Enum SamplingRate

    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final SamplingRate TELEPHONE
        8,000 Hz: Adequate for human speech but without sibilance. Used in telephone/walkie-talkie.
      • LOWEST_PCM

        public static final SamplingRate LOWEST_PCM
        11,025 Hz Used for lower-quality PCM, MPEG audio and for audio analysis of subwoofer bandpasses.

        public static final SamplingRate VOICE_OVER_IP
        16,000 Hz: Used in most VoIP and VVoIP, extension of telephone narrowband.
      • LOW_PCM

        public static final SamplingRate LOW_PCM
        22,050 Hz: Used for lower-quality PCM and MPEG audio and for audio analysis of low frequency energy.
      • AUDIO_CD

        public static final SamplingRate AUDIO_CD
        44,100 Hz: Audio CD, most commonly used rate with MPEG-1 audio (VCD, SVCD, MP3). Covers the 20 kHz bandwidth.

        public static final SamplingRate PROFESSIONAL
        48,000 Hz: Standard sampling rate used by professional digital video equipment, could reconstruct frequencies up to 22 kHz.

        public static final SamplingRate HIGHER_PROFESSIONAL
        88,200 Hz: Used by some professional recording equipment when the destination is CD, such as mixers, EQs, compressors, reverb, crossovers and recording devices.
      • DVD_AUDIO

        public static final SamplingRate DVD_AUDIO
        96,000 Hz: DVD-Audio, LPCM DVD tracks, Blu-ray audio tracks, HD DVD audio tracks.
      • HDC

        public static final SamplingRate HDC
        176,400 Hz: Used in HDCD recorders and other professional applications for CD production.

        public static final SamplingRate HIGH_PROFESSIONAL
        192,000 Hz: Used with audio on professional video equipment. DVD-Audio, LPCM DVD tracks, Blu-ray audio tracks, HD DVD audio tracks.
      • EXTREME

        public static final SamplingRate EXTREME
        352,800 Hz Digital eXtreme Definition. Used for recording and editing Super Audio CDs.
      • HIGHEST

        public static final SamplingRate HIGHEST
        384,000 Hz: Highest sample rate available for common software. Allows for precise peak detection.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static SamplingRate[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (SamplingRate c : SamplingRate.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static SamplingRate valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getSamplesPerSecond

        public int getSamplesPerSecond()
        Returns the sampling rate in samples per second.
        The samples per second for this SamplingRate.
      • getLowestSamplingRate

        public static SamplingRate getLowestSamplingRate()
        Retrieves the lowest sampling rate.
        The lowest sampling rate.
      • getHigestSamplingRate

        public static SamplingRate getHigestSamplingRate()
        Retrieves the highest sampling rate.
        The highest sampling rate.
      • getNextHigherSamplingRate

        public SamplingRate getNextHigherSamplingRate()
        Retrieves the next higher sampling rate or null if it is already the highest sampling rate.
        The next higher sampling rate or null if already the highest sampling rate.
      • getPreviousLowerSamplingRate

        public SamplingRate getPreviousLowerSamplingRate()
        Retrieves the previous lower sampling rate or null if it is already the lowest sampling rate.
        The previous lower sampling rate or null if already the lowest sampling rate.