Interface ConnectionComponent<CON>

Type Parameters:
CON - The type of the connection to be used.
All Superinterfaces:
Closable, ConnectionOpenable<CON>
All Known Subinterfaces:
ComponentComposite.ExtendedComponentComposite<CTX,CON>, ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton<CON>, ConnectionComponent.ConnectionComponentBuilder<CON,B>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractComponentComposite.ExtendedCompositeComponentImpl, ConnectionAutomatonImpl

public interface ConnectionComponent<CON> extends ConnectionOpenable<CON>, Closable
A component implementing the ConnectionComponent interface supports a connection. I.e. such a component may be instructed open or close a connection: "open" - "close" In case no connection is to be provided to the method (as it may have been passed via the constructor), you may use the LinkComponent interface with its method, which does not require any arguments specifying a connection.