Interface BidirectionalConnectionOpenable.BidirectionalConnectionOpenAutomaton<INPUT,OUTPUT>

Type Parameters:
INPUT - The type of the input connection to be used.
OUTPUT - The type of the output connection to be used.
All Superinterfaces:
BidirectionalConnectionOpenable<INPUT,OUTPUT>, OpenedAccessor
All Known Subinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface BidirectionalConnectionOpenable.BidirectionalConnectionOpenAutomaton<INPUT,OUTPUT> extends BidirectionalConnectionOpenable<INPUT,OUTPUT>, OpenedAccessor
The BidirectionalConnectionOpenable.BidirectionalConnectionOpenAutomaton interface defines those methods related to the opening of connection(s) life-cycle. The semantics of this interface is very similar to that of the Configurable.ConfigureAutomaton interface. To clarify the context regarding connections, the BidirectionalConnectionOpenable.BidirectionalConnectionOpenAutomaton interface has been introduced.
  • Method Details

    • isOpenable

      boolean isOpenable(INPUT aInputConnection, OUTPUT aOutputConnection)
      Determines whether the given connection may get opened, if true then component may open a connection with the given connection via the, Object) method. Usually no physical connection is established; usually criteria describing the provided connection are evaluated; for example the connection is tested against a black list, a white list or against well-formedness or whether the specified protocols are supported (in case of a connection being a String URL beginning with "http://", "ftp://" or similar). --------------------------------------------------------------------- CAUTION: Even in case true is returned, the actual opening of a connection may fail (e.g. due to network failure or authentication issues). ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      aInputConnection - The input connection used for opening the connection.
      aOutputConnection - The output connection used for opening the connection.
      True if, Object) is theoretically possible.