTING_RESEND_REQUEST_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Setting to limit the size of a resend request in case of missing messages.
SETTING_RESET_ON_DISCONNECT - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for doing an automatic sequence number reset on disconnect.
SETTING_RESET_ON_ERROR - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for doing an automatic reset when an error occurs.
SETTING_RESET_ON_LOGON - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting that causes the session to reset sequence numbers when initiating a logon (>= FIX 4.2).
SETTING_RESET_ON_LOGOUT - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for doing an automatic sequence number reset on logout.
SETTING_SEND_REDUNDANT_RESEND_REQUEST - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Configures the session to send redundant resend requests (off, by default).
SETTING_SLEEPYCAT_DATABASE_DIR - Static variable in class quickfix.SleepycatStoreFactory
Directory path where Sleepycat files are stored.
SETTING_SLEEPYCAT_MESSAGE_DB_NAME - Static variable in class quickfix.SleepycatStoreFactory
Database name for the message database.
SETTING_SLEEPYCAT_SEQUENCE_DB_NAME - Static variable in class quickfix.SleepycatStoreFactory
Database name for the sequence number database.
SETTING_SOCKET_ACCEPT_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface quickfix.Acceptor
Acceptor setting specifying local IP interface address for accepting connections.
SETTING_SOCKET_ACCEPT_PORT - Static variable in interface quickfix.Acceptor
Acceptor setting specifying port for accepting FIX client connections.
SETTING_SOCKET_ACCEPT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface quickfix.Acceptor
Acceptor setting specifying the socket protocol used to accept connections.
SETTING_SOCKET_CONNECT_HOST - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for connection host.
SETTING_SOCKET_CONNECT_PORT - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for connection port.
SETTING_SOCKET_CONNECT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for connection protocol (defaults to "tcp").
SETTING_SOCKET_KEEPALIVE - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
SETTING_SOCKET_LINGER - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
SETTING_SOCKET_LOCAL_HOST - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for local/bind host.
SETTING_SOCKET_LOCAL_PORT - Static variable in interface quickfix.Initiator
Initiator setting for local/bind port.
SETTING_SOCKET_OOBINLINE - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
SETTING_SOCKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
SETTING_SOCKET_REUSE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
SETTING_SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
SETTING_SOCKET_SYNCHRONOUS_WRITE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
SETTING_SOCKET_SYNCHRONOUS_WRITES - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
SETTING_SOCKET_TCP_NODELAY - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
SETTING_SOCKET_TRAFFIC_CLASS - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
SETTING_START_DAY - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session scheduling setting to specify first day of trading week.
SETTING_START_TIME - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session scheduling setting to specify starting time of the trading day.
SETTING_TEST_REQUEST_DELAY_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting for the test delay multiplier (as fraction of heartbeat interval).
SETTING_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting to control precision in message timestamps.
SETTING_TIMEZONE - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session scheduling setting to specify time zone for the session.
SETTING_TRANSPORT_DATA_DICTIONARY - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting specifying the path to the transport data dictionary.
SETTING_TRUST_MANAGER_FACTORY_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_TRUST_STORE_NAME - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_TRUST_STORE_PWD - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_TRUST_STORE_TYPE - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_USE_CLOSED_RESEND_INTERVAL - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Use actual end of sequence gap for resend requests rather than using "infinity" as the end sequence of the gap.
SETTING_USE_DATA_DICTIONARY - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session setting to indicate whether a data dictionary should be used.
SETTING_USE_SNI - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_USE_SSL - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
SETTING_VALIDATE_CHECKSUM - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
SETTING_VALIDATE_FIELDS_HAVE_VALUES - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session validation setting for enabling whether field values are validated.
SETTING_VALIDATE_FIELDS_OUT_OF_ORDER - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Default is "Y".
SETTING_VALIDATE_INCOMING_MESSAGE - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Allow to bypass the message validation.
SETTING_VALIDATE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Check the next expected target SeqNum against the received SeqNum.
SETTING_VALIDATE_UNORDERED_GROUP_FIELDS - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session validation setting for enabling whether field ordering is validated.
SETTING_VALIDATE_USER_DEFINED_FIELDS - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Controls validation of user-defined fields.
SETTING_WEEKDAYS - Static variable in class quickfix.Session
Session scheduling setting to specify active days of the week.
settings - Variable in class quickfix.FileStoreFactory
settings - Variable in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider
setTrustManagerFactoryAlgorithm(String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setTrustStoreName(String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setTrustStorePassword(char[]) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setTrustStoreType(String) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setUseSNI(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
setUseSNI(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLFilter
setUtcDateOnly(int, LocalDate) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setUtcTimeOnly(int, LocalTime) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setUtcTimeOnly(int, LocalTime, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setUtcTimeOnly(int, LocalTime, UtcTimestampPrecision) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setUtcTimeStamp(int, LocalDateTime) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setUtcTimeStamp(int, LocalDateTime, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setUtcTimeStamp(int, LocalDateTime, UtcTimestampPrecision) - Method in class quickfix.FieldMap
setValidateChecksum(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.Session
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeDataFactory
setValue(String, double) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeDataFactory
setValue(String, boolean) - Method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.CompositeDataFactory
setValue(Boolean) - Method in class quickfix.BooleanField
setValue(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.BooleanField
setValue(byte[]) - Method in class quickfix.BytesField
setValue(Character) - Method in class quickfix.CharField
setValue(char) - Method in class quickfix.CharField
setValue(Date) - Method in class quickfix.DateField
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class quickfix.DecimalField
setValue(double) - Method in class quickfix.DecimalField
setValue(Double) - Method in class quickfix.DoubleField
setValue(double) - Method in class quickfix.DoubleField
setValue(Integer) - Method in class quickfix.IntField
setValue(int) - Method in class quickfix.IntField
setValue(String) - Method in class quickfix.StringField
setValue(LocalDate) - Method in class quickfix.UtcDateField
setValue(LocalDate) - Method in class quickfix.UtcDateOnlyField
setValue(LocalTime) - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeField
setValue(LocalTime) - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeOnlyField
setValue(LocalDateTime) - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
setVariableValues(Properties) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
Set properties that will be the source of variable values in the settings.
shortLivedExecutor - Variable in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
SimpleCache<K,V> - Class in org.quickfixj
SimpleCache(Function<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.SimpleCache
SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy - Class in quickfix.mina
Processes messages for all sessions in a single thread.
SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy(SessionConnector, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy(SessionConnector, int, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
size() - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
size() - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
SleepycatStore - Class in quickfix
Sleepycat message and session state storage.
SleepycatStore(SessionID, String, String, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.SleepycatStore
SleepycatStoreFactory - Class in quickfix
Message store using the Sleepycat Java Edition database for message and sequence number storage.
SleepycatStoreFactory(SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.SleepycatStoreFactory
SLF4JLog - Class in quickfix
A Log using the SLF4J wrapper that supports JDK 1.4 logging, Log4J and others.
SLF4JLog(SessionID, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.SLF4JLog
SLF4JLogFactory - Class in quickfix
Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) log factory (
SLF4JLogFactory(SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.SLF4JLogFactory
SOCKET - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory
SocketAcceptor - Class in quickfix
Accepts connections and uses a single thread to process messages for all sessions.
SocketAcceptor(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketAcceptor
SocketAcceptor(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketAcceptor
SocketAcceptor(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, MessageFactory, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketAcceptor
SocketAcceptor(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketAcceptor
SocketAcceptor(SessionFactory, SessionSettings, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketAcceptor
SocketAcceptor(SessionFactory, SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketAcceptor
SocketAcceptor.Builder - Class in quickfix
SocketAcceptorAdmin - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector
Implementation of the socket acceptor management interface.
SocketAcceptorAdmin(JmxExporter, AbstractSocketAcceptor, ObjectName, SessionJmxExporter) - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.SocketAcceptorAdmin
SocketAcceptorAdmin.SessionAcceptorAddressRow - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector
SocketAcceptorAdminMBean - Interface in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector
Management interface for a socket acceptor connector.
SocketInitiator - Class in quickfix
Initiates connections and uses a single thread to process messages for all sessions.
SocketInitiator(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, MessageFactory, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketInitiator
SocketInitiator(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketInitiator
SocketInitiator(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketInitiator
SocketInitiator(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketInitiator
SocketInitiator(SessionFactory, SessionSettings, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.SocketInitiator
SocketInitiator.Builder - Class in quickfix
SocketInitiatorAdminMBean - Interface in org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector
SSLConfig - Class in quickfix.mina.ssl
Groups together SSL related configuration.
SSLConfig() - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLConfig
SSLContextFactory - Class in quickfix.mina.ssl
SSL context factory that deals with various SSL configuration.
SSLContextFactory() - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLContextFactory
SSLFilter - Class in quickfix.mina.ssl
An extended SSL filter based on MINA SslFilter that applies some adaptations.
SSLFilter(SSLContext, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLFilter
SSLFilter(SSLContext) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLFilter
SSLSupport - Class in quickfix.mina.ssl
SSLSupport() - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.ssl.SSLSupport
start() - Method in interface quickfix.Connector
Start accepting connections.
start() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy.ThreadAdapter
start() - Method in class quickfix.SocketAcceptor
start() - Method in class quickfix.SocketInitiator
start() - Method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor
start() - Method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator
startAcceptingConnections() - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.AbstractSocketAcceptor
startDispatcherThread(ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy.MessageDispatchingThread) - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
startInitiators() - Method in class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
startSessionTimer() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
stop(boolean) - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.ConnectorAdminMBean
Stop the connector.
stop() - Method in interface org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.connector.ConnectorAdminMBean
Stop the connector after waiting for logouts.
stop() - Method in interface quickfix.Connector
Logout existing sessions, close their connections, and stop accepting new connections.
stop(boolean) - Method in interface quickfix.Connector
Stops all sessions, optionally waiting for logout completion.
stop(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SocketAcceptor
stop(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.SocketInitiator
stop(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor
stop(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator
stopAcceptingConnections() - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.AbstractSocketAcceptor
stopDispatcher() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy.MessageDispatchingThread
stopDispatcherThreads() - Method in class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
stopHandlingMessages() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
Stops processing of messages without waiting for message processing thread to finish.
stopHandlingMessages(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy
Stops processing of messages and optionally waits for message processing thread to finish.
stopInitiators() - Method in class quickfix.mina.initiator.AbstractSocketInitiator
stopSessionTimer() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
StringField - Class in quickfix
A string-valued message field.
StringField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.StringField
StringField(int, String) - Constructor for class quickfix.StringField
SystemTime - Class in quickfix
A wrapper for the system time source, used primarily for unit testing.
SystemTime() - Constructor for class quickfix.SystemTime
SystemTimeSource - Interface in quickfix
Interface for obtaining system time.


TabularDataAdapter - Class in org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean
TabularDataAdapter() - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.jmx.openmbean.TabularDataAdapter
TARGETCOMPID - Static variable in class quickfix.SessionSettings
TARGETLOCID - Static variable in class quickfix.SessionSettings
TARGETSUBID - Static variable in class quickfix.SessionSettings
TemplateMapping(SessionID, SessionID) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider.TemplateMapping
THREAD_WAIT_FOR_MESSAGE_MS - Static variable in interface quickfix.mina.EventHandlingStrategy
Constant indicating how long we wait for an incoming message.
ThreadAdapter(String, Executor) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy.ThreadAdapter
ThreadedSocketAcceptor - Class in quickfix
Accepts connections and uses a separate thread per session to process messages.
ThreadedSocketAcceptor(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor
ThreadedSocketAcceptor(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor
ThreadedSocketAcceptor(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, MessageFactory, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor
ThreadedSocketAcceptor(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor
ThreadedSocketAcceptor(SessionFactory, SessionSettings, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor
ThreadedSocketAcceptor(SessionFactory, SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketAcceptor
ThreadedSocketAcceptor.Builder - Class in quickfix
ThreadedSocketInitiator - Class in quickfix
Initiates connections and uses a separate thread per session to process messages.
ThreadedSocketInitiator(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator
ThreadedSocketInitiator(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, LogFactory, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator
ThreadedSocketInitiator(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, MessageFactory, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator
ThreadedSocketInitiator(Application, MessageStoreFactory, SessionSettings, MessageFactory) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator
ThreadedSocketInitiator(SessionFactory, SessionSettings, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator
ThreadedSocketInitiator(SessionFactory, SessionSettings) - Constructor for class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator
ThreadedSocketInitiator.Builder - Class in quickfix
ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy - Class in quickfix.mina
Processes messages in a session-specific thread.
ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy(SessionConnector, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy(SessionConnector, int, int) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy
ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy.MessageDispatchingThread - Class in quickfix.mina
ThreadPerSessionEventHandlingStrategy.ThreadAdapter - Class in quickfix.mina
A stand-in for the Thread class that delegates to an Executor.
toAdmin(Message, SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.Application
This callback provides you with a peek at the administrative messages that are being sent from your FIX engine to the counter party.
toAdmin(Message, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationAdapter
toAdmin(Message, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
toApp(Message, SessionID) - Method in interface quickfix.Application
This is a callback for application messages that you are sending to a counterparty.
toApp(Message, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationAdapter
toApp(Message, SessionID) - Method in class quickfix.ApplicationFunctionalAdapter
ToAppListener<T extends Message> - Interface in quickfix
toApplVerID(String) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
Convert a begin string to an ApplVerID
toBeginString(ApplVerID) - Static method in class quickfix.MessageUtils
Convert an ApplVerID to a "begin string"
toInteger(String) - Static method in class quickfix.DayConverter
Convert a day name (possibly abbreviated) to an offset.
toIOException(Exception) - Static method in class org.quickfixj.jmx.mbean.JmxSupport
toMap() - Method in class quickfix.Dictionary
toRawString() - Method in class quickfix.Message
Return the raw message data as it was passed to the Message class.
toStream(OutputStream) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
toString(int) - Static method in class quickfix.DayConverter
Convert a day offset into a day name.
toString() - Method in class quickfix.DefaultSessionSchedule
toString() - Method in class quickfix.Field
Returns the formatted field (tag=value)
toString() - Method in enum quickfix.FieldType
toString() - Method in exception quickfix.IncorrectTagValue
toString() - Method in class quickfix.Message
Do not call this method concurrently while modifying the contents of the message.
toString() - Method in exception quickfix.MessageCracker.RedundantHandlerException
toString() - Method in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider.TemplateMapping
toString() - Method in class quickfix.Session
toString() - Method in class quickfix.SessionID
toString(PrintWriter) - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
toString() - Method in class quickfix.SessionSettings
toXML() - Method in class quickfix.Message
Converts the message into a simple XML format.
toXML(DataDictionary) - Method in class quickfix.Message
Converts the message into a simple XML format.
trafficClasses - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.NetworkingOptions
trailer - Variable in class quickfix.Message
Trailer() - Constructor for class quickfix.Message.Trailer
Trailer(int[]) - Constructor for class quickfix.Message.Trailer
TRAILER_ID - Static variable in class quickfix.DataDictionary
trailerAddGroup(Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message
trailerGetGroup(int, Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message
trailerHasGroup(int) - Method in class quickfix.Message
trailerHasGroup(int, int) - Method in class quickfix.Message
trailerHasGroup(int, Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message
trailerHasGroup(Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message
trailerRemoveGroup(Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message
trailerReplaceGroup(int, Group) - Method in class quickfix.Message


unlockSenderMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
unlockTargetMsgSeqNum() - Method in class quickfix.SessionState
UnsupportedMessageType - Exception in quickfix
Message type not supported by application.
UnsupportedMessageType() - Constructor for exception quickfix.UnsupportedMessageType
UTC_TIMEZONE - Static variable in class quickfix.SystemTime
UtcDateField - Class in quickfix
A LocalDate-valued message field with up to nanosecond precision.
UtcDateField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcDateField
UtcDateField(int, LocalDate) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcDateField
UtcDateOnlyConverter - Class in quickfix.field.converter
Convert between a date and a String
UtcDateOnlyConverter() - Constructor for class quickfix.field.converter.UtcDateOnlyConverter
UtcDateOnlyField - Class in quickfix
A date-valued message field.
UtcDateOnlyField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcDateOnlyField
UtcDateOnlyField(int, LocalDate) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcDateOnlyField
UtcTimeField - Class in quickfix
A LocalTime-valued message field with up to nanosecond precision.
UtcTimeField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeField
UtcTimeField(int, LocalTime) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeField
UtcTimeField(int, LocalTime, UtcTimestampPrecision) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeField
UtcTimeOnlyConverter - Class in quickfix.field.converter
Convert between a time and a String.
UtcTimeOnlyConverter() - Constructor for class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimeOnlyConverter
UtcTimeOnlyField - Class in quickfix
UtcTimeOnlyField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeOnlyField
UtcTimeOnlyField(int, LocalTime) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeOnlyField
UtcTimeOnlyField(int, LocalTime, UtcTimestampPrecision) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeOnlyField
UtcTimeOnlyField(int, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeOnlyField
UtcTimeOnlyField(int, LocalTime, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeOnlyField
UtcTimestampConverter - Class in quickfix.field.converter
Convert between a timestamp and a String.
UtcTimestampConverter() - Constructor for class quickfix.field.converter.UtcTimestampConverter
UtcTimeStampField - Class in quickfix
A timestamp-valued message field (a timestamp has both a date and a time).
UtcTimeStampField(int) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
UtcTimeStampField(int, LocalDateTime) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
UtcTimeStampField(int, LocalDateTime, UtcTimestampPrecision) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
UtcTimeStampField(int, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
UtcTimeStampField(int, UtcTimestampPrecision) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
UtcTimeStampField(int, LocalDateTime, boolean) - Constructor for class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
UtcTimestampPrecision - Enum in quickfix


validate(String) - Static method in class org.quickfixj.CharsetSupport
validate(Message) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Validate a message, including the header and trailer fields.
validate(Message, boolean) - Method in class quickfix.DataDictionary
Validate the message body, with header and trailer fields being validated conditionally.
valueEquals(Boolean) - Method in class quickfix.BooleanField
valueEquals(boolean) - Method in class quickfix.BooleanField
valueEquals(Character) - Method in class quickfix.CharField
valueEquals(char) - Method in class quickfix.CharField
valueEquals(Date) - Method in class quickfix.DateField
valueEquals(BigDecimal) - Method in class quickfix.DecimalField
valueEquals(double) - Method in class quickfix.DecimalField
valueEquals(Double) - Method in class quickfix.DoubleField
valueEquals(double) - Method in class quickfix.DoubleField
valueEquals(Integer) - Method in class quickfix.IntField
valueEquals(int) - Method in class quickfix.IntField
valueEquals(String) - Method in class quickfix.StringField
valueEquals(LocalDate) - Method in class quickfix.UtcDateField
valueEquals(LocalDate) - Method in class quickfix.UtcDateOnlyField
valueEquals(LocalTime) - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeField
valueEquals(LocalTime) - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeOnlyField
valueEquals(LocalDateTime) - Method in class quickfix.UtcTimeStampField
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum quickfix.FieldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum quickfix.FileUtil.Location
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum quickfix.UtcTimestampPrecision
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum quickfix.FieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum quickfix.FileUtil.Location
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum quickfix.UtcTimestampPrecision
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Version - Class in org.quickfixj
Version() - Constructor for class org.quickfixj.Version
VM_PIPE - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.ProtocolFactory


waitForLogout() - Method in class quickfix.mina.SessionConnector
WatermarkTracker<E,S> - Class in quickfix.mina
A blocking queue wrapper implementing watermarks-based back pressure propagation from the queue sink to one or more logical sources.
WILDCARD - Static variable in class quickfix.mina.acceptor.DynamicAcceptorSessionProvider
withApplication(Application) - Method in class quickfix.AbstractSessionConnectorBuilder
withLogFactory(LogFactory) - Method in class quickfix.AbstractSessionConnectorBuilder
withMessageFactory(MessageFactory) - Method in class quickfix.AbstractSessionConnectorBuilder
withMessageStoreFactory(MessageStoreFactory) - Method in class quickfix.AbstractSessionConnectorBuilder
withQueueCapacity(int) - Method in class quickfix.AbstractSessionConnectorBuilder
withQueueWatermarks(int, int) - Method in class quickfix.AbstractSessionConnectorBuilder
withReconnectThreads(int) - Method in class quickfix.SocketInitiator.Builder
withReconnectThreads(int) - Method in class quickfix.ThreadedSocketInitiator.Builder
withSettings(SessionSettings) - Method in class quickfix.AbstractSessionConnectorBuilder
wrap(TrustManager[]) - Static method in class quickfix.mina.ssl.X509TrustManagerWrapper


X509TrustManagerWrapper - Class in quickfix.mina.ssl
X509TrustManager interface wrapper to re-throw RuntimeException as CertificateException when using empty truststore.
X509TrustManagerWrapper(X509TrustManager) - Constructor for class quickfix.mina.ssl.X509TrustManagerWrapper
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