Interface RCollectionAsync<V>

Type Parameters:
V - type of value
All Superinterfaces:
RExpirableAsync, RObjectAsync
All Known Subinterfaces:
RBlockingDeque<V>, RBlockingDequeAsync<V>, RBlockingQueue<V>, RBlockingQueueAsync<V>, RBoundedBlockingQueue<V>, RBoundedBlockingQueueAsync<V>, RDelayedQueue<V>, RDeque<V>, RDequeAsync<V>, RLexSortedSet, RLexSortedSetAsync, RList<V>, RListAsync<V>, RPriorityBlockingDeque<V>, RPriorityBlockingQueue<V>, RPriorityDeque<V>, RPriorityQueue<V>, RQueue<V>, RQueueAsync<V>, RRingBuffer<V>, RRingBufferAsync<V>, RSet<V>, RSetAsync<V>, RSetCache<V>, RSetCacheAsync<V>, RTransferQueue<V>, RTransferQueueAsync<V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
RedissonBlockingDeque, RedissonBlockingQueue, RedissonBoundedBlockingQueue, RedissonDelayedQueue, RedissonDeque, RedissonLexSortedSet, RedissonList, RedissonListMultimapValues, RedissonPriorityBlockingDeque, RedissonPriorityBlockingQueue, RedissonPriorityDeque, RedissonPriorityQueue, RedissonQueue, RedissonRingBuffer, RedissonSet, RedissonSetCache, RedissonSetMultimapValues, RedissonSubList, RedissonTransactionalSet, RedissonTransactionalSetCache, RedissonTransferQueue

public interface RCollectionAsync<V> extends RExpirableAsync
Common async interface for collection object
Nikita Koksharov
  • Method Details

    • retainAllAsync

      RFuture<Boolean> retainAllAsync(Collection<?> c)
      Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection.
      c - collection containing elements to be retained in this collection
      true if this collection changed as a result of the call
    • removeAllAsync

      RFuture<Boolean> removeAllAsync(Collection<?> c)
      Removes all of this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection.
      c - collection containing elements to be removed from this collection
      true if this collection changed as a result of the call
    • containsAsync

      RFuture<Boolean> containsAsync(Object o)
      Returns true if this collection contains encoded state of the specified element.
      o - element whose presence in this collection is to be tested
      true if this collection contains the specified element and false otherwise
    • containsAllAsync

      RFuture<Boolean> containsAllAsync(Collection<?> c)
      Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
      c - collection to be checked for containment in this collection
      true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection
    • removeAsync

      RFuture<Boolean> removeAsync(Object o)
      Removes a single instance of the specified element from this collection, if it is present.
      o - element to be removed from this collection, if present
      true if an element was removed as a result of this call
    • sizeAsync

      RFuture<Integer> sizeAsync()
      Returns number of elements in this collection.
      size of collection
    • addAsync

      RFuture<Boolean> addAsync(V e)
      Adds element into this collection.
      e - - element to add
      true if an element was added and false if it is already present
    • addAllAsync

      RFuture<Boolean> addAllAsync(Collection<? extends V> c)
      Adds all elements contained in the specified collection
      c - - collection of elements to add
      true if at least one element was added and false if all elements are already present