Interface | Description |
CacheAsync<K,V> |
Asynchronous interface for JCache
CacheReactive<K,V> |
Reactive interface for JCache
CacheRx<K,V> |
RxJava2 interface for JCache
ClusterNode | Deprecated |
ClusterNodesGroup | Deprecated |
DeletedObjectListener |
Redisson Object Event listener for deleted event published by Redis.
ExpiredObjectListener |
Redisson Object Event listener for expired event published by Redis.
NatMapper |
Maps RedisURI object.
Node | Deprecated |
NodeAsync | Deprecated |
NodeListener | |
NodesGroup<N extends Node> | Deprecated |
ObjectListener |
Redisson Object Event listener for Expired or Deleted event.
RAtomicDouble |
Distributed implementation to the AtomicDouble
RAtomicDoubleAsync |
Distributed implementation to the AtomicDouble
RAtomicDoubleReactive |
Reactive interface for AtomicDouble object
RAtomicDoubleRx |
Reactive interface for AtomicDouble object
RAtomicLong |
Distributed implementation of
AtomicLong |
RAtomicLongAsync |
Distributed async implementation of
AtomicLong |
RAtomicLongReactive |
Reactive interface for AtomicLong object
RAtomicLongRx |
RxJava2 interface for AtomicLong object
RBatch |
Interface for using Redis pipeline feature.
RBatchReactive |
Reactive interface for Redis pipeline feature.
RBatchRx |
RxJava2 interface for Redis pipeline feature.
RBinaryStream |
Binary stream holder stores a sequence of bytes.
RBinaryStreamReactive |
Binary stream holder stores a sequence of bytes.
RBinaryStreamRx |
Binary stream holder stores a sequence of bytes.
RBitSet |
Vector of bits that grows as needed.
RBitSetAsync |
Vector of bits that grows as needed.
RBitSetReactive |
Reactive interface for BitSet object
RBitSetRx |
RxJava2 interface for BitSet object
RBlockingDeque<V> |
BlockingDeque backed by Redis |
RBlockingDequeAsync<V> |
Distributed async implementation of
BlockingDeque |
RBlockingDequeReactive<V> |
Reactive interface for Redis based BlockingDeque object
RBlockingDequeRx<V> |
RxJava2 interface for Redis based BlockingDeque object
RBlockingQueue<V> |
Distributed implementation of
BlockingQueue |
RBlockingQueueAsync<V> |
Distributed async implementation of
BlockingQueue |
RBlockingQueueReactive<V> |
Reactive interface for BlockingQueue object
RBlockingQueueRx<V> |
RxJava2 interface for BlockingQueue
RBloomFilter<T> |
Distributed implementation of Bloom filter based on Highway 128-bit hash.
RBoundedBlockingQueue<V> |
Distributed implementation of bounded
BlockingQueue |
RBoundedBlockingQueueAsync<V> |
Distributed async implementation of bounded
BlockingQueue |
RBucket<V> |
Object holder.
RBucketAsync<V> |
Async implementation of object holder.
RBucketReactive<V> |
Reactive implementation of object holder.
RBucketRx<V> |
Reactive implementation of object holder.
RBuckets |
Operations over multiple Bucket objects.
RBucketsAsync |
Operations over multiple Bucket objects.
RBucketsReactive |
Operations over multiple Bucket objects.
RBucketsRx |
Operations over multiple Bucket objects.
RCollectionAsync<V> |
Common async interface for collection object
RCollectionReactive<V> |
Common reactive interface for collection object
RCollectionRx<V> |
Common RxJava2 interface for collection object
RCountDownLatch |
Redis based implementation of
It has an advantage over CountDownLatch --
count can be set via RCountDownLatch.trySetCount(long) method. |
RCountDownLatchAsync |
Async interface of Redis based
It has an advantage over CountDownLatch --
count can be set via RCountDownLatchAsync.trySetCountAsync(long) method. |
RCountDownLatchReactive |
Reactive interface of Redis based
It has an advantage over CountDownLatch --
count can be set via RCountDownLatchReactive.trySetCount(long) method. |
RCountDownLatchRx |
RxJava2 interface of Redis based
It has an advantage over CountDownLatch --
count can be set via RCountDownLatchRx.trySetCount(long) method. |
RDelayedQueue<V> |
Distributed implementation of delayed queue.
RDeque<V> |
Distributed implementation of
Deque |
RDequeAsync<V> |
Distributed async implementation of
Deque |
RDequeReactive<V> |
Reactive interface for Deque object
RDequeRx<V> |
RxJava2 interface for Deque object
RDestroyable |
All objects that implement this interface
should be destroyed via
RDestroyable.destroy() method. |
RDoubleAdder |
Distributed implementation of
Internal state maintained on client side. |
RedissonClient |
Main Redisson interface for access
to all redisson objects with sync/async interface.
RedissonNodeInitializer |
Node initializer callback interface.
RedissonReactiveClient |
Main Redisson interface for access
to all redisson objects with Reactive interface.
RedissonRxClient |
Main Redisson interface for access
to all redisson objects with RxJava2 interface.
RExecutorBatchFuture |
Future object for submitted tasks in a batch
RExecutorFuture<V> |
Future object for submitted task
RExecutorService |
Distributed implementation of
ExecutorService |
RExecutorServiceAsync |
Distributed async implementation of
ExecutorService |
RExpirable |
Base interface for all Redisson objects
which support expiration or TTL
RExpirableAsync |
Base async interface for all Redisson objects
which supports expiration (TTL)
RExpirableReactive |
Base interface for all Redisson objects
which support expiration or TTL
RExpirableRx |
Base interface for all Redisson objects
which support expiration or TTL
RFuture<V> |
Represents the result of an asynchronous computation
RGeo<V> |
Geospatial items holder.
RGeoAsync<V> |
Geospatial items holder.
RGeoReactive<V> |
Geospatial items holder.
RGeoRx<V> |
Geospatial items holder.
RHyperLogLog<V> |
Probabilistic data structure that lets you maintain counts of millions of items with extreme space efficiency.
RHyperLogLogAsync<V> |
Probabilistic data structure that lets you maintain counts of millions of items with extreme space efficiency.
RHyperLogLogReactive<V> |
Probabilistic data structure that lets you maintain counts of millions of items with extreme space efficiency.
RHyperLogLogRx<V> |
Probabilistic data structure that lets you maintain counts of millions of items with extreme space efficiency.
RKeys | |
RKeysAsync | |
RKeysReactive | |
RKeysRx | |
RLexSortedSet |
Sorted set contained values of String type
RLexSortedSetAsync |
Async interface for sorted set contained values of String type.
RLexSortedSetReactive |
Reactive interface for sorted set contained values of String type.
RLexSortedSetRx |
RxJava2 interface for sorted set contained values of String type.
RList<V> |
Distributed and concurrent implementation of
List |
RListAsync<V> |
Async list functions
RListMultimap<K,V> |
List based Multimap.
RListMultimapCache<K,V> |
List based Multimap.
RListMultimapReactive<K,V> |
Reactive interface for List based Multimap object
RListMultimapRx<K,V> |
RxJava2 interface for List based Multimap object
RListReactive<V> |
list functions
RListRx<V> |
list functions
RLiveObject | |
RLiveObjectService |
The pre-registration of each entity class is not necessary.
RLocalCachedMap<K,V> |
Map object with local entry cache support.
RLock |
Redis based implementation of
Implements re-entrant lock. |
RLockAsync |
Async interface for Lock object
RLockReactive |
Reactive interface for Lock object
RLockRx |
RxJava2 interface for Lock object
RLongAdder |
Distributed implementation of
Internal state maintained on client side. |
RMap<K,V> |
Redis based implementation of
and Map
This map uses serialized state of key instead of hashCode or equals methods. |
RMapAsync<K,V> |
Async interface for Redis based implementation
ConcurrentMap and Map
This map uses serialized state of key instead of hashCode or equals methods. |
RMapCache<K,V> |
Map-based cache with ability to set TTL for each entry via
RMapCache.put(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit) or RMapCache.putIfAbsent(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit)
And therefore has an complex lua-scripts inside. |
RMapCacheAsync<K,V> |
Map-based cache with ability to set TTL for each entry via
RMapCache.put(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit) or RMapCache.putIfAbsent(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit)
And therefore has an complex lua-scripts inside. |
RMapCacheReactive<K,V> |
Map-based cache with ability to set TTL for each entry via
RMapCacheReactive.put(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit) or RMapCacheReactive.putIfAbsent(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit) method. |
RMapCacheRx<K,V> |
Map-based cache with ability to set TTL for each entry via
RMapCacheRx.put(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit) or RMapCacheRx.putIfAbsent(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit) method. |
RMapReactive<K,V> |
Reactive interface for Redis based implementation
ConcurrentMap and Map
This map uses serialized state of key instead of hashCode or equals methods. |
RMapRx<K,V> |
RxJava2 interface for Redis based implementation
ConcurrentMap and Map
This map uses serialized state of key instead of hashCode or equals methods. |
RMultimap<K,V> |
Base Multimap interface.
RMultimapAsync<K,V> |
Base asynchronous MultiMap interface.
RMultimapCache<K,V> |
Base Multimap interface.
RMultimapCacheAsync<K,V> |
Base asynchronous Multimap interface.
RMultimapReactive<K,V> |
Base Reactive interface for Multimap object
RMultimapRx<K,V> |
Base RxJava2 interface for Multimap object
RObject |
Base interface for all Redisson objects
RObjectAsync |
Base asynchronous interface for all Redisson objects
RObjectReactive |
Base Reactive interface for all Redisson objects
RObjectRx |
Base RxJava2 interface for all Redisson objects
RPatternTopic |
Pattern based observer for Publish Subscribe object.
RPatternTopicReactive |
Reactive interface for Pattern based observer for Publish Subscribe object.
RPatternTopicRx |
RxJava2 interface for Pattern based observer for Publish Subscribe object.
RPermitExpirableSemaphore |
Semaphore object with lease time parameter support for each acquired permit.
RPermitExpirableSemaphoreAsync |
Asynchronous interface for Semaphore object with lease time parameter support for each acquired permit.
RPermitExpirableSemaphoreReactive |
Reactive interface for Semaphore object with lease time parameter support for each acquired permit.
RPermitExpirableSemaphoreRx |
RxJava2 interface for Semaphore object with lease time parameter support for each acquired permit.
RPriorityBlockingDeque<V> |
RPriorityBlockingDeque backed by Redis
RPriorityBlockingQueue<V> |
PriorityBlockingQueue backed by Redis
RPriorityDeque<V> |
Redis based priority deque.
RPriorityQueue<V> |
Redis based priority deque.
RQueue<V> |
Queue backed by Redis |
RQueueAsync<V> |
Queue backed by Redis |
RQueueReactive<V> |
Reactive interface for Queue object
RQueueRx<V> |
RxJava2 interface for Queue object
RRateLimiter |
Redis based Rate Limiter object.
RRateLimiterAsync |
Asynchronous interface for Redis based Rate Limiter object.
RRateLimiterReactive |
Reactive interface for Redis based Rate Limiter object.
RRateLimiterRx |
Reactive interface for Redis based Rate Limiter object.
RReadWriteLock |
ReadWriteLock maintains a pair of associated locks , one for read-only operations and one for writing. |
RReadWriteLockReactive |
ReadWriteLock maintains a pair of associated locks , one for read-only operations and one for writing. |
RReadWriteLockRx |
ReadWriteLock maintains a pair of associated locks , one for read-only operations and one for writing. |
RRemoteService |
Allows to execute object methods remotely between Redisson instances (Server side and Client side instances in terms of remote invocation).
RRingBuffer<V> |
RingBuffer based queue evicts elements from the head if queue capacity became full.
RRingBufferAsync<V> |
RingBuffer based queue evicts elements from the head if queue capacity became full.
RRingBufferReactive<V> |
RingBuffer based queue evicts elements from the head if queue capacity became full.
RRingBufferRx<V> |
RingBuffer based queue evicts elements from the head if queue capacity became full.
RScheduledExecutorService |
Redis based implementation of
ScheduledExecutorService |
RScheduledExecutorServiceAsync |
Redis based implementation of
ScheduledExecutorService |
RScheduledFuture<V> | |
RScoredSortedSet<V> |
Set containing elements sorted by score.
RScoredSortedSetAsync<V> | |
RScoredSortedSetReactive<V> |
Reactive interface for SortedSet object
RScoredSortedSetRx<V> |
RxJava2 interface for scored sorted set data structure.
RScript |
Interface for Redis Script feature
RScriptAsync |
Async interface for Redis Script feature
RScriptReactive |
Reactive interface for Redis Script feature
RScriptRx |
RxJava2 interface for Redis Script feature
RSemaphore |
Redis based implementation of
Semaphore . |
RSemaphoreAsync |
Async interface of Redis based
Semaphore . |
RSemaphoreReactive |
Reactive interface of Redis based
Semaphore . |
RSemaphoreRx |
RxJava2 interface of Redis based
Semaphore . |
RSet<V> |
Redis based implementation of
Set |
RSetAsync<V> |
Async set functions
RSetCache<V> |
Set-based cache with ability to set TTL for each object.
RSetCacheAsync<V> |
Async set functions
RSetCacheReactive<V> |
Reactive interface for RSetCache object
RSetCacheRx<V> |
RxJava2 interface for RSetCache object
RSetMultimap<K,V> |
Set based Multimap.
RSetMultimapCache<K,V> | |
RSetMultimapReactive<K,V> |
Reactive interface for Set based Multimap
RSetMultimapRx<K,V> |
RxJava2 interface for Set based Multimap
RSetReactive<V> |
Reactive interface for Redis based implementation of
Set |
RSetRx<V> |
RxJava2 interface for Redis based implementation of
Set |
RSortable<V> | |
RSortableAsync<V> | |
RSortableReactive<V> | |
RSortableRx<V> | |
RSortedSet<V> | |
RStream<K,V> |
Interface for Redis Stream object.
RStreamAsync<K,V> |
Async interface for Redis Stream object.
RStreamReactive<K,V> |
Reactive interface for Redis Stream object.
RStreamRx<K,V> |
Reactive interface for Redis Stream object.
RTopic |
Distributed topic.
RTopicAsync |
Distributed topic.
RTopicReactive |
Reactive interface for Publish Subscribe object.
RTopicRx |
RxJava2 interface for Publish Subscribe object.
RTransaction |
Transaction object allows to execute transactions over Redisson objects.
RTransactionReactive |
Reactive interface for transaction object allows to execute transactions over Redisson objects.
RTransactionRx |
RxJava2 interface for transaction object allows to execute transactions over Redisson objects.
RTransferQueue<V> |
Redis based implementation of
TransferQueue |
RTransferQueueAsync<V> |
Async interface for Redis based implementation of
TransferQueue |
RTransferQueueReactive<V> |
Reactive interface of Redis based implementation of
TransferQueue |
RTransferQueueRx<V> |
RxJava2 interface of Redis based implementation of
TransferQueue |
Class | Description |
BatchOptions |
Configuration for Batch object.
BatchResult<E> | |
CronSchedule |
Cron expression object used in
RScheduledExecutorService . |
DefaultNatMapper | |
ExecutorOptions |
Configuration for ExecutorService.
GeoEntry | |
GeoPosition | |
HostNatMapper |
Maps host of RedisURI object using map defined in
hostsMap setting. |
HostPortNatMapper |
Maps host and port of RedisURI object using map defined in
hostsMap setting. |
LocalCachedMapOptions<K,V> |
Configuration for LocalCachedMap object.
MapOptions<K,V> |
Configuration for Map object.
PendingEntry |
Entry object for pending messages request.
PendingResult |
Result object for pending messages request.
RateLimiterConfig | |
RemoteInvocationOptions |
RRemoteService invocation options.
StreamConsumer |
Object containing details about Stream Consumer
StreamGroup |
Object containing details about Stream Group
StreamInfo<K,V> |
Object containing details about Stream
StreamInfo.Entry<K,V> | |
StreamMessageId |
Stream Message ID object
TransactionOptions |
Configuration for Transaction.
WorkerOptions |
Configuration for RExecutorService workers.
Enum | Description |
BatchOptions.ExecutionMode | |
GeoOrder | |
GeoUnit | |
LocalCachedMapOptions.CacheProvider | |
LocalCachedMapOptions.EvictionPolicy | |
LocalCachedMapOptions.ReconnectionStrategy |
Various strategies to avoid stale objects in local cache.
LocalCachedMapOptions.StoreMode | |
LocalCachedMapOptions.SyncStrategy | |
MapOptions.WriteMode | |
Node.InfoSection | |
NodeType | |
RateIntervalUnit | |
RateType | |
RCascadeType |
Live Object cascade type.
RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate | |
RScript.Mode | |
RScript.ReturnType | |
RType | |
SortOrder |
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