Package org.redisson

Class RedissonSetMultimapValues<V>

    • Method Detail

      • size

        public int size()
        Specified by:
        size in interface Collection<V>
        Specified by:
        size in interface Set<V>
      • mapReduce

        public <KOut,​VOut> RCollectionMapReduce<V,​KOut,​VOut> mapReduce()
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns RMapReduce object associated with this object
        Specified by:
        mapReduce in interface RSet<V>
        Type Parameters:
        KOut - output key
        VOut - output value
        MapReduce instance
      • tryAdd

        public boolean tryAdd​(V... values)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Tries to add elements only if none of them in set.
        Specified by:
        tryAdd in interface RSet<V>
        values - - values to add
        true if elements successfully added, otherwise false.
      • tryAddAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> tryAddAsync​(V... values)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Tries to add elements only if none of them in set.
        Specified by:
        tryAddAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        values - - values to add
        true if elements successfully added, otherwise false.
      • clearExpireAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> clearExpireAsync()
        Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
        Clear an expire timeout or expire date for object in async mode. Object will not be deleted.
        Specified by:
        clearExpireAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
        true if the timeout was cleared and false if not
      • remainTimeToLiveAsync

        public RFuture<Long> remainTimeToLiveAsync()
        Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
        Remaining time to live of Redisson object that has a timeout
        Specified by:
        remainTimeToLiveAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
        time in milliseconds -2 if the key does not exist. -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.
      • renamenxAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> renamenxAsync​(String newName)
        Description copied from interface: RObjectAsync
        Rename current object key to newName in async mode only if new key is not exists
        Specified by:
        renamenxAsync in interface RObjectAsync
        renamenxAsync in class RedissonObject
        newName - - new name of object
        true if object has been renamed successfully and false otherwise
      • containsAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> containsAsync​(Object o)
        Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
        Returns true if this collection contains encoded state of the specified element.
        Specified by:
        containsAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
        o - element whose presence in this collection is to be tested
        true if this collection contains the specified element and false otherwise
      • iterator

        public Iterator<V> iterator​(int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns elements iterator fetches elements in a batch. Batch size is defined by count param.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface RSet<V>
        count - - size of elements batch
      • iterator

        public Iterator<V> iterator​(String pattern)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns elements iterator. If pattern is not null then only elements match this pattern are loaded.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface RSet<V>
        pattern - - search pattern
      • distributedIterator

        public Iterator<V> distributedIterator​(String pattern)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns iterator over elements that match specified pattern. Iterator can be shared across multiple applications. Creating multiple iterators on the same object with this method will result in a single shared iterator. See RSet.distributedIterator(String, String, int) for creating different iterators.
        Specified by:
        distributedIterator in interface RSet<V>
        pattern - element pattern
        shared elements iterator
      • distributedIterator

        public Iterator<V> distributedIterator​(int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns element iterator that can be shared across multiple applications. Creating multiple iterators on the same object with this method will result in a single shared iterator. See RSet.distributedIterator(String, String, int) for creating different iterators.
        Specified by:
        distributedIterator in interface RSet<V>
        count - batch size
        shared elements iterator
      • distributedIterator

        public Iterator<V> distributedIterator​(String iteratorName,
                                               String pattern,
                                               int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns iterator over elements that match specified pattern. Iterator can be shared across multiple applications. Creating multiple iterators on the same object with this method will result in a single shared iterator. Iterator name must be resolved to the same hash slot as set name.
        Specified by:
        distributedIterator in interface RSet<V>
        iteratorName - redis object name to which cursor will be saved
        pattern - element pattern
        count - batch size
        shared elements iterator
      • iterator

        public Iterator<V> iterator​(String pattern,
                                    int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns elements iterator fetches elements in a batch. Batch size is defined by count param. If pattern is not null then only elements match this pattern are loaded.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface RSet<V>
        pattern - - search pattern
        count - - size of elements batch
      • readAll

        public Set<V> readAll()
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Read all elements at once
        Specified by:
        readAll in interface RSet<V>
      • add

        public boolean add​(V e)
        Specified by:
        add in interface Collection<V>
        Specified by:
        add in interface Set<V>
      • addAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> addAsync​(V e)
        Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
        Adds element into this collection.
        Specified by:
        addAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
        e - - element to add
        true if an element was added and false if it is already present
      • removeRandom

        public V removeRandom()
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Removes and returns random element
        Specified by:
        removeRandom in interface RSet<V>
        random element
      • removeRandomAsync

        public RFuture<V> removeRandomAsync()
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Removes and returns random element from set in async mode
        Specified by:
        removeRandomAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
      • removeRandom

        public Set<V> removeRandom​(int amount)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Removes and returns random elements limited by amount
        Specified by:
        removeRandom in interface RSet<V>
        amount - of random elements
        random elements
      • removeRandomAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> removeRandomAsync​(int amount)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Removes and returns random elements from set in async mode
        Specified by:
        removeRandomAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        amount - of random values
        random values
      • random

        public V random()
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns random element
        Specified by:
        random in interface RSet<V>
        random element
      • randomAsync

        public RFuture<V> randomAsync()
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Returns random element from set in async mode
        Specified by:
        randomAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
      • random

        public Set<V> random​(int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns random elements from set limited by count
        Specified by:
        random in interface RSet<V>
        count - - values amount to return
        random elements
      • randomAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> randomAsync​(int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Returns random elements from set limited by count
        Specified by:
        randomAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        count - - values amount to return
      • removeAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> removeAsync​(Object o)
        Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
        Removes a single instance of the specified element from this collection, if it is present.
        Specified by:
        removeAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
        o - element to be removed from this collection, if present
        true if an element was removed as a result of this call
      • moveAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> moveAsync​(String destination,
                                          V member)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Move a member from this set to the given destination set in async mode.
        Specified by:
        moveAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        destination - the destination set
        member - the member to move
        true if the element is moved, false if the element is not a member of this set or no operation was performed
      • move

        public boolean move​(String destination,
                            V member)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Move a member from this set to the given destination set in.
        Specified by:
        move in interface RSet<V>
        destination - the destination set
        member - the member to move
        true if the element is moved, false if the element is not a member of this set or no operation was performed
      • containsAllAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> containsAllAsync​(Collection<?> c)
        Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
        Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
        Specified by:
        containsAllAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
        c - collection to be checked for containment in this collection
        true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection
      • addAllAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> addAllAsync​(Collection<? extends V> c)
        Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
        Adds all elements contained in the specified collection
        Specified by:
        addAllAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
        c - - collection of elements to add
        true if at least one element was added and false if all elements are already present
      • addAllCountedAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> addAllCountedAsync​(Collection<? extends V> c)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Adds all elements contained in the specified collection. Returns number of added elements.
        Specified by:
        addAllCountedAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        c - - collection of elements to add
        number of added elements
      • addAllCounted

        public int addAllCounted​(Collection<? extends V> c)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Adds all elements contained in the specified collection. Returns number of added elements.
        Specified by:
        addAllCounted in interface RSet<V>
        c - - collection of elements to add
        number of added elements
      • removeAllCounted

        public int removeAllCounted​(Collection<? extends V> c)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Removes all elements contained in the specified collection. Returns number of removed elements.
        Specified by:
        removeAllCounted in interface RSet<V>
        c - - collection of elements to add
        number of removed elements
      • removeAllCountedAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> removeAllCountedAsync​(Collection<? extends V> c)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Removes all elements contained in the specified collection. Returns number of removed elements.
        Specified by:
        removeAllCountedAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        c - - collection of elements to add
        number of removed elements
      • retainAllAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> retainAllAsync​(Collection<?> c)
        Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
        Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection.
        Specified by:
        retainAllAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
        c - collection containing elements to be retained in this collection
        true if this collection changed as a result of the call
      • removeAllAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> removeAllAsync​(Collection<?> c)
        Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
        Removes all of this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection.
        Specified by:
        removeAllAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
        c - collection containing elements to be removed from this collection
        true if this collection changed as a result of the call
      • getCountDownLatch

        public RCountDownLatch getCountDownLatch​(V value)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns RCountDownLatch instance associated with value
        Specified by:
        getCountDownLatch in interface RSet<V>
        value - - set value
        RCountDownLatch object
      • getPermitExpirableSemaphore

        public RPermitExpirableSemaphore getPermitExpirableSemaphore​(V value)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns RPermitExpirableSemaphore instance associated with value
        Specified by:
        getPermitExpirableSemaphore in interface RSet<V>
        value - - set value
        RPermitExpirableSemaphore object
      • getSemaphore

        public RSemaphore getSemaphore​(V value)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns RSemaphore instance associated with value
        Specified by:
        getSemaphore in interface RSet<V>
        value - - set value
        RSemaphore object
      • getFairLock

        public RLock getFairLock​(V value)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns RLock instance associated with value
        Specified by:
        getFairLock in interface RSet<V>
        value - - set value
        RLock object
      • getReadWriteLock

        public RReadWriteLock getReadWriteLock​(V value)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns RReadWriteLock instance associated with value
        Specified by:
        getReadWriteLock in interface RSet<V>
        value - - set value
        RReadWriteLock object
      • getLock

        public RLock getLock​(V value)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns lock instance associated with value
        Specified by:
        getLock in interface RSet<V>
        value - - set value
        RLock object
      • union

        public int union​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Union sets specified by name and write to current set. If current set already exists, it is overwritten.
        Specified by:
        union in interface RSet<V>
        names - - name of sets
        size of union
      • unionAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> unionAsync​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Union sets specified by name and write to current set. If current set already exists, it is overwritten.
        Specified by:
        unionAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        names - - name of sets
        size of union
      • readUnion

        public Set<V> readUnion​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Union sets specified by name with current set without current set state change.
        Specified by:
        readUnion in interface RSet<V>
        names - - name of sets
      • readUnionAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> readUnionAsync​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Union sets specified by name with current set. Without current set state change.
        Specified by:
        readUnionAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        names - - name of sets
      • diff

        public int diff​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Diff sets specified by name and write to current set. If current set already exists, it is overwritten.
        Specified by:
        diff in interface RSet<V>
        names - - name of sets
      • diffAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> diffAsync​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Diff sets specified by name and write to current set. If current set already exists, it is overwritten.
        Specified by:
        diffAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        names - - name of sets
        size of diff
      • readDiff

        public Set<V> readDiff​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Diff sets specified by name with current set. Without current set state change.
        Specified by:
        readDiff in interface RSet<V>
        names - - name of sets
      • readDiffAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> readDiffAsync​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Diff sets specified by name with current set. Without current set state change.
        Specified by:
        readDiffAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        names - - name of sets
      • intersection

        public int intersection​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Intersection sets specified by name and write to current set. If current set already exists, it is overwritten.
        Specified by:
        intersection in interface RSet<V>
        names - - name of sets
        size of intersection
      • intersectionAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> intersectionAsync​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Intersection sets specified by name and write to current set. If current set already exists, it is overwritten.
        Specified by:
        intersectionAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        names - - name of sets
        size of intersection
      • readIntersection

        public Set<V> readIntersection​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Intersection sets specified by name with current set without current set state change.
        Specified by:
        readIntersection in interface RSet<V>
        names - - name of sets
      • readIntersectionAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> readIntersectionAsync​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Intersection sets specified by name with current set. Without current set state change.
        Specified by:
        readIntersectionAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        names - - name of sets
      • countIntersection

        public Integer countIntersection​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Counts elements of set as a result of sets intersection with current set.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        countIntersection in interface RSet<V>
        names - - name of sets
        amount of elements
      • countIntersectionAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> countIntersectionAsync​(String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Counts elements of set as a result of sets intersection with current set.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        countIntersectionAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        names - - name of sets
        amount of elements
      • countIntersection

        public Integer countIntersection​(int limit,
                                         String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Counts elements of set as a result of sets intersection with current set.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        countIntersection in interface RSet<V>
        limit - - sets intersection limit
        names - - name of sets
        amount of elements
      • countIntersectionAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> countIntersectionAsync​(int limit,
                                                       String... names)
        Description copied from interface: RSetAsync
        Counts elements of set as a result of sets intersection with current set.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        countIntersectionAsync in interface RSetAsync<V>
        limit - - sets intersection limit
        names - - name of sets
        amount of elements
      • readSort

        public Set<V> readSort​(SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSort in interface RSortable<V>
        order - for sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSortAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> readSortAsync​(SortOrder order,
                                             int offset,
                                             int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSortAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSort

        public Set<V> readSort​(SortOrder order,
                               int offset,
                               int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSort in interface RSortable<V>
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSort

        public Set<V> readSort​(String byPattern,
                               SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSort in interface RSortable<V>
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSortAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> readSortAsync​(String byPattern,
                                             SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSortAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSort

        public Set<V> readSort​(String byPattern,
                               SortOrder order,
                               int offset,
                               int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSort in interface RSortable<V>
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSortAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> readSortAsync​(String byPattern,
                                             SortOrder order,
                                             int offset,
                                             int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSortAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSort

        public <T> Collection<T> readSort​(String byPattern,
                                          List<String> getPatterns,
                                          SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSort in interface RSortable<V>
        Type Parameters:
        T - object type
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSortAsync

        public <T> RFuture<Collection<T>> readSortAsync​(String byPattern,
                                                        List<String> getPatterns,
                                                        SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSortAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        Type Parameters:
        T - object type
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSort

        public <T> Collection<T> readSort​(String byPattern,
                                          List<String> getPatterns,
                                          SortOrder order,
                                          int offset,
                                          int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSort in interface RSortable<V>
        Type Parameters:
        T - object type
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSortAsync

        public <T> RFuture<Collection<T>> readSortAsync​(String byPattern,
                                                        List<String> getPatterns,
                                                        SortOrder order,
                                                        int offset,
                                                        int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Read data in sorted view
        Specified by:
        readSortAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        Type Parameters:
        T - object type
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection
      • readSortAlpha

        public Set<V> readSortAlpha​(SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlpha in interface RSortable<V>
        order - for sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • readSortAlpha

        public Set<V> readSortAlpha​(SortOrder order,
                                    int offset,
                                    int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlpha in interface RSortable<V>
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • readSortAlpha

        public Set<V> readSortAlpha​(String byPattern,
                                    SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlpha in interface RSortable<V>
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • readSortAlpha

        public Set<V> readSortAlpha​(String byPattern,
                                    SortOrder order,
                                    int offset,
                                    int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlpha in interface RSortable<V>
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • readSortAlpha

        public <T> Collection<T> readSortAlpha​(String byPattern,
                                               List<String> getPatterns,
                                               SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlpha in interface RSortable<V>
        Type Parameters:
        T - object type
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • readSortAlpha

        public <T> Collection<T> readSortAlpha​(String byPattern,
                                               List<String> getPatterns,
                                               SortOrder order,
                                               int offset,
                                               int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlpha in interface RSortable<V>
        Type Parameters:
        T - object type
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • readSortAlphaAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> readSortAlphaAsync​(SortOrder order,
                                                  int offset,
                                                  int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlphaAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • readSortAlphaAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> readSortAlphaAsync​(String byPattern,
                                                  SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlphaAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • readSortAlphaAsync

        public RFuture<Set<V>> readSortAlphaAsync​(String byPattern,
                                                  SortOrder order,
                                                  int offset,
                                                  int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlphaAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • readSortAlphaAsync

        public <T> RFuture<Collection<T>> readSortAlphaAsync​(String byPattern,
                                                             List<String> getPatterns,
                                                             SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlphaAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        Type Parameters:
        T - object type
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • readSortAlphaAsync

        public <T> RFuture<Collection<T>> readSortAlphaAsync​(String byPattern,
                                                             List<String> getPatterns,
                                                             SortOrder order,
                                                             int offset,
                                                             int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Read data in sorted view lexicographically
        Specified by:
        readSortAlphaAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        Type Parameters:
        T - object type
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        sorted collection lexicographically
      • sortTo

        public int sortTo​(String destName,
                          SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortTo in interface RSortable<V>
        destName - list object destination
        order - for sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • sortTo

        public int sortTo​(String destName,
                          SortOrder order,
                          int offset,
                          int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortTo in interface RSortable<V>
        destName - list object destination
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • sortToAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> sortToAsync​(String destName,
                                            SortOrder order,
                                            int offset,
                                            int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortToAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        destName - list object destination
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • sortTo

        public int sortTo​(String destName,
                          String byPattern,
                          SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortTo in interface RSortable<V>
        destName - list object destination
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • sortToAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> sortToAsync​(String destName,
                                            String byPattern,
                                            SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortToAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        destName - list object destination
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • sortTo

        public int sortTo​(String destName,
                          String byPattern,
                          SortOrder order,
                          int offset,
                          int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortTo in interface RSortable<V>
        destName - list object destination
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • sortToAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> sortToAsync​(String destName,
                                            String byPattern,
                                            SortOrder order,
                                            int offset,
                                            int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortToAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        destName - list object destination
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • sortTo

        public int sortTo​(String destName,
                          String byPattern,
                          List<String> getPatterns,
                          SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortTo in interface RSortable<V>
        destName - list object destination
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • sortToAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> sortToAsync​(String destName,
                                            String byPattern,
                                            List<String> getPatterns,
                                            SortOrder order)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortToAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        destName - list object destination
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • sortTo

        public int sortTo​(String destName,
                          String byPattern,
                          List<String> getPatterns,
                          SortOrder order,
                          int offset,
                          int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortable
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortTo in interface RSortable<V>
        destName - list object destination
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • sortToAsync

        public RFuture<Integer> sortToAsync​(String destName,
                                            String byPattern,
                                            List<String> getPatterns,
                                            SortOrder order,
                                            int offset,
                                            int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSortableAsync
        Sort data and store to destName list
        Specified by:
        sortToAsync in interface RSortableAsync<V>
        destName - list object destination
        byPattern - that is used to generate the keys that are used for sorting
        getPatterns - that is used to load values by keys in sorted view
        order - for sorted data
        offset - of sorted data
        count - of sorted data
        length of sorted data
      • stream

        public Stream<V> stream​(int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns stream of elements fetches elements in a batch. Batch size is defined by count param.
        Specified by:
        stream in interface RSet<V>
        count - - size of elements batch
        stream of elements
      • stream

        public Stream<V> stream​(String pattern,
                                int count)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns stream of elements fetches elements in a batch. Batch size is defined by count param. If pattern is not null then only elements match this pattern are loaded.
        Specified by:
        stream in interface RSet<V>
        pattern - - search pattern
        count - - size of elements batch
        stream of elements
      • stream

        public Stream<V> stream​(String pattern)
        Description copied from interface: RSet
        Returns stream of elements. If pattern is not null then only elements match this pattern are loaded.
        Specified by:
        stream in interface RSet<V>
        pattern - - search pattern
        stream of elements
      • expire

        public boolean expire​(long timeToLive,
                              TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Specified by:
        expire in interface RExpirable
        timeToLive - - timeout before object will be deleted
        timeUnit - - timeout time unit
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireAt

        public boolean expireAt​(long timestamp)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Specified by:
        expireAt in interface RExpirable
        timestamp - - expire date in milliseconds (Unix timestamp)
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expire

        public boolean expire​(Instant instant)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Sets an expiration date for this object. When expire date comes the key will automatically be deleted.
        Specified by:
        expire in interface RExpirable
        instant - expire date
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireIfSet

        public boolean expireIfSet​(Instant time)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Sets an expiration date for this object only if it has been already set. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        expireIfSet in interface RExpirable
        time - expire date
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireIfNotSet

        public boolean expireIfNotSet​(Instant time)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Sets an expiration date for this object only if it hasn't been set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        expireIfNotSet in interface RExpirable
        time - expire date
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireIfGreater

        public boolean expireIfGreater​(Instant time)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Sets an expiration date for this object only if it's greater than expiration date set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        expireIfGreater in interface RExpirable
        time - expire date
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireIfLess

        public boolean expireIfLess​(Instant time)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Sets an expiration date for this object only if it's less than expiration date set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        expireIfLess in interface RExpirable
        time - expire date
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> expireAsync​(Instant instant)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
        Set an expire date for object. When expire date comes the key will automatically be deleted.
        Specified by:
        expireAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
        instant - - expire date
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expire

        public boolean expire​(Duration duration)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Sets a timeout for this object. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.
        Specified by:
        expire in interface RExpirable
        duration - timeout before object will be deleted
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireAsync

        public RFuture<Boolean> expireAsync​(Duration duration)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
        Set a timeout for object. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.
        Specified by:
        expireAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
        duration - timeout before object will be deleted
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireIfSet

        public boolean expireIfSet​(Duration duration)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Sets a timeout for this object only if it has been already set. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        expireIfSet in interface RExpirable
        duration - timeout before object will be deleted
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireIfNotSet

        public boolean expireIfNotSet​(Duration duration)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Sets a timeout for this object only if it hasn't been set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        expireIfNotSet in interface RExpirable
        duration - timeout before object will be deleted
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireIfGreater

        public boolean expireIfGreater​(Duration duration)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Sets a timeout for this object only if it's greater than timeout set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        expireIfGreater in interface RExpirable
        duration - timeout before object will be deleted
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • expireIfLess

        public boolean expireIfLess​(Duration duration)
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Sets a timeout for this object only if it's less than timeout set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        expireIfLess in interface RExpirable
        duration - timeout before object will be deleted
        true if the timeout was set and false if not
      • clearExpire

        public boolean clearExpire()
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Clear an expire timeout or expire date for object.
        Specified by:
        clearExpire in interface RExpirable
        true if timeout was removed false if object does not exist or does not have an associated timeout
      • remainTimeToLive

        public long remainTimeToLive()
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Remaining time to live of Redisson object that has a timeout
        Specified by:
        remainTimeToLive in interface RExpirable
        time in milliseconds -2 if the key does not exist. -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.
      • getExpireTime

        public long getExpireTime()
        Description copied from interface: RExpirable
        Expiration time of Redisson object that has a timeout

        Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

        Specified by:
        getExpireTime in interface RExpirable
        expiration time