Interface MonoSampleWriter<B extends MonoSampleWriter<B>>

Type Parameters:
B - The MonoSampleWriter implementing this MonoSampleWriter.
All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable,<MonoSample>, SampleWriter<MonoSample,B>, SamplingRateAccessor, SamplingRateAccessor.SamplingRateBuilder<B>, SamplingRateAccessor.SamplingRateMutator, SamplingRateAccessor.SamplingRateProperty
All Known Implementing Classes:
CsvMonoSampleWriter, LineOutMonoSampleWriter, SvgMonoSampleWriter, WavMonoSampleWriter

public interface MonoSampleWriter<B extends MonoSampleWriter<B>> extends SampleWriter<MonoSample,B>
The MonoSampleWriter writes sound samples to a stream or a file.
  • Method Details

    • writeNext

      void writeNext(double aSample) throws IOException
      Writes the next samples, one sample for each channel. Provide one sample for mono audio, two samples for stereo audio and so on. In case you provide more or less samples than channels being supported by the writer, then it is up to the writer whether to duplicate the samples or calculate an average or the like.
      aSample - The samples, one for each channel.
      IOException - thrown in case writing the sample caused an I/O related problem.