- the type of elements held in this collectionpublic interface RBoundedBlockingQueue<V> extends RBlockingQueue<V>, RBoundedBlockingQueueAsync<V>
backed by RedisModifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
trySetCapacity(int capacity)
Sets queue capacity only if it is not set before.
pollFromAny, pollLastAndOfferFirstTo, takeLastAndOfferFirstTo
add, contains, drainTo, drainTo, offer, offer, poll, put, remainingCapacity, remove, take
pollLastAndOfferFirstTo, readAll
addAll, clear, containsAll, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, iterator, parallelStream, removeAll, removeIf, retainAll, size, spliterator, stream, toArray, toArray
clearExpire, expire, expireAt, expireAt, remainTimeToLive
copy, delete, getCodec, getName, isExists, migrate, move, rename, renamenx, touch, unlink
offerAsync, trySetCapacityAsync
drainToAsync, drainToAsync, pollAsync, pollFromAnyAsync, pollLastAndOfferFirstToAsync, putAsync, takeAsync, takeLastAndOfferFirstToAsync
offerAsync, peekAsync, pollAsync, pollLastAndOfferFirstToAsync, readAllAsync
addAllAsync, addAsync, containsAllAsync, containsAsync, removeAllAsync, removeAsync, retainAllAsync, sizeAsync
clearExpireAsync, expireAsync, expireAtAsync, expireAtAsync, remainTimeToLiveAsync
copyAsync, deleteAsync, isExistsAsync, migrateAsync, moveAsync, renameAsync, renamenxAsync, touchAsync, unlinkAsync
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