Package org.redisson.api
Interface RLocalCachedMap<K,V>
- Type Parameters:
- map keyV
- map value
- All Superinterfaces:
,V> Map<K,
,V> RDestroyable
,V> RMapAsync<K,
,V> RObject
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
Map object with local entry cache support.
Each instance maintains local cache to achieve fast read operations. Suitable for maps which used mostly for read operations and network roundtrip delays are undesirable.
- Author:
- Nikita Koksharov
Nested Class Summary
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(ObjectListener listener) Adds local cache event listenerReturns all map entries stored in local cacheReturns all keys stored in local cacheReturns all values stored in local cachevoid
Clears local cache across all instancesClears local cache across all instancesReturns state of local cachevoid
Pre-warm the cached entries.void
(int count) Pre-warm the cached entries.Methods inherited from interface java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap
compute, computeIfAbsent, computeIfPresent, forEach, getOrDefault, merge, replaceAll
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RDestroyable
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RExpirable
clearExpire, expire, expire, expire, expireAt, expireAt, expireIfGreater, expireIfGreater, expireIfLess, expireIfLess, expireIfNotSet, expireIfNotSet, expireIfSet, expireIfSet, getExpireTime, remainTimeToLive
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RExpirableAsync
clearExpireAsync, expireAsync, expireAsync, expireAsync, expireAtAsync, expireAtAsync, expireIfGreaterAsync, expireIfGreaterAsync, expireIfLessAsync, expireIfLessAsync, expireIfNotSetAsync, expireIfNotSetAsync, expireIfSetAsync, expireIfSetAsync, getExpireTimeAsync, remainTimeToLiveAsync
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RMap
addAndGet, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, entrySet, entrySet, entrySet, fastPut, fastPutIfAbsent, fastPutIfExists, fastRemove, fastReplace, get, getAll, getCountDownLatch, getFairLock, getLock, getPermitExpirableSemaphore, getReadWriteLock, getSemaphore, keySet, keySet, keySet, keySet, loadAll, loadAll, mapReduce, put, putAll, putAll, putIfAbsent, putIfExists, randomEntries, randomKeys, readAllEntrySet, readAllKeySet, readAllMap, readAllValues, remove, remove, replace, replace, values, values, values, values, valueSize
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RMapAsync
addAndGetAsync, addListenerAsync, clearAsync, computeAsync, computeIfAbsentAsync, computeIfPresentAsync, containsKeyAsync, containsValueAsync, fastPutAsync, fastPutIfAbsentAsync, fastPutIfExistsAsync, fastRemoveAsync, fastReplaceAsync, getAllAsync, getAsync, loadAllAsync, loadAllAsync, mergeAsync, putAllAsync, putAllAsync, putAsync, putIfAbsentAsync, putIfExistsAsync, randomEntriesAsync, randomKeysAsync, readAllEntrySetAsync, readAllKeySetAsync, readAllMapAsync, readAllValuesAsync, removeAsync, removeAsync, replaceAsync, replaceAsync, sizeAsync, valueSizeAsync
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RObject
copy, copy, copy, copyAndReplace, copyAndReplace, delete, dump, getCodec, getIdleTime, getName, isExists, migrate, move, removeListener, rename, renamenx, restore, restore, restoreAndReplace, restoreAndReplace, sizeInMemory, touch, unlink
Methods inherited from interface org.redisson.api.RObjectAsync
copyAndReplaceAsync, copyAndReplaceAsync, copyAsync, copyAsync, copyAsync, deleteAsync, dumpAsync, getIdleTimeAsync, isExistsAsync, migrateAsync, moveAsync, removeListenerAsync, renameAsync, renamenxAsync, restoreAndReplaceAsync, restoreAndReplaceAsync, restoreAsync, restoreAsync, sizeInMemoryAsync, touchAsync, unlinkAsync
Method Details
void preloadCache()Pre-warm the cached entries. Not guaranteed to load ALL values, but statistically will preload approximately all (all if no concurrent mutating activity). Entries are loaded in a batch with size of 10 elements. -
void preloadCache(int count) Pre-warm the cached entries. Not guaranteed to load ALL values, but statistically will preload approximately all (all if no concurrent mutating activity) Entries are loaded in a batch. Batch size is defined bycount
param.- Parameters:
- - size of batch
Clears local cache across all instances- Returns:
- void
void clearLocalCache()Clears local cache across all instances -
Returns all keys stored in local cache- Returns:
- keys
Collection<V> cachedValues()Returns all values stored in local cache- Returns:
- values
Returns all map entries stored in local cache- Returns:
- entries
Returns state of local cache- Returns:
- map
Adds local cache event listener- Specified by:
in interfaceRMap<K,
V> - Specified by:
in interfaceRObject
- Parameters:
- - local cache event listener- Returns:
- listener id
- See Also: