package actors

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AuthRequest (authenticate: Authenticate, promise: Promise[SuccessfulAuthentication] = Promise()) extends Product with Serializable
  2. case class CheckedWriteRequestExpectingResponse (checkedWriteRequest: CheckedWriteRequest) extends ExpectingResponse with Product with Serializable

    A checked write request expecting a response.

    A checked write request expecting a response.


    The request maker.

  3. sealed trait ExpectingResponse extends AnyRef

    A message expecting a response from database.

    A message expecting a response from database. It holds a promise that will be completed by the MongoDBSystem actor. The future can be used to get the error or the successful response.

  4. case class PrimaryAvailable (metadata: ProtocolMetadata) extends Product with Serializable

    Message sent when the primary has been discovered.

  5. case class RequestMakerExpectingResponse (requestMaker: RequestMaker, isMongo26WriteOp: Boolean) extends ExpectingResponse with Product with Serializable

    A request expecting a response.

    A request expecting a response.


    the request maker


    true if the operation is a MongoDB 2.6 write one

  6. case class SetAvailable (metadata: ProtocolMetadata) extends Product with Serializable
  7. final class LegacyDBSystem extends MongoDBSystem with MongoCrAuthentication

    (Since version 0.11.14) Internal class: will be made private

  8. trait MongoDBSystem extends Actor

    Main actor that processes the requests.

    Main actor that processes the requests.


    (Since version 0.11.14) Internal class: will be made private

  9. final class StandardDBSystem extends MongoDBSystem with MongoScramSha1Authentication

    (Since version 0.11.14) Internal class: will be made private

Value Members

  1. object Close extends Product with Serializable

    Message to close all active connections.

    Message to close all active connections. The MongoDBSystem actor must not be used after this message has been sent.

  2. object Closed extends Product with Serializable

    MongoDBSystem has been shut down.

  3. object Exceptions
  4. object ExpectingResponse
  5. object GetLastMetadata extends Product with Serializable
  6. object PrimaryUnavailable extends Product with Serializable

    Message sent when the primary has been lost.

  7. object RegisterMonitor extends Product with Serializable

    Register a monitor.

  8. object SetUnavailable extends Product with Serializable

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object MongoDBSystem

    (Since version 0.11.14) Internal class: will be made private

  2. object RequestIdGenerator extends AbstractFunction2[Int, Int, RequestIdGenerator] with Serializable

    (Since version 0.12-RC6) Use the class RequestIdGenerator

  3. object WaitForPrimary extends Product with Serializable

    A message to send to a MonitorActor to be warned when a primary has been discovered.

    A message to send to a MonitorActor to be warned when a primary has been discovered.


    (Since version 0.11.10) Will be removed
