Package org.redisson.api
Interface RPriorityQueue<V>
- Type Parameters:
- value type
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
Redis based priority deque.
- Author:
- Nikita Koksharov
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionComparator
<? super V> Returns comparator used by this queuepollLastAndOfferFirstTo
(String queueName) Retrieves and removes last available tail element of this queue queue and adds it at the head ofqueueName
Returns all queue elements at onceboolean
(Comparator<? super V> comparator) Sets new comparator only if current set is emptyMethods inherited from interface java.util.Collection
addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, iterator, parallelStream, remove, removeAll, removeIf, retainAll, size, spliterator, stream, toArray, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RCollectionAsync
addAllAsync, addAsync, containsAllAsync, containsAsync, removeAllAsync, removeAsync, retainAllAsync, sizeAsync
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RExpirable
clearExpire, expire, expire, expire, expireAt, expireAt, expireIfGreater, expireIfGreater, expireIfLess, expireIfLess, expireIfNotSet, expireIfNotSet, expireIfSet, expireIfSet, getExpireTime, remainTimeToLive
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RExpirableAsync
clearExpireAsync, expireAsync, expireAsync, expireAsync, expireAtAsync, expireAtAsync, expireIfGreaterAsync, expireIfGreaterAsync, expireIfLessAsync, expireIfLessAsync, expireIfNotSetAsync, expireIfNotSetAsync, expireIfSetAsync, expireIfSetAsync, getExpireTimeAsync, remainTimeToLiveAsync
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RObject
copy, delete, dump, getCodec, getIdleTime, getName, isExists, migrate, move, removeListener, rename, renamenx, restore, restore, restoreAndReplace, restoreAndReplace, sizeInMemory, touch, unlink
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RObjectAsync
copyAsync, deleteAsync, dumpAsync, getIdleTimeAsync, isExistsAsync, migrateAsync, moveAsync, removeListenerAsync, renameAsync, renamenxAsync, restoreAndReplaceAsync, restoreAndReplaceAsync, restoreAsync, restoreAsync, sizeInMemoryAsync, touchAsync, unlinkAsync
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RQueue
addListener, poll
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RQueueAsync
addListenerAsync, offerAsync, peekAsync, pollAsync, pollAsync, pollLastAndOfferFirstToAsync, readAllAsync
Method Details
Comparator<? super V> comparator()Returns comparator used by this queue- Returns:
- comparator object
Returns all queue elements at once -
Retrieves and removes last available tail element of this queue queue and adds it at the head ofqueueName
.- Specified by:
in interfaceRQueue<V>
- Parameters:
- - names of destination queue- Returns:
- the tail of this queue, or
if the specified waiting time elapses before an element is available
Sets new comparator only if current set is empty- Parameters:
- for values- Returns:
if new comparator settedfalse