package commands

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By Inheritance
  1. commands
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class AddToSet(field: String) extends GroupFunction with Product with Serializable
  2. case class Ascending(field: String) extends SortOrder with Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait AuthenticationResult extends AnyRef

    an authentication result

  4. case class Avg(field: String) extends GroupFunction with Product with Serializable
  5. trait BSONCommandError extends Exception with CommandError

    A command error that optionally holds the original TraversableBSONDocument

  6. trait BSONCommandResultMaker[Result] extends CommandResultMaker[Result]
  7. case class CappedOptions(size: Long, maxDocuments: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  8. case class CollStatsResult(ns: String, count: Int, size: Double, averageObjectSize: Option[Double], storageSize: Double, numExtents: Int, nindexes: Int, lastExtentSize: Option[Int], paddingFactor: Option[Double], systemFlags: Option[Int], userFlags: Option[Int], totalIndexSize: Int, indexSizes: Array[(String, Int)], capped: Boolean, max: Option[Long]) extends Product with Serializable

    Various information about a collection.

    Various information about a collection.


    The fully qualified collection name.


    The number of documents in this collection.


    The size in bytes (or in bytes / scale, if any).


    The average object size in bytes (or in bytes / scale, if any).


    Preallocated space for the collection.


    Number of extents (contiguously allocated chunks of datafile space).


    Number of indexes.


    Size of the most recently created extent.


    Padding can speed up updates if documents grow.


    System flags.


    User flags.


    Size of specific indexes in bytes.


    States if this collection is capped.


    The maximum number of documents of this collection, if capped.

  9. trait Command[Result] extends AnyRef

    A MongoDB Command.

    A MongoDB Command.

    Basically, it's as query that is performed on any db.$cmd collection and gives back one document as a result.

  10. trait CommandError extends Exception with ReactiveMongoException

    A generic command error.

  11. trait CommandResultMaker[Result] extends AnyRef

    Handler for deserializing commands results.

    Handler for deserializing commands results.


    The result type of this command.

  12. class DefaultCommandError extends Exception with BSONCommandError

    A default command error, which may contain the original BSONDocument of the response.

  13. case class Descending(field: String) extends SortOrder with Product with Serializable
  14. case class FailedAuthentication(message: String, originalDocument: Option[BSONDocument] = None) extends Exception with BSONCommandError with AuthenticationResult with Product with Serializable

    A failed authentication result

    A failed authentication result


    the explanation of the error

  15. case class First(field: String) extends GroupFunction with Product with Serializable
  16. case class Group(identifiers: BSONValue)(ops: (String, GroupFunction)*) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Groups documents together to calculate aggregates on document collections.

    Groups documents together to calculate aggregates on document collections. This command aggregates on arbitrary identifiers. Document fields identifier must be prefixed with $.


    Any BSON value acceptable by mongodb as identifier


    Sequence of operators specifying aggregate calculation.

  17. case class GroupField(idField: String)(ops: (String, GroupFunction)*) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Groups documents together to calculate aggregates on document collections.

    Groups documents together to calculate aggregates on document collections. This command aggregates on one field.


    Name of the field to aggregate on.


    Sequence of operators specifying aggregate calculation.

  18. sealed trait GroupFunction extends AnyRef

    Represents one of the group operators for the "Group" Operation.

    Represents one of the group operators for the "Group" Operation. This class is sealed as these are defined in the MongoDB spec, and clients should not need to customise these.

  19. case class GroupMulti(idField: (String, String)*)(ops: (String, GroupFunction)*) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Groups documents together to calculate aggregates on document collections.

    Groups documents together to calculate aggregates on document collections. This command aggregates on multiple fields, and they must be named.


    Fields to aggregate on, and the names they should be aggregated under.


    Sequence of operators specifying aggregate calculation.

  20. case class Last(field: String) extends GroupFunction with Product with Serializable
  21. case class Limit(limit: Int) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Limts the number of documents that pass through the stream.

    Limts the number of documents that pass through the stream.


    Number of documents to allow through.

  22. class MakableCommand extends AnyRef

    A makable command, that can produce a request maker ready to be sent to a reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem actor.

  23. case class Match(predicate: BSONDocument) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Filters out documents from the stream that do not match the predicate.

    Filters out documents from the stream that do not match the predicate.


    Query that documents must satisfy to be in the stream.

  24. case class Max(field: String) extends GroupFunction with Product with Serializable
  25. case class Min(field: String) extends GroupFunction with Product with Serializable
  26. sealed trait PipelineOperator extends AnyRef

    One of MongoDBs pipeline operators for aggregation.

    One of MongoDBs pipeline operators for aggregation. Sealed as these are defined in the mongodb spec, and clients should not have custom operators.

  27. case class Project(fields: (String, BSONValue)*) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Reshapes a document stream by renaming, adding, or removing fields.

    Reshapes a document stream by renaming, adding, or removing fields. Also use "Project" to create computed values or sub-objects.


    Fields to include. The resulting objects will contain only these fields

  28. case class Push(field: String) extends GroupFunction with Product with Serializable
  29. case class PushMulti(fields: (String, String)*) extends GroupFunction with Product with Serializable
  30. case class ReplaceRoot(newRoot: BSONDocument) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Promotes a specified document to the top level and replaces all other fields.

    Promotes a specified document to the top level and replaces all other fields. The operation replaces all existing fields in the input document, including the _id field.


    The new root object

  31. case class ReplaceRootField(newRoot: String) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Promotes a specified document to the top level and replaces all other fields.

    Promotes a specified document to the top level and replaces all other fields. The operation replaces all existing fields in the input document, including the _id field.


    The field name to become the new root

  32. sealed trait ScramFinalNegociation extends Command[SuccessfulAuthentication]
  33. case class Skip(skip: Int) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Skips over a number of documents before passing all further documents along the stream.

    Skips over a number of documents before passing all further documents along the stream.


    Number of documents to skip.

  34. case class Sort(fields: Seq[SortOrder]) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Sorts the stream based on the given fields.

    Sorts the stream based on the given fields.


    Fields to sort by.

  35. sealed trait SortOrder extends AnyRef

    Represents that a field should be sorted on, as well as whether it should be ascending or descending.

  36. sealed trait SuccessfulAuthentication extends AuthenticationResult

    A successful authentication result.

  37. case class SumField(field: String) extends GroupFunction with Product with Serializable
  38. case class SumValue(value: Int) extends GroupFunction with Product with Serializable
  39. case class Unwind(field: String) extends PipelineOperator with Product with Serializable

    Turns a document with an array into multiple documents, one document for each element in the array.

    Turns a document with an array into multiple documents, one document for each element in the array.


    Name of the array to unwind.

  40. case class VerboseSuccessfulAuthentication(db: String, user: String, readOnly: Boolean) extends SuccessfulAuthentication with Product with Serializable

    A verbose successful authentication result (MongoDB >= 2.2).

    A verbose successful authentication result (MongoDB >= 2.2).

    Previous versions of MongoDB only return ok = BSONDouble(1.0).


    the database name


    the user name


    states if the authentication gives us only the right to read from the database.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. case class Aggregate(collectionName: String, pipeline: Seq[PipelineOperator]) extends Command[Stream[BSONDocument]] with Product with Serializable

    Implements the "aggregation" command, otherwise known as the "Aggregation Framework."

    Implements the "aggregation" command, otherwise known as the "Aggregation Framework."


    Collection to aggregate against


    Sequence of MongoDB aggregation operations.


    (Since version 0.12-RC5) Use reactivemongo.api.collections.GenericCollection.aggregateWith

Value Members

  1. object Aggregate extends BSONCommandResultMaker[Stream[BSONDocument]] with Serializable
  2. object CollStatsResult extends BSONCommandResultMaker[CollStatsResult] with Serializable
  3. object CommandError extends Serializable
  4. object CrAuthenticate extends BSONCommandResultMaker[SuccessfulAuthentication] with Serializable

    Authentication command's response deserializer.

  5. object GetCrNonce extends Command[String]

    Getnonce Command for Mongo CR authentication.

    Getnonce Command for Mongo CR authentication.

    Gets a nonce for authentication token.

  6. object GroupFunction

    Factory to declare custom call to a group function.

  7. object SilentSuccessfulAuthentication extends SuccessfulAuthentication

    A silent successful authentication result (MongoDB <= 2.0).

  8. object X509Authenticate extends BSONCommandResultMaker[SuccessfulAuthentication] with Serializable

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object ScramSha1FinalNegociation extends BSONCommandResultMaker[SuccessfulAuthentication] with Serializable

    (Since version 0.18.4) Unused

  2. object ScramSha1Initiate extends BSONCommandResultMaker[ScramChallenge[ScramSha1Authentication.type]] with Serializable

    (Since version 0.18.4) Will be private

  3. object ScramSha1Negociation extends Serializable

    (Since version 0.18.4) Will be internal

  4. object ScramSha1StartNegociation extends BSONCommandResultMaker[Either[SuccessfulAuthentication, Array[Byte]]] with Serializable
    @deprecated @SerialVersionUID()

    (Since version 0.18.4) Will be internal

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
